Limited Run Luke V2 Builder's Kit update post 64

Thank you, I'm real happy with how it turned out. I think it might actually be my favorite in my collection.

Now I just gotta figure out how I'm going to display it, I don't have a lot of room for displays in my one bedroom apartment
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I know I'm quite late to the party, but I've been going back and forth since you first opened the run list, and I can't say no to this one.

If there's still one available:

Sign me up for one!
Thank you! I love it more every time I look at it. I got into this hobby last year and this is the fifth lightsaber I've built, sixth I've acquired counting the second Graflex top I bought on the cheap to finish my vintage, and if it's not my favorite it's definitely the one I'm proudest of.

And one more picture, with gaffer's tape:

Thank you! I love it more every time I look at it. I got into this hobby last year and this is the fifth lightsaber I've built, sixth I've acquired counting the second Graflex top I bought on the cheap to finish my vintage, and if it's not my favorite it's definitely the one I'm proudest of.

And one more picture, with gaffer's tape:

View attachment 846059

Love the cat clock!

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lol, my girlfriend's mom got it for me a while back, they were on vacation somewhere and thought it would be perfect (I'm a cat person and have two, so they were not wrong). So now I have three clocks in my kitchen all literally within 3 feet of each other
Nice job!

I painted mine freehand, as well.

Of course mine is an older unibody version.

Although I changed that this evening!

It took forever to part off the pommel, but it was well worth it. Next I parted the emitter, chopped a couple short lengths of 5/16" rod, and voila, I've got an adjustable three piece hilt!

I'm gonna have to repaint and re-blacken the booster section, but I'm happy with it.
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Man, I missed out on another one of Dan’s runs?? I really need to check this forum more often. It sounds like this would’ve been the perfect kit to do the V2/V3 hybrid I’ve wanted to do for so long.

Congrats to you guys who picked one up!
Man, I missed out on another one of Dan’s runs?? I really need to check this forum more often. It sounds like this would’ve been the perfect kit to do the V2/V3 hybrid I’ve wanted to do for so long.

Congrats to you guys who picked one up!

Have you tried messaging him? Last I knew there was still more kits available?

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