Licensed Pulse Rifle pre-order

Something on your mind there Art?


Yeah... I guess so... I don't want to be ugly and maybe I am just not seeing it correctly due to the slight variations in angle... but to me, the rifle that we got from you is closer to the original than the HCG...

Again, maybe I am just not seeing it correctly, but there seems to be something off in the height of the carry handle on the HCG... like it is too tall or something.

Now I will be the FIRST to admit I am not a Pulse Rifle expert and I am sure there are variations between the movies and all of that... but my ultimate question is if they used measurements off an original, why isn't their product looking more like the original? Am I just missing something?

I was initially thinking we would get the HCG, cannibalize it, the gun we got from you, and Frankenstein them together with some original found parts and sell off the rest, but now... I am not even sure I want the HCG because while I love the idea of the metal shrouds... on initial glance the shape seems to be a bit off.

Any chance of taking a side by side shot with one of your models?
Art... There in lies the trouble with matching screen used guns. They are all different in their own way, if you diodn't know the aluminum shrouds for the hero guns were all hand hammered aluminum. As such each one has minute differences from the other. The original gun in the pic you provided was not the one we patterned from.

HCG owns one of the hero guns, all the dimensions came directly form it.
The same speculations could be made comparing three screen used guns.

The HCG shrouds differ from mine in a number of ways and yes it is a matter of how the pictures appear... angle lighting etc.

The HCG shrouds are wider, shorter and not quite as long as mine, the mag well is almost a good half inch more forward, the chamfer around the GL trigger is deeper.
The mag base is thinner, and the forward section of the carry handle is shaped differently and angled back more. There is less of it sticking out the back and the rear straps are narrower.

I'm not sure what posting side by sides with it and my guns will achieve really.

No one is trying to pull a fast one if that's what you are thinking. If the new shrouds can be faulted at all they are a bit too clean compared to the original hand hammered pieces. To be honest if we replicated the HCG gun directly from a hero gun it would look pretty shabby.

No one is trying to pull a fast one if that's what you are thinking. If the new shrouds can be faulted at all they are a bit too clean compared to the original hand hammered pieces. To be honest if we replicated the HCG gun directly from a hero gun it would look pretty shabby.


Definitely don't want to imply or make anyone think that I believe HCG is doing anything underhanded at all. I was just surprised to see what seems to me to be certain traits on the originals, even the crappy copies from Aliens 3... and to see those traits be closely mimiced on your gun, yet seem to be different on the HCG.

Again, we have already paid for our HCG so it is pretty much coming regardless, but I was hoping (and am still hoping) their shrouds are the shrouds to end all shrouds and am just a little disappointed (maybe inappropriately so) that upon initial comparison, the sleak look of the carry handle I have come to associate with the originals doesn't seem to be on the HCG. I would be VERY happy to be wrong... just my initial thoughts.
I fully recognise that there is a chance that some peoople will find fault no matter what... All I can say is that I hope you are not inconsolably disapointed.

This is the last production prototype, I'm giving the ok with a few small revisions and it's full speed ahead...

Matt, I cannot stop staring in awe at those photos. It's beautiful and stunning. This has been my holy grail prop for nigh on 20 years. A big thank you to you and to everyone at HCG for making this happen. Can't wait to have this mounted in my collection.

How easy will it be to swap out the resin Thompson parts for the metal version? Also how about a real Spas cage for the one provided?

I have to agree with everything art said , also i think there is something wrong with the angle of the pistol grip, and the ammo window , but the bottom line is you will never make everybody happy . im sure if matt worsdell signs off on it then it is the closest possible reproduction we will ever see.
The PR looks awesome and actually much closer to the screen-used one in proportions than I've seen before. Definitely looking forward to this.
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