Licensed Pulse Rifle pre-order

Perhaps the angle of the two pix I took is throwing people off? Also the sharper radii of the edges is changing the look of the piece.

I'm sad to say that whatever misgivings anyone has with the shroud whole or in part will have to ride. The tooling has been made and production has begun, reworking them would be impractical.

If HCG wishes to post pix of his gun that's up to him.

I "think", it's actualy the third pic in the row Art posted... not positive.

The second one by the way is a vac form... and thus inadmissable. :)

One difference I'm seeing is that the HCG seems to have a thicker, softer trigger guard than the others, both screen used and just about any replica I've seen.

(Just a observance... as I too am very anxiously awaiting mine!)
The Thompson trigger guard they sent was 'mushy' we sent that back for revision as well. I was far les lenient on the thompson and SPAS bits... those are real world parts and are not open to interpretation... I got your backs gents dont worry.

Joetrash could you explain what that means? I'm not with you.


The whole area around the trigger:


Again, not making any judgments or criticisms, just noticing the possible difference. The trigger on the replica (left) also seems to have more of a curvature. (Maybe Matt includes this area as part of the "grip"?)

I would have though people on the RPF would know by now that pictures can be very misleading.

I'm also of the opinion with Matuso involved with it, that it will be the best Pulse Rifle for under $4000.00 that you can buy, if you can even find one of his or an SD Studio's for sale.

There is also a very easy solution to any problems you may think you see, if you don't like it, don't buy it. At least wait until you can see better pictures of the final production model or see it in person before you start trashing it.
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I really can't believe some of the things I'm reading. I would have though people on the RPF would know by now that pictures can be very misleading.

Indeed. But this IS the RPF- the place where the grainiest and blurriest of photos of props get discussed and over-analyzed in excruciating detail, mostly not out of a desire to complain but for the sake of interest.

All I can see is more or less universal praise for what Matt and HCG are going to accomplish with this release. Certainly, with a replica of this high cost, some might exhibit a little reserved caution but the overall tone is still very positive. Much more so than in many old threads where, for example, MR or QMx had products under discussion.

When it finally arrives, we're going to see even more discussion on how it differs from other PRs. General consensus is still that this is going to be one hell of a replica.:thumbsup

(Oh, and thanks for the info on the trigger guard Matt. Never had any doubts... just curious.)
My two cents /Penny's worth over the shroud grip area-
Having built a hollow shroud from scratch myself- remember that material has to be drawn down into the area inside the radius that the handle forms in that area.
The tighter the radius ( lower the handle) the less material there is to form into and inside the shape.
To get a really tight curve would simply cause the aluminium to split as it is pressed into the return (creates the return/ depth of the handle)
There is certainly a minimum depth to that radius which enables manufacture without ending up with incredibly thin aluminium int that area.
To me, it looks like you guys are going to get an amazing replica- and as each of the original guns were hand made- there will naturally be discrepancies between each of them, and what HCG have achieved- which doesn't make them inaccuracies.

It looks amazing, respect (and jealousy) to Matsuo. ;-)
Hi Matsuo,

This is my first RPF post, so please don't hate me for pointing out another inaccuracy, and I hope my noob status doesn't earn me a reprise, but I've been following this thread religiously since I'm on the hook for one Brown Bess, and I'm grateful for your posting of the artist proof or first article or whatever state of production the HGC Pulse Rifle has been disclosed thus far and for your expert artisan insights.

Please use an objective eye and tell me if I'm full of crap or have a valid constructive critique here concerning the vertical bent section on the end of the shoulder stock - check out the right hand column for easier comparisons:


I'll shut up now. :)

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As others have said, the hero shrouds were handmade - none of the Pulse Rifles were really an exact match for one another.

Here's a photo of what I think may be a stunt PR:

I think he was referring to the wraparound sides of the vertical portion of the buttstock being thicker looking on the HCG. The angles of the photos are different and that may have a bearing on the visual interpretation.
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