Jackieisrockin's IM3 Iron Patriot Pepakura Files! V2 files coming soon!

Hey all,

It has been a while since i have been on this thread. I have seen a lot of great work on the IP build. It has been about 7 months since i finished my IP. Now that all hollows eve it nearing, im thinking of revisiting my suit. I was not very happy with the way mine came out. Even though it was my first build ever, there is a lot i had to rush through to finish it in time for PAX East. I figure i can tweak some parts now for Halloween, and then by work on a much improved suit for PAX East 2014!.

For starters, and just a little tease for everyone here, myself and therealstark had designed a board for the arc reactor in the IP suit. It is just like all the others ones that he had made for the Warmachine 2.0 Arc Reactor, but with some revisions on it. Here are some pics of the board. All in all it the electronics to put on the custom board is under $50. After i make the first one, and if all goes well. i will make these on demand for who ever wants one. Since i finally finished up school this week, and my next Bachelor's degree im going for is all online, i will have bookoo time to put into this IP MKII of mine. Anyway, enough rambling, here are the pics.

Arc Reactor diagram.JPGArcReactorBoard.pngIMG_20130928_213944_328.jpgCapture.PNG

One of the cool features in this bad boy is a UniBeam blast. I know that IP in the IM3 movie did not use it, and we don't even know if he has this ability, but i put it in there to use. The read strip that detects a magnet to set it off is detachable. Meaning, you can externally wire the read strip to be accessible from anywhere in the suit making it easier and customizable to use. My idea was to have it mounted within the glove, then all i have to do is press a magnet on my finger to the tip of one of the fingers in the glove, and boom.

There is another way to go, and i just might do it. Sparkfun has a new product that uses sensors that detect impulse from the human body. This can be used to place sensors on the back, and then when you flex your back muscles to push out your chest, it would trigger the UniBeam to fire. Just a thought.
Can any one tell me what program on my Mac i need to open these files i downlowded them but i cant open them because i dont have any program that will open them
Can any one tell me what program on my Mac i need to open these files i downlowded them but i cant open them because i dont have any program that will open them

The Pepakura software is not supported on the Mac operating systems. As far as I know, you would need a PC emulator to run the Pep software, or have someone convert the scaled .pdo files to PDF and then print them out.
hey guys, I haven't posted on this thread yet, but I have been lurking around on here for some time now. I have been working on my own Iron Patriot pepakura, fiberglass, bodyfiller costume.

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I am getting close to completing this. my goal is to have it finished by Halloween. although, I am running into a few problems.
Helmet : im lost on how to get the faceplate hinged right. is the hinge the same for an iron man helmet ? it looks like the opening angle needs to be different.
Torso: Complete, just need to finish some detail work and paint
Abs and Cod Piece: its a tight fit, I can barely squeeze into it, but once im in, it fits. so im thinking about cutting it in half and doing a hinge latch set up. (which I did a hinge latch set up on the torso.) another thought is just to remake this piece out of foam for more flexibility. not sure.
Shoulders: Done, just need more sanding paint and mount to the torso
Biceps: They seem to big, they wont fit into the shoulder pieces. so I am going to remake these out of foam. using foam for these since I have done other armor and the biceps always want to seem to slide down even with foam. foam will make thim lighter and have a better fit.
Elbows: just need to sand and paint
Forearms: Done, just need paint
Thighs: need to apply bodyfiller, sand, paint
Shins: Done just need to paint
Boots: haven't even started them !
Neck : will make out of foam, haven't started
Gloves: going to use the ones I made from my ironman costume
Cannon : I have the mount built to the torso, I have an electric motor with remote to control it, I am going to build the cannon out of foam to keep it light weight for the motor.

- - - Updated - - -

to my problem areas: helmet, abs, cod, biceps any suggestions , comments, or ideas would be a big help !

What type of foam do you guys use and where do you get it in the U.S.?
well now im getting somewhere ! got some more sanding done on the abs and codpiece. put a light coat of primer on it just to see how it looks. im glad everything fits up and lines together. I even extended the side "air intakes vents" to make them look more realistic. the way they came out from just doing the pep seems a little to small to me.





also to keelanmasterson, this is not a foam build. its a fiberglass build. but when I built my last iron man I used EVA foam which is the floor mats that look like puzzle pieces, you can get at a menards, farm and fleet, home depot, any hardware/construction type of store.
ok I took a daring step today, I hope it works out. I cut the abs and cod piece in half down the sides. I plan on putting 2 buckles on each side. I am going to rivet the buckles on . that way it will be a lot easier to take on and off. I just hope the buckle Idea works.
here is some pics of the abs cut in half, and I have attached the buckles today. just got some small screws, nuts, and washers, I couldn't find the right size rivets, which this works better. its actually really easy to put on and take off. I know its not movie accurate, but sometimes you have to lose a little accuracy to make it more wearable .


I know there are Lefts but is there any files for the rights? like the right arm components there are the files to build the left but no right

Hey everyone!

Ever since this past IM3 trailer was released, I started to love the new Iron Patriot (War Machine) suit more and more. So after figuring out how to do it and gathering all of the pictures i could find, i decided to start making the new War Machine's pep files for everyone!

Some reference shots i used for most of the parts
View attachment 122606 View attachment 122607

All V1 Files Are Finished

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone out there who helped me through this it means a lot! If i forgot to mention anyone down below, please let me know to include you. Thank you all! :D

Link- Iron Patriot Helmet modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion links:
Foam conversion by IronLeoMan- Iron Patriot Helmet modeled by Jackieisrockin FOAM conversion by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Helmet by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron(good scale) V2.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Foam conversion by ironmaided (Paint detailed foam edit)- IRON PATRIOT Helmet by Jackieisrockin PAINT DETAILED FOAM EDIT by ironmaided .pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download - Reginald Daylusan

Link (Collapsable Neck)- Iron Patriot Collapsable Neck modeled by Jackeisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Link (Solid Neck)- Iron Patriot Solid Neck modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link (IronLeoMan):
Solid Neck- Iron Patriot Solid Neck modeled by Jackieisrockin FOAM coversion by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion links (Gaiatron):
Collapsable Neck- Iron Patriot Neck by Jackeisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Shoulder Cannon V2 (Modeled by Laellee):
Link- IP CannonV2P cannon assembly june5 update modeled by laellee(2) (Password protected. PM Laellee for password)

View attachment 143041

Foam conversion link
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Ironpatriot CannonV2 cannon by laellee foam template by gaiatron - Download - 4shared

Upper Torso:
Link- iron patriot upper torso modeled by jackieisrockin and unfolded by ironleoman.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion links
Foam conversion by IronLeoMan- iron patriot upper torso foam conversion by ironleoman.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- IM3 Iron Patriot Upper Torso FOAM conversion by Gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Chest Star by Ladman- IP_Chest_Star - Download - 4shared - Thaddeus Ladzinski

Link- Iron Patriot Shoulder modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link:
iron patriot shoulder modeled and foam conversion by jackieisrockin - Download - 4shared

Left Bicep:
Link- Iron Patriot Left Bicep modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link
Foam conversion by Gaiatron
Iron Patriot Left Bicep by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Link- Iron Patriot Elbow modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan - Download - 4shared

Foam conversion link
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Elbow by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron - Download - 4shared

Left Forearm:
Link- Iron Patriot Left Forearm modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan - Download - 4shared

Foam conversion links
Foam conversion by STEALTH- Iron Patriot Left Forearm modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan - Foam mod - STEALTH - Download - 4shared

Foam conversion by Gaiatron- iron patriot left forearm by jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron - Download - 4shared

Link- Iron Patriot Handplate modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan - Download - 4shared

Foam conversion link
Foam conversion by Ironmaided- Iron Patriot Handplate modeled by Jackieisrockin FOAM by ironmaided - Download - 4shared - Reginald Daylusan

Lower Torso:
Link- iron patriot lower torso modeled by jackieisrockin unfolded by ironleoman.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion links
Foam conversion by IronLeoMan- iron patriot lower torso modeled by jackieisrockin foam version unfolded by ironleoman.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Lower Torso by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Hip Plates:
Link: Iron Patriot Hip Plates modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link:
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Hip Plates by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Inner Armor:
Link-View attachment 138900

Link: Iron Patriot Thigh modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link:
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Thigh by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Link: Iron Patriot Shin modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link:
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Shin modeled by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Link- Iron Patriot Left Boot (Original Models by Zabana and Darkside 501st) modified by Jackieisrockin unfolded by Irongatsu - Download - 4shared

Foam Conversion link:
Iron Patriot Left Boot (Original Models by Zabana and Darkside 501st) modified by Jackieisrockin - Download - 4shared

View attachment 141965
View attachment 141964

Default scale (425.232765) is for a 6' 9.6" tall person

Here are Teragon's Eye and Arc reactor 3D models that are ready for 3D printing. The only thing you have to do before 3D printing any of the files is to make sure the file is scaled to fit in your own personal Iron Patriot suit :) If not, youll have to scale it to fit :)
Iron patriot eye.blend (not scaled)
eyeleft.obj (not scaled)
eyeright.obj (not scaled)

Arc Reactor


Now i would personally like to thank all of the people who have helped out with this project:

-IronLeoMan and Gaiatron for the great unfolding of these files
-IMIM2 and Helagak for the awesome and very helpful advice when it comes to blender and modeling
-Ironmaided for his helmet foam conversion (paint detail foam edit) and handplate foam conversion
-Laellee for his GREAT shoulder cannon file
-Ruze789 for the great help with the helmet 3D problems.
-STEALTH for his forearm foam conversion
-Irongatsu for his unfolding of the boot
-Ladman for the great Chest Star file
-and Teragon for his great Arc Reactor and Eye 3D models
Thanks a lot for everything, you guys, it means a lot! :)

If anyone would like to donate for my work, it would be greatly appreciated :D
Here is my paypal: davegrohlrockssocks@live.com
Thank you very much for all of your support it means a lot :)

Now keep in mind. I dont have too many reference pictures to work with and it could be that later on as better pictures and videos are released, my files may not be as screen accurate as they can be, so i may have to go back later on and fix up the 3D models to be more accurate, but ill do my best for now :)

- - - Updated - - -

I know there are Lefts but is there any files for the rights? like the right arm components there are the files to build the left but no right

Hey everyone!

Ever since this past IM3 trailer was released, I started to love the new Iron Patriot (War Machine) suit more and more. So after figuring out how to do it and gathering all of the pictures i could find, i decided to start making the new War Machine's pep files for everyone!

Some reference shots i used for most of the parts
View attachment 122606 View attachment 122607

All V1 Files Are Finished

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone out there who helped me through this it means a lot! If i forgot to mention anyone down below, please let me know to include you. Thank you all! :D

Link- Iron Patriot Helmet modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion links:
Foam conversion by IronLeoMan- Iron Patriot Helmet modeled by Jackieisrockin FOAM conversion by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Helmet by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron(good scale) V2.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Foam conversion by ironmaided (Paint detailed foam edit)- IRON PATRIOT Helmet by Jackieisrockin PAINT DETAILED FOAM EDIT by ironmaided .pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download - Reginald Daylusan

Link (Collapsable Neck)- Iron Patriot Collapsable Neck modeled by Jackeisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Link (Solid Neck)- Iron Patriot Solid Neck modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link (IronLeoMan):
Solid Neck- Iron Patriot Solid Neck modeled by Jackieisrockin FOAM coversion by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion links (Gaiatron):
Collapsable Neck- Iron Patriot Neck by Jackeisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Shoulder Cannon V2 (Modeled by Laellee):
Link- http://www.mediafire.com/download/xw1cguwdjcuvgjw/IP_CannonV2P_cannon_assembly_june5_update_modeled_by_laellee%282%29.pdo (Password protected. PM Laellee for password)

View attachment 143041

Foam conversion link
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Ironpatriot CannonV2 cannon by laellee foam template by gaiatron - Download - 4shared

Upper Torso:
Link- iron patriot upper torso modeled by jackieisrockin and unfolded by ironleoman.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion links
Foam conversion by IronLeoMan- iron patriot upper torso foam conversion by ironleoman.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- IM3 Iron Patriot Upper Torso FOAM conversion by Gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Chest Star by Ladman- IP_Chest_Star - Download - 4shared - Thaddeus Ladzinski

Link- Iron Patriot Shoulder modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link:
iron patriot shoulder modeled and foam conversion by jackieisrockin - Download - 4shared

Left Bicep:
Link- Iron Patriot Left Bicep modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link
Foam conversion by Gaiatron
Iron Patriot Left Bicep by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Link- Iron Patriot Elbow modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan - Download - 4shared

Foam conversion link
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Elbow by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron - Download - 4shared

Left Forearm:
Link- Iron Patriot Left Forearm modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan - Download - 4shared

Foam conversion links
Foam conversion by STEALTH- Iron Patriot Left Forearm modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan - Foam mod - STEALTH - Download - 4shared

Foam conversion by Gaiatron- iron patriot left forearm by jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron - Download - 4shared

Link- Iron Patriot Handplate modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan - Download - 4shared

Foam conversion link
Foam conversion by Ironmaided- Iron Patriot Handplate modeled by Jackieisrockin FOAM by ironmaided - Download - 4shared - Reginald Daylusan

Lower Torso:
Link- iron patriot lower torso modeled by jackieisrockin unfolded by ironleoman.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion links
Foam conversion by IronLeoMan- iron patriot lower torso modeled by jackieisrockin foam version unfolded by ironleoman.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Lower Torso by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Hip Plates:
Link: Iron Patriot Hip Plates modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link:
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Hip Plates by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Inner Armor:
Link-View attachment 138900

Link: Iron Patriot Thigh modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link:
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Thigh by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Link: Iron Patriot Shin modeled by Jackieisrockin unfolded by IronLeoMan.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Foam conversion link:
Foam conversion by Gaiatron- Iron Patriot Shin modeled by Jackieisrockin foam template by gaiatron.pdo - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download

Link- Iron Patriot Left Boot (Original Models by Zabana and Darkside 501st) modified by Jackieisrockin unfolded by Irongatsu - Download - 4shared

Foam Conversion link:
Iron Patriot Left Boot (Original Models by Zabana and Darkside 501st) modified by Jackieisrockin - Download - 4shared

View attachment 141965
View attachment 141964

Default scale (425.232765) is for a 6' 9.6" tall person

Here are Teragon's Eye and Arc reactor 3D models that are ready for 3D printing. The only thing you have to do before 3D printing any of the files is to make sure the file is scaled to fit in your own personal Iron Patriot suit :) If not, youll have to scale it to fit :)
Iron patriot eye.blend (not scaled)
eyeleft.obj (not scaled)
eyeright.obj (not scaled)

Arc Reactor


Now i would personally like to thank all of the people who have helped out with this project:

-IronLeoMan and Gaiatron for the great unfolding of these files
-IMIM2 and Helagak for the awesome and very helpful advice when it comes to blender and modeling
-Ironmaided for his helmet foam conversion (paint detail foam edit) and handplate foam conversion
-Laellee for his GREAT shoulder cannon file
-Ruze789 for the great help with the helmet 3D problems.
-STEALTH for his forearm foam conversion
-Irongatsu for his unfolding of the boot
-Ladman for the great Chest Star file
-and Teragon for his great Arc Reactor and Eye 3D models
Thanks a lot for everything, you guys, it means a lot! :)

If anyone would like to donate for my work, it would be greatly appreciated :D
Here is my paypal: davegrohlrockssocks@live.com
Thank you very much for all of your support it means a lot :)

Now keep in mind. I dont have too many reference pictures to work with and it could be that later on as better pictures and videos are released, my files may not be as screen accurate as they can be, so i may have to go back later on and fix up the 3D models to be more accurate, but ill do my best for now :)
ok I plan on working on the boots next. I see they are in a smaller scale (332.774273) when I open them up in pepakura. so far I have scaled everything at 387 , should I continue to do this with the boots ?
Last edited:
ok I just read , ealier in the post its ok to have the boots scaled down from the shin. so I will go with the default scale of the boots at 332.774273, just for the sake that there will be no pieces that are bigger than 1 sheet of paper. I have smaller feet so it should be ok. I just know I want to have a few coats of resin and fiberglass on these to make them strong and rigid, because I know they will get beat up from the shins resting on them.
ok I just read , ealier in the post its ok to have the boots scaled down from the shin. so I will go with the default scale of the boots at 332.774273, just for the sake that there will be no pieces that are bigger than 1 sheet of paper. I have smaller feet so it should be ok. I just know I want to have a few coats of resin and fiberglass on these to make them strong and rigid, because I know they will get beat up from the shins resting on them.

I would open the boot in Pepakura and get a measurement from front to back with the point-to-point measure tool. 332 is a pretty big jump down, I'd guess you want at least 1" (25.4 mm) of space between the heel and toe walls and your shoe length to account for finishing and wall thickness. The scale can vary quite a bit between the boot and the shin, but you don't want to be building a boot that's not going to fit you. I've done that. It sucks. :lol
well im almost done with one boot in the pep stage. what I ended up doing was using a foam template version of the pep file. I knew that was close to the right size I needed, and plus its more of a simple piece to put together, however I had to free hand a lot of the edges and detail since paper doesn't have the thickness of foam. I think its turning out alright.



- - - Updated - - -

now are people making the upper part of the boot , attached to the lower part of the boot ? is it hinged or anything ?
Just a silly question
I'm absolutely new to this Forum and to the Papakura costumebuilding.

I just downloaded the files from the first site (thanks a lot for the work) and wanted to start with 'em.
All the assymetrical parts are for the left side. (like the arms, thighs, shins etc.)
How can I change them for the right side?

I'm making it with paper, not Foam
Just a silly question
I'm absolutely new to this Forum and to the Papakura costumebuilding.

I just downloaded the files from the first site (thanks a lot for the work) and wanted to start with 'em.
All the assymetrical parts are for the left side. (like the arms, thighs, shins etc.)
How can I change them for the right side?

I'm making it with paper, not Foam

Use the mirror inversion option in Pepakura.
having some slight problems with the boots and ankle pieces. at first I made them one piece (boot and ankle together) I tried it on, and nothing seem to fit right with the shin. plus it made the shin sit way to high . so I did some trimming to the top of the ankle, and also cut the ankle off the boot, test fitted again, and it looks better, also have more mobility. after doing some research, I have decided to mount the ankle piece on the shin, and have the front of the ankle be a moving part , so it will bend with my foot. basically what this guy did in this video : Fan Made IRON MAN MARK 6 - Costume Overview - Pre-Suit Up - Delray aka BlackDynamo1 - YouTube
i will get some pics on here when i get it done. man Halloween is going to come quick !
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