Jack Sparrow Project

Jorge Maldonado

Active Member
Ok I'm a begginer so if you have some heads up, i'm all ears


Re: Jack Sparrow Proyect

What exactly are you looking to do? More info needed.
Re: Jack Sparrow Proyect

Not bad at all! The eyes are a lil disturbing, but these things often are before they're finished. Looks great! :p

Looking forward to seeing more!
Re: Jack Sparrow Proyect

Cruel to be kind.

At the moment it resembles a face, nobody's face in particular, sorry.

You need to sort out the upper width of the head, the jaw line angle and depth.
The brow line and upper eyelid needs more meat (see pic).
The left side of his mouth looks like he has an absess.
I could go on.

Your best bet is to get a few images of depp out of character.
Draw a grid over a few of these images (say 4x6) and then study what you see in each individual box.

Sculpt depp first, then just throw a wig and a goatie on and you'll have Jack.:thumbsup
Re: Jack Sparrow Proyect

Thanks for being specific!! that's what i'm looking for, some advice, help of any kind, I'm no scultor but I have to make this look ok hehehe

Cruel to be kind.

At the moment it resembles a face, nobody's face in particular, sorry.

You need to sort out the upper width of the head, the jaw line angle and depth.
The brow line and upper eyelid needs more meat (see pic).
The left side of his mouth looks like he has an absess.
I could go on.

Your best bet is to get a few images of depp out of character.
Draw a grid over a few of these images (say 4x6) and then study what you see in each individual box.

Sculpt depp first, then just throw a wig and a goatie on and you'll have Jack.:thumbsup
Re: Jack Sparrow Proyect

WOW!!! My old wig! Awesome to see it was put to good use, looks great in the photos if I say so myself!!