Sr Member
Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the scales were for the various AT-ATs made? I know they made a large one for the "falling down" bits but am interested to learn it's size and scale (1/24, 35, ect.)


PS Steve, hows the AT-AT revisited project coming? Would love to see pictures!
I'm not sure about what the scales were..I'd have to look that up in the Chronicals book,or in an old Cinefex issue to see if they say anything...but I think they used 3 different sizes(scales)...a really tiny one...roughly an inch in height,another about 18-24 inches in height...and then a large 3-4ft scale in height for crashing/toppling and for pyrotechnics.Im not sure if there were others used..probably were,but i dont rember.

No, you are correct. Three sizes were all and the Chronicles book does give the dimensions but never scale information. I think it's probably gonna kill me but the big one is something I think I'm going to tackle after the AT-ST. It's going to cost me a fortune in both time and money, but it must be done! I know people who've built the 18 incher, and one guy who did a large one for his action figures, but the proportion were a lot like the Kenner toy (he must've referenced that). Anyone with photos of the large AT-AT? Usually the one seen in the travelling exhibits is the fallen one. HELP!

Hey Nathan....looks like you have yur hands full!Its tough to decide what ships/vehicals to do first.There are so many,but ya gottta do 1 at a time.I did look in the Chronicals and all that was given were dimensions,no you are correct.If ya know the math conversion,you could get a scale from it......but why bother unless you really want to know?I seem to remember some time ago a calculator offered in an advertisement in Fine Scale Modeler&other modeling magazines that would do scale conversions for you by just plugging in numbers.
On a second note......and maybe Mark F. can help?I am exhausting my search for more/better reference pictures for current/future projects.I have 2 Chronicals books(1 in Japanese I bought years ago,Art of Star Wars books,Star Wars to Indiana Jones& a ships&vehicals book for reference).I was wondering where I could get more pics of the Falcon,and of the SlaveI?Tim's web page has pictures of his SlaveI project surrounded by really nice reference photos,and I was wonding if I could get/purchase any for the SlaveI pictures and more importantly,the Falcon if available?I cant find any Star Wars reference pictures on Chronicals has great pictures,but I need more info/input for drawing up prints....if anyone can help......I'd much appreciate it-John

The reason I am so concerned with the scale of vehicles is that I always do the interiors (with figures)and it's super cool to display them together and have the scales apply. I am a 1/24 scale buff, so it would be great if ILMs model was in this scale so I could maybe find many of the parts they used (this saves so much time and looks better). I will have a helluva lotta snowtroopers to cast as well, and if the scale is wrong, my interior will be rubbish. Kapeesh? As for the reference shots of the Slave, ect. (you should post that question on that thread) I really have no idea, but the Action Figure Archive book by Sansweet has a bitchin shot of its underside on page 69.

Thats cool nathan...I wish I could do something to help you more,but,I'd be grasping at straws.I think thats is awsome that you go the extra mile&install interiors for yur finished studio models..not many people will do that.If there is anything I can do to offer more help,by all means give me a holler,and I'll do the best I can.I wish ya all the luck,and maybe when ya get the chance...perhaps post some pics of yur projects either finished,or "in progress" pics..I'd really love to see them.Me on the other hand,I'm struggling with drawing acurate prints of the Falcon,my drafting skills shall we say are'nt as good as my building skills....go figure-LOL!Till next time,John
Well, I thought I'd dust this one off and bring it up to the front again since I'm working on an AT-AT myself.

First off I've started with a FANTASTIC! resin kit produced by a very talented fellow from the great white North. As I can never leave well enough alone I decided to use original kit bashed parts where I could and thus thought I'd toss a list on here for any future modelers that may want to take on this subject.

Here's a list of the donor kits that were used on the 24 x 53 x 48 cm version.

Tamiya - 1/35 Chieftain Mk.5
Tamiya - 1/35 T34/76 1942 Production Model
Tamiya - 1/35 German 20mm Flakvierling 38
Tamiya - 1/35 M-16 U.S. Multiple Gun Motor Carriage
Tamiya - 1/35 German 4-wheeled Armored Car Sd.Kfz.222
Airfix - 1/24 Harrier Jet
Airfix - 1/144 Apollo Saturn V Rocket

That's all I have for now. If I find other donor kits or if anyone else does, please chime in.


Is it just me or are there different versions of the walker in the same scale. For example the refernce pics I took at the MOM last summer look exacly like the pics on the starship modeler site. But if you look closely at that model there are a lot of differences wityh that model and the one most of us remeber, the head is a little bigger (both height and width), the lower portions of the legs have an angled cut when coming into the knee joint, the feet are bit "thicker", amogst other things. The model was approximately 20ish inches high which is about the same scale as I've heard talked about here, but there are a lot of details that are just plain different.

What do you guys think?

Jedi Dade
I'm building a AT-AT right now so I have spent the last months with my nose close to all the pics I could find. There simply isn't one walker that looks exactly like the other. Just look at the small side guns, they were very often differently detailed although built in the same scale. They were also differently painted, some have smooth finish while others have a much more textured surface.

Kinda makes it diffucult to say what a studio scale replica really is then isn't it. For example the SMT AT-AT took a lot of heat for being inaccurate - and it is I'm not going to defend that - but it is proportioanlly similar to "some" of the studio AT-ATs. I know that kind of stuff makes me think several times before I say something doesn't look the way it should.

Steve if you'd like the reference pics I took at the MOM in Brooklyn drop me an e-mail

Jedi Dade
Well, when you talk about the studio AT-AT's it can get tricky since there were so many different sizes used. Anywhere from a 1" model to a large section of an AT-AT's foot.

I personally like to stick the the 20" models and from the reference that I have, these were all proportionally the same. Mind you some of the details and paint may be slightly different but there's no mistaking that they look the same as I mentioned, "in proportion."

Here's a sample.



Edit: Oh! BTW here are some shots of one of my AT-AT's foot in progress.



Steve, it's a great kit, isn't it? I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's cool the way Ron made the ankles to be articulated! As you can probably see on mine, I'm adding Allen screws and such to make it look closer to the actual filming miniatures. As I also stated in the thread above, I'm replaceing some parts with actual kit bashed parts.

I replaced the whole butt end on the AT-AT so I'll take some pics of it so people can see what I did. I'll be posting them soon.

Yeah, it's very nice! What exact parts are you changing? I imagine the but armor plates, anything else? Isn't the kit to big for the original kit parts, or are you scratch building them yourself?

Looking good!

Steve, though the kit may be slightly taller I'm trying to fit some of the donor parts in where I can. Here are some of the ones I've been working on. There are still some parts I need to find in this area though.




I have to make a note on the butt part that you see above. Somehow the inside detail has been turn upside down since this model was filmed and thus why it's different now on display. I imagine that by removing this section somehow it may reveal one of the puppeteers mounting points. Just a thought.

Very nice! I'm also adding scratch built parts to mine but I'm not as hardcore as you though. Just using parts that I have laying around trying to replicate the over all look of the part I'm detailing. Looking forward to see more of your pics!

Echo, besides the German armored car what parts are the "but" built of? Do you think you'll be able to use it with this large kit? I'm really interested in building a new but piece, it think this part along with the side lasers are the kits weakest parts.

Any help is much apreciated!


These are the kits that have the donor parts to make a new butt.

Tamiya - 1/35 German 4-wheeled Armored Car Sd.Kfz.222 (TAM35051)


You will need the body to make the tub that you see above. You will have to modify it like ILM did to round off the bottom.

Tamiya - 1/35 Soviet T-34/76 1942 Tank (TAM35049)


You will need the upper section of the turret including the commanders hatch. You will also need one of the rear engine grills (the kit brings 2) and you will also need the inside part that attaches to the drivers hatch.

Tamiya - 1/35 British Chieftain Mk.V Tank (TAM3506


You will need a suspension section off this kit which is the "T" shaped part with the springs behind it that you see in the pic above.

There's a small grilled part I'm still looking for that is also added in th butt tub.

Hope this helps out.
