Ironman Costume for 5yr old - LINKS on PAGE 1 - tips & important bits

Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22-23

I'm blown away by this. Seriously. Not only did you create an amazing costume for your son, but the dedication you showed to your craft but above all- being an amazing parent by not forcing him to wear it etc...I can't tell you how awesome that is. You'll undoubtably pass your love of creativity onto him and for that I think is the best part of all. Can't wait until he starts posting on here!
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22-23

Your kid's outfit turned out very nice. You should be proud of what you accomplished. :D
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22-23

indie your IM build for your son is sick. Congrats on the completion. looks stellar.
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22

Here's one more picture from last night. Great picture by my friend Jim Rogers!

Hey! Its Iron Man Jr. I am thrilled to see mikey's armor done! great job indie, all dad's should be inspired to do something for their kids like this! My hat go off to you. :thumbsup Keep building! P.S. What's Next?
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22-23

well done! so sad to see it finished. i kept looking forward to the updates! Now I'll just go through withdraw... Great Job!!!!!!
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22

Here's one more picture from last night. Great picture by my friend Jim Rogers!


That is so cool! This pic makes me think of the Justice League cartoon episode :Kid's Stuff" where the JL got de-aged and were pint sized versions of themselves. Would be really cool to see your young Iron Man with a similar sized Captain America & Thor! :)
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22

That is so cool! This pic makes me think of the Justice League cartoon episode :Kid's Stuff" where the JL got de-aged and were pint sized versions of themselves. Would be really cool to see your young Iron Man with a similar sized Captain America & Thor! :)

Yeah, it might be cool to create a little 4-5 minute fan film with the little Ironman suit.

It would be really epic if we could create a scale model set based on the Ironman suit. If a full grown person wore a Hulk costume, you could probably make a pretty cool Hulk vs Ironman short film! :love
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22-23

Even though your project is done, I find myself constantly coming back just to admire your work :)
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - HALLOWEEN PICS pg22-23

I like Chibi-Ironman! And the Mini-me image is funny! :):thumbsup

Regarding durability... I've been asked how the foam armor holds up under wear and tear. My father was trick-or-treating with us last weekend and recorded lots of video. I'll try posting some of it when they send me some movie DVD's next week, but my dad has already posted one video I thought I'd share.

In this video, Mikey found a large pile of leaves and jumps right in. At first I was pretty horrified, but after his third jump into the leaves and a couple 'leave-angels', I figured he was having WAY too much fun to worry about the condition of the suit!

It held up very well - even in this borderline abusive situation. I had to pick some leaves out of some joints, and there were some normal surface scratches (that I would expect from normal wear), but all the hinges held, the foam didn't rip anywhere and the velcro attachment points all held.... I'd call that a successful design! :):thumbsup

NOTE: The audio seem to be messed up, but you still get the idea...

Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - Video pg23

Too funny!

It is awesome seeing kids being kids and just enjoying life! You did a remarkable job, sir! :thumbsup
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - Video pg23

HAHA.. love the vid.. wow your paint job looks amazing and durability perfect for your son
Re: Ironman Costume for 5yr old - Video pg23

Thanks for all the kind words and votes on the RPF Kids Costume Contest! There is NO bigger compliment possible than for my peers here on this forum voting for my work on Mikey's costume.

I'm very grateful, deeply touched and humbled by everything you have given me during this whole process.


On a related note, Mikey turned SIX today!!! So, Happy Birthday Michael! :):thumbsup
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