
Lady Kaizer

New Member
After some thought I felt this would be the best place to post this little 'quick-and-dirty' sketch for the female Huntress I'd really like to build in the near future, inspired by the work I've seen from everyone here! The hubby's even agreed to dress up as a (lucky/unlucky) FBI agent who unexpectedly crosses paths with her. Once I get around to actually sculpting/casting pieces, I'll mosey right on over to the Overall Work in Progress thread! :popcorn:
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Thanks for the support guys~! Been mulling over what kind of colors/patterns to give my currently unnamed Huntress - I've always been a big fan of the original Predator's coloring, and while I think a monochrome or albino-based scheme would be interesting, I think they've been done already. :popcorn:

I'll continue abusing Google for ideas and such, but any input or suggestions here are certainly more than welcome!
Thanks for the support guys~! Been mulling over what kind of colors/patterns to give my currently unnamed Huntress - I've always been a big fan of the original Predator's coloring, and while I think a monochrome or albino-based scheme would be interesting, I think they've been done already.

I'll continue abusing Google for ideas and such, but any input or suggestions here are certainly more than welcome!

Hmmm... I could be wrong, but I don't think an albino female's been done before.
Hmmm... I could be wrong, but I don't think an albino female's been done before.

If so, that's awesome - I found this gorgeous albino python picture and fell in love with it on the spot!

Instead of black dreads, she'd have light yellowish-tan ones, and reddish-pink eyes. I've decided she'll be a newly-Blooded Huntress, honing her skills while looking for worthy trophies - weapons of choice would be a matched pair of deadly swords for melee, along with a wrist-mounted crossbow and her plasmacaster for ranged attacks. Still working on a name that fits her. :)
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Two more sketches I did recently, and my shortie Albino Huntress has a name now - Little Ghost! I'll come up with a tribal spelling of it later.

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*warm fuzzies* I won't be able to work too much on Ghost's build right now, as I know my physique will change as I lose weight and get closer to my goal - hit the ten-pound mark today! 20 weeks to go!

However, I would like to try sculpting her head and bio for practice, and maybe even work with making some foamie test armor and her weapons. Never too early to start practicing!
Foamies aren't really a bad option. You can always coat them in resin, if you want. Personally, I prefer black ones so that if any paint chips, it just looks like battle damage, versus having to paint over wild colors. Same idea on using black resin. Just my two cents...

Looked into the South Beach Diet? I swear by it, along with weight-training, which burns calories all day long, versus only cardio, which only burns while you're doing the activity...)
Thanks for the advice, Darth! I was looking through the Huntorials the other day and saw Vinmanmac's templates, definitely going to give those a try - I really like the idea of black foamies and resin, since Ghost will have steel armor and not bronze. If you've heard of it, I'm on a program with Metabolic Research Center - just need to get myself on a regular gym schedule!
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