info on ST:TOS scratch build tricorder parts?


Sr Member

Scratch-building a ST:TOS tricorder is next on my list. Not going to be super anal about it, because it's going to be used "in the field" on Halloween, but I wanted to be reasonably accurate.

The Trek-specific boards get little traffic, so I came here.

The second-row buttons on the screen panel - are these the accepted part?

(See attachment)

Original Style Thunderjet Hubs (wheels)

I understand jeweled watch crowns were used for the buttons on the top row. Anyone have a source for those? Been searching for days with no success.

Many thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer!

Yup, those are the right parts for the control knobs.

I'm not sure if the right jewel hubs have been found, but I think a lot of people still use N-scale train wheel hubs for jewel bezels.
Thanks, WinstonWolf359.

I am finding 2 types of N scale train wheels - or more accurately, trucks, as the wheels do not come separate from the axles - scale 33" and 36".

Anyone out there know what's the more appropriate size?

And can you actually pry those wheels off the axles??

Thanks, scratch builders!

Here's a super duper close up of my Master Replicas tricorder... they got it right IMHO.


- k
Here's one of the better images from the show... this is actually a still frame of the prop before the screen image has been optically inserted.

Phase, thanks for chiming in.

Your contributions to the ST:TOS costume thread from some time ago were briliant. I'm still working thru the massive amount of info I got from that.

Super nice image of your MR tric. Those jeweled "watch crowns" - the buttons on the winding stem of a spring-wound watch - are turning out to be IM-POS-SI-BLE to find.

I have been trying to get my hands on an MR tricorder - unsuccessfully - for some time. Just can't afford the $600 they routinely command on eBay. Had one in my clutches tonite for $376, but got sniped with 2 seconds to go. How do they do that so fast?

So, the button search continues. I'm all for buying replica greeblies from anyone who might have them, but I'm a newbie and unable to post on the JY.

Thanks again.

**Whoa! Where do you get these images?? Brilliant!**
Thanks Rick^3!

"Watch crowns"? I hadn't heard that one. Those li'l guys are pretty tiny, are you sure that's what they are?

BTW as opposed to the rounded LEDs on the MR, the prop seems to have small glass "Swarovski" crystals similar to the ones on the Communicator. Perhaps they're the same size as the ones on some Phaser Ones.

Some later and rougher props have got "sewing pins" in place of the crystals. A prop like this is in the Seattle Sci Fi Experience Museum collection.


The early first season "working" props had flat grab handles... the later models have the familiar angled brackets (probably the same piece but reversed).


Thanks for the suggestion - been there, done that, too.

The guy who builds the all-wooden replicas is a maniac! I couldn't carve a wooden spoon!

I don't know all the protocols here yet - is it taboo to reference other boards? The single most useful info I got was from the photo a guy on another board took of his exploded MR tric.


PS - Mods, I'll take that link down if it's a no-no.
I recall a few years ago in a thread at the ASAP board that the bezels for the jewels were miniature phono jack plugs (I wish I had a better pic). These were the ones deemed the closest, if not identical:

I don't know if this info is still valid or not.

Hope I don't kill this one, Cheers!

Dave C
Y'all post so fast I can't keep up!

Yes, the top of a winding pin for an old watch. I have looked at many styles of the watch crowns - haven't found blue ones yet, but I've seen jeweled watch crowns that look just like the tric buttons. I'm ready to believe. Particularly compelling is that the watch crown crystals are sort of peaked like the MR replicas, not merely hemisperical the way most crystals are.

Yeah, that other tricorder - frequently referred to as the "wardrobe" tricorder, I understand! And those lower buttons - ack! What are those - bumpers from the bottom of someone's answering machine or something?

Coincidentally, I was at RS just tonite, looking mostly thru LED mounts! I'll have to go back and look at the other thing you suggest.

Another good argument for the watch crown idea - all watch crowns have those "coin edges" because you need that grip to wind the watch.

Thanks, all, for your contributions.

I suspect that if I nail the buttons, the rest of my tric will look crude by comparison! Oh, well, gotta start somewhere...
OK, dcarty, here's a better look at a couple RS jacks:

see attached

The phono jack bezell does indeed look really nice. I'm wondering if it won't be too big - I'll check my local RS tomorrow.

Great lead, thanks!

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Thanks - I did see your post at that other board when I was doing research. They look spot on, IMO.

But unfortunately you didn't mention where you found them, if any were still available, if you were selling some, or any further information, so that thread sort of dropped dead.

Anything more you'd be willing to share here?

The watch crowns that I have were found on ebay. There was a dealer selling vintage watch parts, mostly crystals, whom I had bought from before. I just checked and he does not have any for sale right now. He was selling them 5 or 6 at a time.

The ones posted above look good, but they're only drawings, and not vintage of course.

Sorry I can't help much more. Search under vintage/watch/crown/jewel/cabochon/ (spelling? on the last one) combinations. Sooner or later you'll see something that looks very familiar.

Not to diss your custom build, but just as an FYI, I believe it has been posted that John Long plans to offer his licensed version of the tricorder in the not-too-distant future -- perhaps a year after he gets his comm kit out, which is due out within next month or three....but this may be speculation on my behalf. However, his kits leave no detail uncovered, so you can bet that if he does release the tricorder, it will look like it walked off the original series set.

But, if you decide to build your own from scratch, more power to you! Love to see the final replica!