Indept pic and review of eFX stormtrooper helmet

Looks gorgeous. I have high hopes for this company -- hopefully, we'll see the Fraking BSG Helmets they teased at us, too!
Looks gorgeous. I have high hopes for this company -- hopefully, we'll see the Fraking BSG Helmets they teased at us, too!

Is that the new series or the classic ?
Didn't MR announce they were going to be making a classic cylon and viper helmet last year ?
I'm just wondering if eFX picked those up from MR aswell as the SW stuff.
New stuff it looks like. And if IronFist's cough is educated on the subject, it looks like Fraking soon!
New stuff it looks like. And if IronFist's cough is educated on the subject, it looks like Fraking soon!

Well, I don't have access to the newsletter eFX sent out so I can't back this up for you, but the last item on it mentions that they expect to have their 2008 products on display at SDCC, and then they make a nudge nudge, wink wink allusion to having BSG product on display, too.

Now, what that product might be is anybody's guess, but considering how long they've been teasing them, I think a helmet is a good bet.

That's as far as my education on the subject goes. (All in the interest of full disclosure.)
They say it's not idealized, but I don't see the warpy bit on the right eye hole - is it "partially idealized?" I think this is a beautiful helmet, from the pictures! - Douglas
They say it's not idealized, but I don't see the warpy bit on the right eye hole - is it "partially idealized?" I think this is a beautiful helmet, from the pictures! - Douglas

It looks like there might be something there, but it is hard to tell from the pictures.

Either way, like you said it is a beautiful helmet.
They say it's not idealized, but I don't see the warpy bit on the right eye hole - is it "partially idealized?" I think this is a beautiful helmet, from the pictures! - Douglas

It's supposed to be a Hero style helmet only the stunt style had the eye bump. :thumbsup
What's with the black tube stripes? I thought they were supposed to be blue...or was that only on stunts?

They are blue, just very dark. I can't tell if it is the way the pictures were taken or if they really are that dark.
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Very nice work. I love the wonky hand painted look of the black vent lines.

My only concern is that is seems a bit too glossy. Nothing a little dull coat won't fix. :thumbsup

I am going to go nuts if they come out with a NuBSG flight helmet!
Looks excellent, the way I hoped the MR would be, but with a run of 500 I'm not even going to bother to try since I know they will be grabbed in a heartbeat.

I hate short runs and exclusives (or have I said that already before? :p).
There are similarities, but in the side-by-side thread there are definite differences too which lean it more how I thought (IMO of course) how it should have been.

Only differences i see are maybe the white paint is a different shade and the frown and vocoder are painted differently.