I was really in awe when Don Post released their ROTJ Boba Fett statue in the late 1990s. I think it's one of the best products they ever made... better than the awkward stormtrooper statue, for sure. But I've never seen the Fett statue in person, only the Trooper and Vader (a Rubies product BTW) *
There are some details where they nailed the Fett outfit. But the more I learned about it over the years, the more flaws I saw. My ROTJ Fett outfit is more accurate in some areas than the Don Post. The weathering paint application/detail is horrendous. The flight suit pocket flaps and belt pouch flaps are the wrong shape. They have TESB helmet on the ROTJ outfit. The armor flak vest is too long and the shoulder spats aren't correct. Fett's left gauntlet didn't have the hose attached to the rocket (at least, not in the film). And the jetpack shape and details are a little bit off.
Yet the Don Post is a beautiful work of art; it still looks the part as a complete whole. Unless you are a Fett costumer, even an avid Star Wars fan wouldn't know.
*Nota bene: It is possible that my memory may be playing tricks on me. The Stormtrooper, Vader and Fett statues were sold at/through Sharper Image, and I MAY have seen the Fett in person back in the day.
Amen. And the prices now are ridiculous, $10,000+. I see where one sold at auction in 2019, for just under $4,000 USD, which is actually a solid deal if the statue was in good shape. I think there was a limited run of 500(?).
Here is the Sideshow 2022 TESB Fett (which is REALLY good and very close to the original costume) next to the Don Post 1998 ROTJ Fett statue. Now they do have different paint schemes in the movies, Fett's left gauntlet is somewhat different, the EE-3 Blaster is different in the films, Fett didn't have ankle spats in TESB, the capes are different, the flight suit is a slightly different color, etc..
But IN GENERAL, they are supposed to be the SAME outfit, SAME armor, SAME helmet. Just look at the difference.