If they reboot INDIANA JONES, who would you pick to play Indy?

I pick No one, because they Shouldn't reboot it.

They could so easily make their OWN idea.

They don't need to piggy-back off the 'Indian' name, you know?
If you check the other active Indy thread you'll see that Vivek posted a link to a Variety story quoting Disney execs saying a new Indy is 2-3 years off. Who knows (certainly not us) but it's a good guess that at Ford's age (71) he's pretty much out of the running. But we do know that all kinds of weird crap happens in Hollywood so never say never.

It would be nice to see Ford do another, but I hope the series continues with or without him.
Doesn't Harrison have a son ? What does he look like ?

The rumor comes from Latino Review. They've been pumping out loads of unsubstantiated spoilers about many movies, including Star Wars. Until I have reason to believe they have the scoop, I'm dismissing their leaks as clickbait.
I think Cooper would be a great choice, He's a good actor and can pull off Indy pretty well in my book. Indy should be like Bond, sure the Connery ones are classics but that doesn't mean you should discount the others simply because it wasn't Connery in the lead.
Antony Starr - IMDb

I'd go with Anthony Starr, he should have been Mad Max instead of Tom Hardy, or have replaced Andy Whitfield in Spartacus, which did not happen.He may not look like Harrison Ford,why would he have to, this guy is born to become an Action-Hero.....though I prefer him having his own movie franchise, this guy could pull-off a great Indy character, maybe even a darker version.
I think Brad Cooper would be a fine Indy, but it would still be too weird for me to get behind, like watching King Solomon's Mines or Quigly Down Under. It would feel like a knockoff. I think it's best the franchise dies, or goes to animation, perhaps.
I think Brad Cooper would be a fine Indy, but it would still be too weird for me to get behind, like watching King Solomon's Mines or Quigly Down Under. It would feel like a knockoff. I think it's best the franchise dies, or goes to animation, perhaps.


No more Indy films, thanks.
There is something I don't like about Bradley Cooper that I cannot really explain. I don't know why, he just is. It's not his acting, it's not his looks, I just don't like watching him.
First movie I saw Cooper in was Wedding Crashers. I had such a hatred for him. Than I saw him in A-Team and I got over it. He has potential at Indy, but unless he's dropping the F-bomb all over the place, I don't see it working.
Maybe an actor that fills the look gap between The Young Indiana Jones, and Jones circa ToD , which was supposed to take place before RoTLA. Then you can have old Harrison Ford, in a short cameo, telling his adventures to his grandkids. It gets Shia out of the picture, and explains why young Indy isn't being played by Ford. Kind of like a "Princess Bride" way of telling the story, minus the interruptions.

You know who would be a perfect replacement for Harrison Ford as Indy?


So let's stop shooting other actors down for not 100% matching Ford's Indy.

George Lazenby wasn't Connery.
Neither was Roger Moore.
Dalton wasn't quite Connery or Moore.
Neither was Brosnan.
Craig isn't any of them.
And yet the Bond franchise lives on.

New actor, new flavor. Deal.

Or don't reboot the Indy franchise at all. Move on to something fresh that is more of an homage to Indy. (<--- Best. Idea. Ever.)

And while we're at it, let's stop all the other reboots/rehashes of old stuff and do more fresh stuff. What's to lose? It's only 1/4 billion dollars each time they roll the dice on a fresher idea. Talk about being gutless. The way the big studios have been acting these days, you'd think they were only in this business for the money or something.

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