How does Anakin bring Balance to the Force?

By killing most of the jedi in the temple i bet.

He also ends up killing the emperor.

Remember there were only a few on the darkside and many on the Jedi side.
When he becomes Vader he has evened the playing field at the time.
By killing most of the jedi in the temple i bet.

He also ends up killing the emperor.

Remember there were only a few on the darkside and many on the Jedi side.
When he becomes Vader he has evened the playing field at the time.

but if he killed the emporer, and had himself been restored to Jedi status, doesn't that mean that he had eradicated the dark side?

that isn't balance

or are you saying Anakin fulfilled his destiny by wiping out all but 2 sith and all but 2 Jedi?
I thought it was told somewhere(maybe a comic) that balance meant 1 Jedi/1 Sith so the power was balenced. Makes you wonder if Yoda/Mace really knew much about the "prophecy" since there would be so much bloodshed. Did Yoda "know" what would happen and allowed it to go on, with the ends justifing the means.
i think qui gon jinn was mistaken...

he believed anakin was suppose to bring the balance of the force..well he failed because he turned bad, however his spermy named luke technically he did..
I've always thought this a reasonable analysis of the imbalance in the Force caused by Jedi and Sith and Anakins role in restoring balance:

link - Did the Jedi Have It Coming?

"The fall of the Jedi is only the first half of this cosmic balancing equation. Anakin's pivotal role doesn't end with the elimination of the Jedi order -- it takes years to restore the balance of the Force.

The true balance of the Force is a level playing field free of manipulation by any powerful leader, be it an Emperor or a Muppet. The nature of the Force is to penetrate all things -- Dark and otherwise, Sith and Jedi, profane and sacred alike."
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Many fans incorrectly assume that balance refers to an equal mix of both light and dark side users. However, as George Lucas explains in the introductory documentary for the VHS version A New Hope, Special Edition, this is not the case:
"The first film starts with the last age of the Republic, which is it's getting tired, it's old, it's getting corrupt.
There's the rise of the Sith, who are becoming a force, and in the backdrop of this we have Anakin Skywalker, a young boy who is destined to be a significant player in bringing balance back to the Force and to the Republic...
Then in the second film we get into more of that turmoil. It's the beginning of the Clone Wars, it's the beginning of the end of democracy in the Republic, sort of the beginning of the end of the Republic. And it's Anakin Skywalker beginning to deal with some of his more intense emotions of anger, hatred, sense of loss, possesiveness, jealousy, and the other things he has to cope with.
And then we will get to the 3rd film where he is seduced to the dark side..
Which brings us up to the films 4, 5, and 6, in which Anakin's offspring redeem him and allow him to fulfill the prophecy where he brings balance to the Force by doing away with the Sith and getting rid of evil in the universe..."
George's take is that "balance" meant killing all the Sith, leaving only the Light side, and no Dark side. Does that sound like "balance" to you? Me neither.

My personal take is that it wasn't the death of the Emperor, although the restoration of the balance did happen at that same time. It all boils down to this: Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Jedi fear the dark side, because it's all-consuming. One touch, and you're corrupted forever. The Sith have no such fear of the Light side.. while a Jedi can fall to the dark side, a Sith cannot "fall" to the light side. Until Anakin. Powerful enough in the Force (by design of the Force itself), and driven by the very thing that the Jedi forbid above all others (love for his son), Anakin was able to rip himself away from the dark side, completely ridding himself of all of the corruption he'd gathered over the previous twenty years as a Sith.

I imagine the dark side lay in tatters after that, but the sides are now balanced. Neither is stronger or more consuming than the other. Light can fall to dark, and dark can fall to light. Despite the Expanded Universe BS, where people change sides of the Force like I change my underwear, I believe that, in the canon universe, Anakin was the first person to switch from dark to light. Ever. What he did allowed people after him to do the same, but it required him to do what he did first.

This also expands on the whole "destiny" thing with the prophecy. Everything he did in the prequels was ordained. He had to fall in love, he had to sire children, and he had to fall to the dark side. All of those things combined gave him the ability to do what he had to do.

So that's what happened, I say.. to hell with what George says, my theory actually makes the whole saga mean more, I think.
Who says he does?

Never does anyone ever say that killing Sidious will bring balance.

In fact Obi-Wan says "You were supposed to bring balance to the Force not leave it in ruins."

So no balance in ROTS, and ZERO mention of anything resembling anything about any prophecy or balance in any OT movie.

Basically Qui-Gonn's prophecy never came true.
Anakin fulfills the prophecy by starring in the blandness of the PT, to balance the greatness of the OT.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Serious answer, I don't think he really does. For balance, there has to be light and dark. To remove the dark leaves an imbalance, surely? :confused
Who says he does?

George says so....

George Lucas explains in the introductory documentary for the VHS version A New Hope, Special Edition,

Which brings us up to the films 4, 5, and 6, in which Anakin's offspring redeem him and allow him to fulfill the prophecy where he brings balance to the Force by doing away with the Sith and getting rid of evil in the universe..."

the only problem is Lucas doesnt really seem to understand the concept of balance....
By balance, they mean replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden, at the end of Jedi.
This brings balance by having Anakin being the same actor in both trilogies. :lol
George says so....
the only problem is Lucas doesnt really seem to understand the concept of balance....

For Lucas, the Light Side of the Force is balanced. The Light Side is supposed to be a philosophy and practice based on compassion and selflessness which engenders an environment of harmony for all beings.

The Dark Side is about personal power and the will to dominate...destroying harmony and creating imbalance.
This is the balance the prophecy meant-


Look at that footwork...
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There is only the Force. The Sith were bastardizing it, to restore balance you remove the tumor festering in the system. Vader brought balance by killing the Sith... and... thinning out amongst the arrogant Jedi.