How does Anakin bring Balance to the Force?

It's really quite simple. Lucas was spending more money than he was making, creating an imbalance to the Force of his checkbook.

With Anakin (and the prequels), truck-fulls of money flowed back into the Lucas coffers, restoring balance. ;-)
It's really quite simple. Lucas was spending more money than he was making, creating an imbalance to the Force of his checkbook.

With Anakin (and the prequels), truck-fulls of money flowed back into the Lucas coffers, restoring balance. ;-)

One way to look at it! :lol
Sod the Force anyway. I mean it was interesting in the first film, but increasingly tedious in the others.

I always took Han Solo's side in the argument with Ben in the Falcon (I don't care that Luke used the Force to destroy the Death Star. Anyway, he'd have been space toast without Han - and Han's philosophy). To this day Han Solo remains the coolest character in Star Wars. All the light/dark/balance/sith blah blah gibberish generated by Lucas' half-baked ideas regarding the Force in the later films is no match for the sight of Solo drawing his blaster, his Adam's apple moving in his Jim Morrison neck...
Q: How does Anakin bring Balance to the Force?
A: He dies!

(Good riddance. That's the end of that whiny, self-righteous, mass murdering little ****!)
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