Hollywood’s current state of failure and the reasons for it

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Disney has spent the last 15 years on a buying bender. They own a big percentage of all the active major franchises in the business.

Right now they are screwing up worst of all the major studios. Look at the last 6 months of box office bombs alone.

How in the heck could we NOT be talking about Disney here? They are exhibit-A for the thread topic.

Case in point; this is totally me after spending a weekend full of YouTube critics’ videos:

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You're not far off. Because of the perceived insensitive nature of the original film set in the immediate post-slavery, reconstruction South, the U.S. Disney theme parks are currently remodeling their 30+ year old log flume attraction based on the Brer Rabbit and the Briar Patch story (Splash Mountain) and re-theming to Princess Tianna/The Princess and the Frog.

Splash Mountain does not mention Uncle Remus.
Splash Mountain does not mention "Song of the South"
There are no human characters in Splash Mountain.
Slavery / plantation life is not referenced in Splash Mountain.
Brer Rabbit's voice and in Splash Mountain is significantly changed from the film version, to not sound stereotypically ethnic.
Splash Mountain does use the "Zippidy-doo-dah" song from Song of the South, but sung by the animals.

Just to clarify my post: I feel that Disney really tried to be sensitive to the original Song of the South film controversy, and remove /avoid those glaring issues when they opened the Splash Mountain log flume attraction in 1989. I would say they really tried to "make it right." But then 3 years ago, out of an abundance of caution and to remove the controversial ride (which didn't seem to be raising new controversies and was enjoyed by a wide range of children and adults alike), Disney is doing a tear down and retheme.
Just to clarify my post: I feel that Disney really tried to be sensitive to the original Song of the South film controversy, and remove /avoid those glaring issues when they opened the Splash Mountain log flume attraction in 1989. I would say they really tried to "make it right." But then 3 years ago, out of an abundance of caution and to remove the controversial ride (which didn't seem to be raising new controversies and was enjoyed by a wide range of children and adults alike), Disney is doing a tear down and retheme.

The thing is, Disney Rethemes all the time, Swiss Family Robinson replaced with Tarzan for instance. So even if the ride didn't have any whiff of controversy, it would probably be time to retheme with a more current property anyway.
Yeah, re-theming is normal. And 'Song of the South' is pretty dang old & forgotten as Disney stuff goes.

Even if the controversy wasn't a direct cause, it's an indirect one. First they cut the show from their TV/movie rotation for cultural sensitivity reasons. Then a number of years later, the public's memory of it has faded, and that is a motive to re-theme the ride.
Yeah, Gal Godot as the "less attractive" evil step queen? And given the prominence of step moms in the 21st Century?

Maybe the big twist is the hunter goes through with his mission in the story.

That would be nuts. Disney shuts up and lets the internet blather on about how terrible this remake looks, never breathing a word about their true plans . . . and then on opening day it turns out the hunter waxes SW partway through the movie and the whole thing veers off into left field.
That would be nuts. Disney shuts up and lets the internet blather on about how terrible this remake looks, never breathing a word about their true plans . . . and then on opening day it turns out the hunter waxes SW partway through the movie and the whole thing veers off into left field.
That might actually be interesting, especially if they off Zegler in the first 5 minutes, but by letting these morons make fools of themselves, they're just guaranteeing that their movie is going to fail in the box office.
That's another concept I don't understando_O:oops::lol: No wonder it just doesn't work!!

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I thought the same thing in Snow White and the Huntsman. Kristen Stewart is attractive, but Charleze Theron is going to be jealous of her? Give me a break....

Now new Angelina being jealous of old Angelina? That I could believe. She got seriously unattractive, in more ways than one. Bad Santa must have wore her out....
That might actually be interesting, especially if they off Zegler in the first 5 minutes, but by letting these morons make fools of themselves, they're just guaranteeing that their movie is going to fail in the box office.
Word of mouth. May not have a killer box office but with the hate against Zegler, once people find out she gets offed in the first 5 minutes, audiences will come in droves. Its all part of the masterplan.+


I thought the same thing in Snow White and the Huntsman. Kristen Stewart is attractive, but Charleze Theron is going to be jealous of her? Give me a break....

Now new Angelina being jealous of old Angelina? That I could believe. She got seriously unattractive, in more ways than one. Bad Santa must have wore her out....
Yeah, just an example of informed attractiveness and informed unattractiveness. Its a realistic as a romcom where the main heroine is hideously ugly because she has glasses and her hair in a pony tail (confirmed by the Captain himself so it must be true).

Word of mouth. May not have a killer box office but with the hate against Zegler, once people find out she gets offed in the first 5 minutes, audiences will come in droves. Its all part of the masterplan.+

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Yeah, just an example of informed attractiveness and informed unattractiveness. Its a realistic as a romcom where the main heroine is hideously ugly because she has glasses and her hair in a pony tail (confirmed by the Captain himself so it must be true).

I have no clue WTF you just said....
I have no clue WTF you just said....
First part was a joke.

Second part is the common trope in movies where audiences are supposed to ignore how attractive or unattractive an actor is in a movie and just assume they are ugly or beautiful based on the context of the movie. In rom coms, this is often the case where a woman is considered a hideous loser nerd despite the fact that they are being played by a beautiful actress, like Gal Godot as the “ugly step mother” to Zegler’s snow white. Often, they achieve this look by putting the actress in glasses and a ponytail which doesnt do much to “uglify” them.

Basically criticizing Snow White for having us assume that Zegler is more beautiful than Gal Godot to the point where she is supposed to be jealous of her.
Ah. Yeah, I always thought glasses made good looking women look even hotter in many cases (e.g. Lisa Ann looked way hotter with glasses, particularly playing Sarah Palin, but I suppose there's a certain level of transference as well since Sarah herself was smoking hot).

Now take a shocking good job actually making a beautiful actress look unattractive and a good example would be Jane March in Color of Night. My god the reveal was shocking the first time. But if they hadn't done a great job, the plot would have been too obvious. Sadly, such movies can only be a surprise once (e.g. The Crying Game).
Yeah, just an example of informed attractiveness and informed unattractiveness. Its a realistic as a romcom where the main heroine is hideously ugly because she has glasses and her hair in a pony tail (confirmed by the Captain himself so it must be true).

The 'glasses and a ponytail' thing was a little bit easier to buy in the 1980s-1990s. Glasses were more out of style for sexy looks.

By the 2000s the exaggerated nerd look had gotten trendy (hipsters, etc). Today a lot more 'hot' people unabashedly wear big thick-rimmed glasses.
Ah. Yeah, I always thought glasses made good looking women look even hotter in many cases (e.g. Lisa Ann looked way hotter with glasses, particularly playing Sarah Palin, but I suppose there's a certain level of transference as well since Sarah herself was smoking hot).

Now take a shocking good job actually making a beautiful actress look unattractive and a good example would be Jane March in Color of Night. My god the reveal was shocking the first time. But if they hadn't done a great job, the plot would have been too obvious. Sadly, such movies can only be a surprise once (e.g. The Crying Game).
Studies have demonstrated, again and again, that waitresses wearing glasses and pony tail/braids have better tips than a "normal waitress".
It's a signal of youth/attractiveness/and beauty for us, men;)
Just thought I'd drop this off here, if anyone is interested...

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