Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

If you watched DH1, you know the scene where she leaves her house and go through a muggle street, type that address I wrote and you'll see that street shown in movie. Her bedroom is seen near stairs, so I hope this helps :) Check DH1 film.

@Luke,as for Potion making, I finished it a long time ago but I'm not skilled with re-drawing so I can't make those illustrations from prop. When I finish it completely I'll share.
@ecl you've done an amazing job.
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Yes, I went to the Pottermore website like 5mins before the countdown clock had reached zero and the video was already posted there, also I 'm a little disappointed by the announcement :(
am also disappointed :( but i wonder about those e-books. i couldnt understand exactly: will they be about new books like advanced potion making, fantastic beasts etc? could anyone enlighten me please :( ?
Yeah but its like... the internet had all these truly amazing "leaks" and then when I watch the video its like my entire world just made the sound of a record scratching.

I'm excited about the part where she adds more to the stories that shes been hoarding, but the rest of it...
Don't get me wrong, I'm going to fully participate in everything, but to be honest, I think


would have warranted the hype they give it, not


Also Lynx, these arent new books. Just the same 7 we've been reading day in day out
@lynx nope, it's just harry potter series in e book format.
And then again we have to wait for october to read those 18000 extra words which is the only valuable thing about this project. I'm so disappointed v.v
And on that note, I'm going back to bed.. not worth waking up at 7 in the morning. Its still my thread, im still allowed to triple post
oh noo but what is the meaning then :( what is 'new' in this project? why should i buy previous 7 harry potter books online i already read them a 100 times! if she has new ideas about writing short stories etc. why doesnt she simple make a new book encyclopedia or something like that. if that is a website for fans who will share their stories or ideas or chat with one another, there are thousend of websites around like pottermore.com! no jkr disappointed me first time :(

oh i found this


havent read yet, let's see what exactly pottermore is!
And on that note, I'm going back to bed.. not worth waking up at 7 in the morning. Its still my thread, im still allowed to triple post

my thoughts exactly.... minus the triple post part :p
I am disappointed with the announcement itself, she essentially said that Pottermore is a website where fans can get connected, theres already 100's of those, and the encyclopedia everyones been waiting for isn't even a book, it's going to be like an online fact list which just seems so... completely not potterish. BUT, I am excited to see the "follow the OWL" thing, hopefully whoever wins tells her to kick it up a notch, and, the site has apparently been in development for years, what she said in the announcement doesn't warrant years of work, theres got to be SOMETHING else...............
Well, my overtly optimistic opinion...
as I said, it's just a marketing trick by her people, I'm sure they made her believe it's a good idea as she was againt's e books. I'll say a million times today, I am disappointed >.< :(

It's just reading the books digitally with animated timeline and I found this in that press release: ''The storyline of the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, will go live on the site in early 2012.''

WTH?! o_O They want us to read Philosopher's Stone for half of year until second book is published? o_O This is complete rubbish.
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JK Rowling has written extensive new material about the world of Harry Potter for her new venture, Pottermore, she revealed at a press conference launching the collaborative website.

From Professor McGonagall's love for a Muggle as a young woman, to how the Dursleys met; from new information about Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff houses, to details about wand wood, the fresh Potter background from the author already stretches to 18,000 words, with more to come...

Pottermore website launched by JK Rowling as 'give-back' to fans | Children's books | guardian.co.uk

at least it would be nice to read about previous lives of the characters. but why doesnt she simple write them into a book aagghrrr!!!



I'm actually kind of excited. I will wait until I see it to confess myself as disappointed. Maybe she figured she had so much information left over that it was easier to put it online rather than a book. The book would surely be the size of a dictionary or bigger and she probably things no one would want that. I would though. As much as I would prefer an actual book, it seems this will be interesting at least. Its something new. My only disappointment is if we don't get in early we have to wait until October and that is way too far away!

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