Harry Potter free paper props - all movies and more!

Hi guys, after visiting Studio Tour London last wednesday I recreated this prop. I haven't seen it any where before the Tour, since I'm planning on building a broom I thought this would fit my collection.

Only problem so far is the side. The tins in the window where stacked in a way I couldn't take pictures from all side. Has anyone seen this prop somewhere else?

Here is version 1:
TB that looks excellent! Great work. This is the first I've seen of this prop; I like what you've done!
Fantastic, Oliver! Where did you find that trunk? I've been looking around for one but haven't had any luck.
Thanks!! I lucked out on ebay. I saw someone here had a trunk (Phoenixwand...? Might have the wrong person) and thought 'that'd be cool' and found one for sale within 15 min. Apparently they come up regularly on there. The guy I bought from is an Estonian antiques dealer - extremely nice and helpful to talk to.

That being said, it was a used trunk so I spent a weekend ripping up the stained and stinky old liner paper, and then painting the inside with fresh paint. I also bought the handles from a trunk restoration website, and had a b*tch of a time getting them to go on properly.

Not super expensive, just time consuming.

and I see my photos are sideways. I'll fix it tomorrow.
I found theis video: Award winning Harry Potter graphic artists Lima & Mina interview in London 2/3 - YouTube

it"s a interview with MinaLima, and they flip through a whole daily prophet! you don't see it very close unfortunatly, but It could give ideas for making a whole daily prophet. I particularly thought of jhadha when it saw it:)

and I want a hogwarts trunk too... perhaps I should go looking:p

yes decat,..i saw this video of hundred times,..hahaha to pick some detail on how the positioning of the text and the images,..

@Oliver very nice trunk ,.
Thanks guys!

I also bought a trunk about a year ago. But haven't posted any pictures of my trunk with the Hogwarts logo on.
Thanks guys!

I also bought a trunk about a year ago. But haven't posted any pictures of my trunk with the Hogwarts logo on.

:love cool trunk TB,..looks awesome like Oliver
50 points for slytherin for having awesome trunk hihihihih
TB that is awesome. Seeing these trunks is making me want to go searching more seriously for one haha.
Heh; awesome TB! /sly Slytherin nod.

I also have the scarf and hat, but completely forgot to include them cause they're in my cupboard to be used again next winter. Ah well. I'm going to the Wizarding World in Sept, and I have a feeling my trunk will be rather full after that.
Heh; awesome TB! /sly Slytherin nod.

I also have the scarf and hat, but completely forgot to include them cause they're in my cupboard to be used again next winter. Ah well. I'm going to the Wizarding World in Sept, and I have a feeling my trunk will be rather full after that.

thats looks great,..Slytherin are supreme
Heh; awesome TB! /sly Slytherin nod.

I also have the scarf and hat, but completely forgot to include them cause they're in my cupboard to be used again next winter. Ah well. I'm going to the Wizarding World in Sept, and I have a feeling my trunk will be rather full after that.

Just LOVE your trunk! Yeah, for a fellow Slytherin also!

I have a feeling you may have to complete a second trunk after you visit the Wizarding World!:lol
I have a feeling you may have to complete a second trunk after you visit the Wizarding World!:lol

Thanks! And ugh, I know. You should see my list of things to buy. LOL. I definitely want a quaffle, and pumpkin juice, and chocolate frogs, and wax stampers and and and... ;)

It still looks a bit new on the inside though, so I'm going to see what I can do to make it more used/loved. And keep adding props!

My next big project is turning one of my hourglasses into a Slughorn ones, but as it turns out, I'm absolutely pants at modeling things with clay.

Slytherin for the win ;)
Here is an update on the Runes Dictionary cover, printed from the file I posted a while ago. I was able to get the gold foil to work reasonably well on the fabric paper. I recommend anyone printing this to print on the fabric paper because it really looks the best, and since the original was also printed onto fabric. The gold doesn't go on perfectly, but i don't mind since this is a really worn book anyways. The fabric is still attached to the paper sheet behind it. It has to be peeled off (kind of like a decal) and then I will glue it to a thin cardboard paper that can be easily worn on the edges. Once it's all worn and aged I think it will really look nice. The great thing about this paper is that you can tear into it, giving it that frayed look; that's the most fun part of making worn out books.

I was able to make three of these covers because I wanted to have some room for error, but aside from minor alignment issues that can't really be seen, they all printed easily.


Here's a link to the fabric paper that I've been using. I pretty happy with the results as the fabric has a fine texture, just enough to hold quite a lot of detail in the print.

Walmart.com: Inkjet Fabric Sheets, 10pk: Crafts
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