Hannibal Lecter


Sr Member
Okay, this is kinda scary and creepy now... but I'm looking for some Lecter evidence and victim pictures, especially the ones from the Promotional Version of the Lecter FBI File, to add to my File replica made by Walter.

You don't have to post them, u can pm me a link or the pics to my e-mail-adress.

Any help is much appreciated.
Those were very hard to get a hold of at the time I was working on my prop, both the original and the final 'delux' version. My understanding is that they were photos of people on the staff/agency working on the promotional kit.

My suggestion... grab an old Polaroid and take some pictures of friends and add them to the file. That is what I would do if I were to go that route today.
I did a simular thing my friends loved it and all the gore too - there are some sites out there which im not going to put up here which do have unsensored Crime scene pics which arn't that hard to find once youve got one, but be advised some are not so legal and you might goet some imperial entanglements if you get me meaning if you use some of those images, ut if its just for you and to show mates, familiy etc you should be ok ---- I think
Thanks for the very helpful tricks. I would like to go with the original pics (promotional). But I have bare hope to find them..