GOOD LORD...I Just watched the Star Wars Holiday Special for the first time

A friend and I were invited to a star wars themed party thrown by a bunch of roller derby girls. They asked if we could develop a drinking game based off of the Holiday Special

We sat through the entire thing. Sober. Writing down our ideas. It was incredibly painful. Day of the party, it's going and they're about to start it up. One of the girls screams "Nah, I don't want to watch it" and everyone else followed suit. They never used the drinking game and that was a couple of hours of my life I wasted, filled with much regret
10-year-old me was SO excited beforehand. After...I think it might have been the point I realised that not everything on TV was good...
With some very notable exceptions, this is pretty much what it was like watching TV in the 70s. It was a decade without taste.

In fairness, one's experience and enjoyment of the 70s probably depended heavily on one's access to drugs.

I'm 36 and have never seen it. I tried to find a copy for a while, but the ones I found, like 16 years ago, were asking way too much for a copy.

I haven't seen it either, and I'm the same age. It sounds like they were trying to protect you, though.

Have a bootleg copy, had it for years (thanks M!), but never watched it... SO curious...


Dude, I skipped KOTCS to avoid it ruining my enjoyment of the Indy trilogy. From everything I've heard about it, the Holiday Special makes KOTCS and the Prequels look like high art. There is no way I will subject my brain to that.

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I am the BIGGEST Star Wars fan. I got a copy of the special on VHS a few years ago as a present from someone who kept telling me that any true fan owns a copy but has never watched it. I scoffed. It can't be THAT bad, I thought. Mind you, I make movies. I've been in some really really really bad ones before, some purposely horrible, some the result of games such as 'let's get the whole cast and crew drunk and/or high and do improv!'

The Holiday Special lasted about 6 minutes before I ripped it out of the VCR. Even I, who can watch ANY bad movie, couldn't do it.
..... I don't hate it. It's bad, but there's nothing in it really that offends me the way Revenge of the Sith does. When I watch this, it really feels as though it doesn't want to be taken seriously at all. I even enjoy the Be a Arthur bit near the end.
lol I watched it on the first broadcast and only remember the storm troopers in the Wookie house
and the cartoon.

everything else I have no memory of ha ha
There's actually a 19 minute compilation of commercials from during the special that's more entertaining than it is lol. Man commercials were better back then.
My brother and I eagerly awaited the Holiday Special back in the day and I can still remember the shock of watching it. We must have looked like deer in the headlights as we sat transfixed at the horror onscreen.

Surprisingly I managed to remain a huge fan of Star Wars until the prequels arrived and gave me the equivalent of a liquid nitrogen cold shower.
There's actually a 19 minute compilation of commercials from during the special that's more entertaining than it is lol. Man commercials were better back then.

Yea I remember seeing those commercials and wondering why those kids toys were much cooler than most of what I ever got growing up!
My brother and I eagerly awaited the Holiday Special back in the day and I can still remember the shock of watching it. We must have looked like deer in the headlights as we sat transfixed at the horror onscreen.

Surprisingly I managed to remain a huge fan of Star Wars until the prequels arrived and gave me the equivalent of a liquid nitrogen cold shower.

On a side note, I find it interesting that the Holiday Special didn't dissuade you from your fandom, but the films later did. Why was that, do you think? Was it some sort of mental trick because you could "ignore" the TV thing and focus on the films? Or was it that Lucas disowned it? Or what?

For me, I grew up in the era of the Ewok Adventure films, and as bad as those were, they didn't dissuade me from my love of Star Wars. It was really the prequels that did that (although I got a taste of what was to come when Greedo shot first...)

Yea I remember seeing those commercials and wondering why those kids toys were much cooler than most of what I ever got growing up!

Probably because back then people assumed that you were supposed to go through childhood with a few toy-related traumas, so they were less blocky/nerfy/"safe" (and boring).
Same here...Went to film school, worked on and been in some real pieces of crap films...but I had the same thought...It's almost like the worst "fan film ever" it's so amateur it makes me wonder about the crew.
On a side note, I find it interesting that the Holiday Special didn't dissuade you from your fandom, but the films later did. Why was that, do you think? Was it some sort of mental trick because you could "ignore" the TV thing and focus on the films? Or was it that Lucas disowned it? Or what?

For me, I grew up in the era of the Ewok Adventure films, and as bad as those were, they didn't dissuade me from my love of Star Wars. It was really the prequels that did that (although I got a taste of what was to come when Greedo shot first...)

I've thought about that and don't have a real answer. I lived through the Holiday Special, the Ewok TV movies, the two animated series, and none of those turned me away so maybe it was a case of not taking the TV spin-offs seriously or just having the ability to ignore them.

I think the Special Editions and the rewriting of Star Wars past started the downward slide. The blatant contradictions and non gritty tone off the prequels just turned me off to the point where I didn't want to look at Star Wars for years. Thanks goodness now I can watch and enjoy the OT as much as I ever did.
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