GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

Or, in some cases, what the majority of usually regulars think should be said...people tend to group together these days. As has been my experience on OTHER MBs I've left.

I've noticed a dramatic shift in internet postings started in the last 6 or so years myself. Talking has gone down. getting lumped and dismissed as 'haters' has gone up. Over Emotional warriors response has gone up. Group gang ons of the unpopular opinion has gone up. you can't dislike anything or dislike it constantly anymore. there really are very few safe places to discuss things, either pro or con, without getting beat up about it one way or another...and sometimes it's tough not to fall into that trap and do it to someone else as well, with the way the internet has become so fevered lately.

Remember the good times when we ALL hated Jar Jar binks? Now he has supporters ;o) this is why I prefer serperate pro and bashing threads. makes it more civil for the extremes on both sides. oh well.. to coin an annoying phrase, 'it is what it is...'

or, to use an appropriate universe themed quote, considering i'm the most hated target on here ;o)..

It's all over the net,I just had a rather unpleasant stay at another forum and left over how the people liked to gang up on me for nothing but saying what was on my mind to use a new expression folks are cray-cray nowadays it's no wonder everybody's going to facebook,at least there you have the option of hanging with people you know and/or blocking idiots.

Here's a novel idea:a forum where everybody has their opinion and if you don't like it? ignore it and let everyone have this thing called a conversation,amazing concept I know I think you agree yes,my friend? ;)


Getting back on topic I predict this film is gonna be the one that tanks this summer,maybe not in a major way but enough to hurt.
Here's a novel idea:a forum where everybody has their opinion and if you don't like it? ignore it and let everyone have this thing called a conversation,amazing concept I know I think you agree ;)

Most folks here know how to do that. And I thank them PROFUSELY because it makes trashing movies that so deserve it much more fun. the ones that like to bring me up and trash me, not so much ;o)... Just give it five more pages, it'll find it's way to circle back to me again ;o)....could be a new drinking game ;o). and the only time I see it now is when someone quotes a person on my ignore list ;o).

anyway, getting back to trashing the movie.. who thinks these character posters are a good idea? Unless you like super long SNL Films. and why do they always have to have these expressions on their faces like teeth gritting is a new thing to show how bad ass you are? how about a shocked expression once in a while?

I dunno,maybe they're following DC's "real and gritty formula"? ;)

I also need to go look at the trailer again as these posters are making notice something I find.....ridiculous,do the packs streams look like cheap twenty dollar fireworks???
I guess that one kind of counts as a shocked expression...


Notice there is no one for mcarthy.
I mean, if this line is in the actual movie....who thinks that's a great quotable line?

Maybe they couldn't get McCarthy to do the photo shoot, considering she's the biggest name in the movie you think she'd be the one they'd want front and center for the posters. Unless those are stills from in the movie and they just slapped some quotes on them. The wands do kinda look like they have sparklers in them.
This is not unique to Ghostbusters, but why do promo pictures like these, as well as movie posters, look like SUCH crap all the time? Does anybody in the movie business have a creative or artful eye anymore? Bad composition, bad lighting, bad processing, bad photoshopping. Just BAD. Like it makes me want to burn the images, kinda bad. Visually, very off-putting.
Maybe they couldn't get McCarthy to do the photo shoot, considering she's the biggest name in the movie you think she'd be the one they'd want front and center for the posters. Unless those are stills from in the movie and they just slapped some quotes on them. The wands do kinda look like they have sparklers in them.

that's what's weird about it. She IS Their biggest star...why is hers not released yet? Maybe she doesn't have a quote in the movie good enough for a 'action' poster?

The thing with the throwers. the middle part kind of looks like a roman candle. maybe that is it?
This is not unique to Ghostbusters, but why do promo pictures like these, as well as movie posters, look like SUCH crap all the time? Does anybody in the movie business have a creative or artful eye anymore? Bad composition, bad lighting, bad processing, bad photoshopping. Just BAD. Like it makes me want to burn the images, kinda bad. Visually, very off-putting.

They are lazy, they have the mentality of "Its ghostbusters, people are going to see it. If they dont, then they are sexist" :lol
I was browsing some boards looking for reactions to the posters...and found this.
Someone elsewhere said that we should hold off judgment on the props until official photos came out. then you see great close up shots like this.
I miss REAL Designs. this looks like someone threw a bunch of crap together and said, 'OK, that's good enough.'
I mean, seriously.. a 7th grader could have come up with a cooler pre industrial design.

that's what's weird about it. She IS Their biggest star...why is hers not released yet? Maybe she doesn't have a quote in the movie good enough for a 'action' poster?

The thing with the throwers. the middle part kind of looks like a roman candle. maybe that is it?

They could be those bozon darts from the GB video game. I'll give the pack designer this: they look very much more like a dangerous nuclear powered weapon than the originals.
So, in order to combat the smart, progressive janine (who none of the GBs ever hit on btw).....they cast a male secretary (damn it, not AP/get off ma lawn!) and make him dumb as a sack of bricks for COMEDY (R/TM) ...

nice to know ET is the newest sony shill next to al roker.

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I'm pretty sure Neil has me on ignore for continuously posting logical rebuttals to his complaints, so he might not see this. Bummer.

Sure, there was never any romance between a GB and Janine. ;o)

Well, I dont think hugging someone that youre obviously/completely uninterested in doesnt count as "hitting on" or "romance", and Tulley isnt a Ghostbuster so technically he is right. Just sayin.
Well, I dont think hugging someone that youre obviously/completely uninterested in doesnt count as "hitting on" or "romance", and Tulley isnt a Ghostbuster so technically he is right. Just sayin.
The above is me having fun with some visual reference. It's common knowledge amongst fans that Egon and Janine were a romance subplot in the first film. This even carried over into the cartoon. Ramis talks about it quite a bit in the DVD commentary, Making Ghostbusters book, countless interviews, etc.

I definitely consider TULLY (no 'e') a Ghostbuster in GB2. That was basically his whole character arc in the original cut of the movie. He's in the flight suit wearing the gear, firing the thrower, (in his eyes) saving the day with a crowd cheering him on in the background. I absolutely consider that a Ghostbuster, yet there is, sucking face with Janine. ;o)

...and for the fans out there not stomping your feet and puckering the lower lip, the Ghost Corps has some cool stuff going on this Thursday.

It's common knowledge amongst fans that Egon and Janine were a romance subplot in the first film. This even carried over into the cartoon. Ramis talks about it quite a bit in the DVD commentary, Making Ghostbusters book, countless interviews, etc.

I definitely consider TULLY (no 'e') a Ghostbuster in GB2. That was basically his whole character arc in the original cut of the movie. He's in the flight suit wearing the gear, firing the thrower, (in his eyes) saving the day with a crowd cheering him on in the background. I absolutely consider that a Ghostbuster, yet there is, sucking face with Janine. ;o)

Really though, both "romances" (the intended subplot with Egon was never realized) were initiated and driven by Janine herself. The team was never gawking at her or hitting on her at all. I think Neil's point stands.

But Neil, can't we drop this stuff? Every time I revisit this thread I'm reminded why I haven't been here in a while. No one can possibly think this movie is a worse idea than I do, but we're well past the point of discussing it sensibly, judging it on its merits (or lack thereof). It's just miserable reading this thread, like listening to my kids go back and forth with "yes it is," "no it isn't" - and that's really the reason this second thread was started to begin with. There really is a whole GB2016 thread for the perceived gender issues in the design and marketing of this turd.

- - - Updated - - -

I was browsing some boards looking for reactions to the posters...and found this.
Someone elsewhere said that we should hold off judgment on the props until official photos came out. then you see great close up shots like this.
I miss REAL Designs. this looks like someone threw a bunch of crap together and said, 'OK, that's good enough.'
I mean, seriously.. a 7th grader could have come up with a cooler pre industrial design.

Wow... I assumed that was a box of stuff in the art department they would use to construct the props, not a finished element of the bike! Is that for real? This is garbage - an insult to the greatest prop design of all time (GB1).
Really though, both "romances" (the intended subplot with Egon was never realized) were initiated and driven by Janine herself. The team was never gawking at her or hitting on her at all. I think Neil's point stands.

But Neil, can't we drop this stuff? Every time I revisit this thread I'm reminded why I haven't been here in a while. No one can possibly think this movie is a worse idea than I do, but we're well past the point of discussing it sensibly, judging it on its merits (or lack thereof). It's just miserable reading this thread, like listening to my kids go back and forth with "yes it is," "no it isn't" - and that's really the reason this second thread was started to begin with. There really is a whole GB2016 thread for the perceived gender issues in the design and marketing of this turd.

I'm trying.... but there really is not much coming out to discuss the actual development of the movie. There never really was for that matter. they've been keeping it all under wraps.
All we really have is fan reaction and official shill videos. and since this is one of the few places left where people are actually trashing's fun for me to revisit every now and then. IT helps to blow off steam ;o).

I'm wondering what could be done to help separate the two though. I don't want to revive the old nasty thready. But I wonder if there is enough reason to start a separate 'trashing' thread devoted specifically for it. that way this one can get back on track for what it was originally intended. I'm having so much fun thrashing this thing relentlessly all over the place, it's tough to stop ;o).

and if there was a separate thread devoted to trashing it, maybe the personal childish attacks would stop because the pro people will know to stay out of that one?

Wow... I assumed that was a box of stuff in the art department they would use to construct the props, not a finished element of the bike! Is that for real? This is garbage - an insult to the greatest prop design of all time (GB1).

yep, it's the finished movie bike sitting in ivan reitmans office.
I always assumed that it could be a spare parts emergency bike. like when spare parts are needed for repairs, it gets sent out. then you see pictures of the front of the bike, and we are supposed to believe those are working proton cannons.. smh.
The above is me having fun with some visual reference. It's common knowledge amongst fans that Egon and Janine were a romance subplot in the first film. This even carried over into the cartoon. Ramis talks about it quite a bit in the DVD commentary, Making Ghostbusters book, countless interviews, etc.

I definitely consider TULLY (no 'e') a Ghostbuster in GB2. That was basically his whole character arc in the original cut of the movie. He's in the flight suit wearing the gear, firing the thrower, (in his eyes) saving the day with a crowd cheering him on in the background. I absolutely consider that a Ghostbuster, yet there is, sucking face with Janine. ;o)

...and for the fans out there not stomping your feet and puckering the lower lip, the Ghost Corps has some cool stuff going on this Thursday.

It isnt romance if its one person lusting after another, no matter how you slice it. What makes it funny, and the jokes, is that Egon is completely uninterested, and she obviously is, and the audience knows that.

I disagree, although I like the character of TULLY(with no e, thanks for pointing that out so blatantly), he isnt a Ghostbuster. That was also another gag, that he thought he was a ghostbuster because he thought he was the one that lifted the slime and defeated the villain. Cmon man, I think youre just saying that to disagree with NeilT. Westies14 agrees as well.
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