GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

I just don't see why the logo needs an origin story.

that's the problem with reboots. nothing can be random anymore. I.e. spock has to be the one to design the kobiyashi maru now because it's a 'clever' introduction of the character. it can't just be some lore in the universe anymore. it all has to be connected.

you could just as easily say someone saw an old casper episode and thought it'd make a cute look an be done with it in two minutes...
Ghostbusters have daleks now. Something tells me between this, and how the pre release pictures have them trying to look like 'bad ass action heroes'...this thing is going to be less comedy and more serious.

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I would bet it's less that the logo needs the origin story, and more that, when confronted by whatever Gozer-equivalent they're facing, someone on the team inadvertently thinks of the logo with a bowtie and teeth, and now they have to fight that. It takes the place of Stay-Puft, and probably comes into the film in a similar way.

All of which brings me back to the thing that I've found so irritating about this project. If you're gonna kill the old continuity, why do you continue to shamelessly ape it? WHY MAKE A REBOOT AT ALL, IF YOU'RE JUST GONNA DO THE SAME DAMN MOVIE I ALREADY OWN?!
for the same reason as with Bay Turtles. The Turtles where supposed to be aliens. Shredder was supposed to be white/sachs. April was supposed to be even more involved with the plot, and the first one was supposed to have casey jones in the mix, as more of an April Casey movie.
When that horrible first script got leaked, and fan reaction went instantly negative, they changed it all.
Suddenly an asian shredder appeared out of nowhere in the trailer, for instance. and the movie became an even more utter mess because bay just didn't care.
You can have alien turtles, you just can't change the turtles to aliens. Even Nick got that simple message.

With FeigBusters it's a little less drastic. Everything in his initial pitch seems to have survived, minus the electric chair criminal and ghostbusters working for the government angle. When people saw those things in the movie, they rallied on the hate. so, enter in Sony, who is trying to sell this thing on misplaced nostalgia now. Cue in 30 second cameo's from classic cast. Cue in Firehouse cameo/joke. Cue in the logo becoming a character. Cue in a new Slimer. Cue in Babalonian references and what looks like a temple set. Cue in this dalek looking thing that b rings the ghosts into our world apparently. I have no doubt if those email leaks never happened, we would be getting something that resembled ghostbusters even less than it does now.

This thing is going to try and be so many different things that, just like turtles, it'll end up being nothing. and that's the real part of this that is frustrating as stated. Studios don't get that if you have someone in charge of it that actually loves the franchise, they can 'reboot' it the right way from the ground up. Or just do it right in a continuation. Then when you have someone who loves it, you get something fun like Ant-Man. something I knew nothing about, but knew it'd be something I'd like from the trailer. So far, the vibe i'm getting off this ghostbusters is action-scare. NOT comedy.

Even The Force Awakens, with the problems I have with it, was a fun movie. Seeing REAL things, and not CGI everything alone made it better than the prequels.
edit - just re read it again......disregard post lol ;o)...

I think it's best to avoid imdb for a while too..but it's going to be a looong 2 weeks ;o)..

here's a real question... when do movies usually screen for critics? if they skip this step....that should all but confirm it's terrible ;o)
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Once again I apologize for keeping this thread alive, but I find all this behind the scenes drama fascinating....

And this ties in withthe other post that I edited...but because sony removed the video, maybe this one has a bit more weight to it?

Perhaps Sony's solution to all the hate is a last ditch, last minute reshoot deal that turns it into a true ghostbusters three?
this is the third thing i've seen online posting about it. andthe fact that sony removed the guys video once it was posted on the more popular reddit makes me wonder...
but then again, it doesn't take much to make me wonder.

The only thing that could come out of this isa few things. 1- thousands of 'supporters' will go 'SEE? IT IS CONNECTED'....and be convinced this was sony's plan all along. 2-it won't help at all, because so many nerves are already frayed after all the 'debates'.... 3-it's more false plants from sony trying to get people to trick them into the theater..and it's not really what we are getting....

at this point, I wouldn't put three past them.
Semi-confirmation on the stuff Neil's been linking: Apparently, reverse linking the film to the originals was an option and it's all up in the air. Could land anywhere. Sony's been dumping constant notes on Feig since production.
At this point I would be fine never being able to see this...

Not even out of morbid curiosity.

Kill this with aids infused fire.

I saw a poster at a large movie theater last week... Had I not seen the little logo I would have had no idea what it was for..

Worst movie pre release ever?

Even if your looking forward to this one...... You have to admit.... The Lack of a trailer this close to release is flat out unheard of...

It looks, walks, talks and smells like a duck.........
No matter how bad the film ends up, I will be a LOT more forgiving of it if they somehow put it in the same universe as the original GB. That is far and away my biggest issue with the movie.

Not me.

This smells like something that Sony arranged over the phone one weekend. Old cast appearances aren't enough to win me over when it's probably 30-second cameos from half the players.

If the link was big enough to be worth my time then it wouldn't have been designed by the writers as an optional thing.
same here... I'm not going to see it just because they do a complete 180.

At this point... i'll see it in week four just to see how bad it is. and, just like turtles, to see where they clearly changed direction with the edits.
and to laugh at how badly it was all sewed together.

But after 20 years of false promises from dan...this turd from sony they knew no one wanted from day one.....and now this complete 180 trying to save the turd.....well...ghostbusters is beyond damaged at this point...just let it die.

then you get wonderful fluff articles like this one...that may or may not be started by sony atthis point and it's like...why am I supporting this brand at all anymore?
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You know what I thought is needed? A Time Line of exactly how this all went down, and a written record of why people against this movie from day one have hated it's guts.....

lets start at the begining from the leaked emails...

-Amy Pascal wants to do Aunt May Movie. All Female Spiderman teamup with four female superheros.
-amy pascal gets ousted due in part to sony hack and screwing up spiderman franchise.
-sony has plans to sue bill murray to get him to return to the franchise.
-amy pascal courts feig for a year. He Turns down movie for a year.
- Feig gets grand idea that if he reboots it, so the world is un aware of ghosts....and turns them all into women....THEN he gets excited...'I know a alot of funny women'....
- movie really gets going after Harold Ramis's death.
- Feig wants NOTHING to do with Dan Aykroyd and Ivan Reitman. insults both
- Ivan takes himself off as director. Fights to retain Producing credit, also due to Feig not wanting him to have anything to do with the new film.
- Ivan and Dan given Ghost Corps to nullify them and keep them happy...with promises to produce future ghostbuster movies Feig Free.
-FeigBusters announced. Instant Fan hate.
- announced not too long after the death of harold ramis
- sony makes a point to mention 'ALL FEMALE CAST' any chance they get. usually comes before ghostbusters is even brought up.
- Ernie Hudson only ghostbuster to publicly denounce film on twitter. 4 hours later, tweet vanishes replaced with generic 'four funny females getting ready to bust some ghosts in july!'
-a month or two later, Sony almost greenlights an all male version. Apparently they where not happy with how feig's version was coming along, but didn't think it
would look good publicly for them to denounce his movie so soon after announcing it. they are stuck with him for the time being.
- Movie is completed. radio silence.
- movie is being cut together. this is where tempers start to flare. Feig Goes on twitter rant against a fan or fans saying 'let this movie happen'. Tom Rothman
drops F bombs at fans criticising this movie from day one, goes on rant against fanbase....not the movie. Leslie Jones drops F Bomb twitter tirade.
- Feig Promises Trailer in December. Presumably this is where first test screenings of movie also happen. audiences with dead pan reactions to content force sony to do reshoots...

Then, an insider posts more info on what possiblly went on behind the scenes up to this point...>>

Insider reports suggest it's a complete trainwreck.

>Most of the cast signed on because they loved the original and wanted to make something good, McCarthy specifically signed on because she's a HUGE The Real Ghostbusters fan
>The script is apparently terrible
>McCarthy has gotten into frequent on-set fights with Feig, the director, due to her commitment to wanting to make an actually-good Ghostbusters film in the spirit of the cartoon series and instead being saddled with a lame duck of a script
>McCarthy and one of the other actresses involved allegedly have had a huge clash of egos on-set, more time was devoted each day to ensuring they both have an equal amount of lines, assistants, etc to mollify them than they actually spent shooting the film
>Wiig is very unhappy with the film, she spent most of her time between scenes lamenting that she'd gotten involved in this disaster on the phone with friends from her trailer
>Due to the above, the entire cast and crew have been forced to sign NDAs preventing them from discussing any aspects of the production or final film in anything less than a glowingly positive light, because the studio don't want a repeat of the Fox debacle with the Fant4stic cast and director publicly denigrating the project
>Feig's Twitter meltdowns are a result of the very real prospect that this film will at the very least severely damage his career and most likely end it
>The studio have been scrambling lawyers to strongarm and/or bribe the original cast members into shooting pick-up cameos in the hopes that they can sell the movie on misplaced nostalgia
>The studio are also becoming gun-shy of playing the feminism/misogyny card for publicity purposes after the terminal underperformance of WB's Fury Road


>The studio is in full-blown panic mode because they were banking on this movie being a cast-iron hit to kickstart a Ghostbusters cinematic universe, instead it's likely to kill any viability of that idea for ten to twenty years

The lack of marketing indicates the studio are already trying to minimise their loss on this film. All we've had for a film just a few short months from release is a poster and some publicity stills.>>>

- January, Sony does Reshoots, creates new trailers.
- Sony releases teaser announcement. instant fan hate. more dislikes..
-Sony Goes to plan B. Possible restructuring into ghostbusters 3 in the hopes that it can save movie it knows is terrible.

-Trailer coming in three weeks.

That about sums up this entire thread so far, I think.
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Am I the only one who would've been fine with Murray not being involved? He doesn't want anything to do with it? Fine. Let him go do his own thing. Even after Ramis died, I still had clearly in my head the Ray-and-Winston interplay in the first two films -- especially the conversation they had in Ecto-1 about the end of the world. It is no stretch at all for anyone who knows anything about Ghostbusters to see those two as the real heart of the team. And from there, with even a germ of creativity, the story practically writes itself. How Sony bungled things so badly is simply staggering...

nope, you are not the only one.

Is Murray talented? yes....can he make you laugh? yes... is he integral? Absolutely not. especially how he phoned in his Game performance. he was there, but he might as well not be with how softly he read the lines.

I personally think murray is very over rated and could easily be replaced. Would I think this where he not a jerk in real life? Probably not...
I will most likely see this movie but won't watch it in theaters. I will redbox it once it comes out to red box for my daughter as she likes the ghostbusters movie.
I feel bad for the cast & crew who signed on to this with good intentions. I can imagine many of the names involved wanting to make it good.

I think the top brass at Sony should seriously ask themselves whether it's worth the damage to the franchise to even release this thing. It seems like a fairly cheap shoot on paper and they haven't spent $1 promoting it yet. If they could bail out before a lot of the post-production work is done they might cut their losses even more. Maybe a deal could be cut with all the parties expecting profit points.

Or they could just slash the PP budget, finish it with TV-grade effects, and dump it straight to the $5 bin at Walmart. A less extreme version of keeping it unreleased/unfinished.
agreed on the casts part at least. If the actors TRULY wanted to make a good film, because they liked either the cartoon, or movies, then regardless of what you think of their
craft on film up till now, I do feel sorry for them in that regard.... but, they should have known going in what feig is limited to doing...and not expected much more than that.

I can't help but wonder if Sony truly is ready to do just that at this point. we've only seen 6 production stills and 4 seconds of footage. the movie comes out in 4 months.
What are they going to do if the trailer gets an equal hostile reaction, even if they change it to GB3?

what I've heard of things they've shot, again, if IMDB and other locations is to be proven right, isn't encouraging for high quality material.

And also, keep in mind, the second movie was pretty much a carbon copy of the first. can you imagine doing that three times in a row? and making this a part three?
I think the GB franchise will have a hard time recovering i nthe general publics eye if that is what they think that this is all the franchise can do.

at least the game TRIED to expand on the mythology a little....just like GB 2 did by adding in the slime blowers and mood slime.
The game expanded on shandor, upgraded the packs, showed the slime created portals for the ghosts to go through....the nuon trap...all kinds of cool ideas.
I really do not like Melissa McCarthy and really dislike her in mike and molly. I really wish they did not make what I view as very poor decisions on hiring/casting of the main characters and director as because of these decisions I fear we will never get another ghostbusters movie.
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