GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

doesn't matter...unless fans stick to their guns like FF fans, it'll still be a huge hit. sadly. don't think FF failed because of the fans, do you?

FF failed because it got horrible reviews and pre-release press, plus the fans themselves were against it, plus it looked generic in a sea of comic book movies and average moviegoers weren't interested.

It's not like the fans brought it down in some act of solidarity. These films survive or fail on the breadth of their appeal, not on their ability to make a specific, narrow subset of the audience happy.
considering the amount of openings the other marvel movies got? Yes, people know this is a fox one, but I'd like to think it was a little bit of a protest against a bad idea. it might not have been as big a nail as the general movie going public put into it, but I'd like to think it at least contributed.

the ghostbusters fan base is far bigger..and I think far more open to bad ideas at this point. after 20 years of false promises, some are willing to accept just about anything..and by some of the posts i've seen, have already convinced themselves it'll be an emmy winner by the amount of unbridled positivity I see in some places. hell, there's already t shirts and headphone sets with that stupid nuike heart symbol on it. with this movie, there seem to be two camps. 100% for and 100% against. there doesn't seem to be much of a middle road.

This is the most i've seen them ALL smile....hmm, last day of shooting..coincidence? Leslie jones looks like she wants to just punch something, the other two look bored and asleep most of the time. McCarthy is usually the one with a smile on.

Real estate role confirmed. sigh, ernie...


'i'm ruining any chance you had at ghostbusters 3! Thanks for accepting my measly 30 second walk on role cameo...! ' Ernie doesn't look like he's smiling ;o)
:lol Hahah what is your obsession with who's smiling in candid spy pics? I don't think that's really a fair barometer for anything. We've got enough information to know that the approach to this film is truly unfortunate, but as with most productions there are good and bad days on set and most of them seem to be enjoying it so far... No offense intended, but I think you're looking for something that's not there. There's plenty of more tangible evidence of the crudfest to come!
:lol Hahah what is your obsession with who's smiling in candid spy pics? I don't think that's really a fair barometer for anything. We've got enough information to know that the approach to this film is truly unfortunate, but as with most productions there are good and bad days on set and most of them seem to be enjoying it so far... No offense intended, but I think you're looking for something that's not there. There's plenty of more tangible evidence of the crudfest to come!

I dunno....just something to fill up the post, I guess. they won't just let you post the pictures and run ;o).
plus, everything's been said at this point anyway, bound to be repeats!

besides, between this movie and turtles last year.....what's left of my brain has been drained for creatively bashing stuff :)

I guess now we've gotta wait for a trailer.

sometimes in january maybe?
I dunno....just something to fill up the post, I guess. they won't just let you post the pictures and run ;o).
plus, everything's been said at this point anyway, bound to be repeats!

besides, between this movie and turtles last year.....what's left of my brain has been drained for creatively bashing stuff :)

I guess now we've gotta wait for a trailer.

sometimes in january maybe?

Oh no... They will probably show the trailer during the premiere of EP7! :) You watch!
in other news.. I know different movies and same director yeild different results..but I decided to give spy a chance...first ten minutes are watchable. nothing special since it's just standard spy stuff, but nothingbad either..wondering what the rest of minutes are like..
Yes, many of the responses have been misinformed, misogynistic, and/or ignorant... but he's still missing/ignoring the legitimate complaints about the whole damn process, as we've bashed out extensively on here. I have no problem at all with a new generation getting their own Ghostbusters. I do have a problem that he was totally uninterested in tying it in with the original narrative in any way, shape, or form, even though there are many ways that could have been done, done well, and even done in his style, regardless of Sony's "cart before the horse" approach to the whole thing.

Yes, many of the responses have been misinformed, misogynistic, and/or ignorant... but he's still missing/ignoring the legitimate complaints about the whole damn process,

That's just 95% of general internet comments these days.
It's gotten so bad of a duck fest out there that i've had to un sucrcribe from about every Fan page I was on over at Facebook. even the news sites like ABC news read like aol commentators now. it's also amazing how fast things turn into an argument even on simple posts like pizza rat. it's a free for all out there of rude idiots. and it only really got this bad in the last year or so...odd.

anyway, if you do a little research, we know EXACTLY what kind of movie he's doing. his original idea of doing something so grand and different got shot down after the initial it's nothing but a reboot tribute keeping the exact same formula right down to the babalonian god. Only difference is, well, you know.....his usual limited comfort zone that unfortunately we happened to be stuck with thanks to an ousted sony executive who's bad decisions tanked other movies.

I'm almost wishing for michael bay at this point.

If his comebacks are any sign of movie quality, we are in for a disaster of biblical proportions. PLEASE let the dance number be inthe film... please please please! complete with singing musical number and twirling boas! ;o)

heh, saw something posted on one of the fan groups, had to make the meme ;o)
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I mean, to be fair, I can understand him being fed up with the pushback on the film. And, again to be fair, a lot of the pushback has focused around the sexist aspects, rather than the same-as-the-last-one-but-also-a-reboot aspects. So, yeah, I can understand the frustration. What I think is...hmm....ill-advised is to roll in the mud with the people who troll you on twitter. I's twitter. Who cares?
So, yeah, I can understand the frustration. What I think is...hmm....ill-advised is to roll in the mud with the people who troll you on twitter. I's twitter. Who cares?

apparently professionals going at people for ANY criticism is a thing now. in 2014, I was on a producers FB page for the new nick turtles show for months getting the lay of the land. I said nothing but compliments and kept my criticism of the show at arms length. I thought maybe I could say one thing and we'd get into a discussion about other horrible tmnt characters, seeing as how supposedly he is this huge turtle fan. Instead, my posting of "I'm sorry, but the pulverizer is the most useless character ever invented in turtledom"..not only got me F Bombed....but also got me a mini rant saying ' this isn't a *** message board", among other things said. . After his yes fans attacked me, I got banned lol. come to think of it, my comeback should have been, 'time for some decaf, dude' Turns out later, I found out that he's had a history of going after fans for even minor comments and sketchy behavior.....but that kind of stuff behind closed doors like we expect talent to do, not in public. I was already sketchy on the new show at that point, but after that, my willingness to support it dropped to almost 0.

quite frankly, after that, nothing surprises me. and I think he deserves some of it to be honest. I'd respect him more if he stuck to his original guns and kept on turning down the project he knew he wasn't right for and had no interest in doing. then he's surprised by all the hate when things get started? seriously?

-edit - did a little more looking into it. apparently this was pointed at ONE person who's been spreading hate and vitrol at him and anyone connected to the movie for months now. but what Idon't get is, just block the account! first tweet you don't like? person should have been gone. now you have this mess to deal with. why put up with that behavior for months?
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And Annie Potts as well.

so, lets get this straight. this movie has Bill ***** Murray. Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts, AND Sigourney Weaver? (no rick moranis for obvious reasons)
It's got the original firehouse in it too?

And you think this is going to PLEASE fans? I don't know about anyone else, but it just pisses me off more showing us what we COULD have gotten if he had an ounce of talent in his body, and actually cared to do a sequel. they got everyone back together again! A Virtual impossibility AND after 20 years of false promises! They will all be in the movie for a total of 50 seconds tops!

I fu bu gu..... I og uf fu bu.....

oh screw it.. i'm forgetting how to talk this movie is making me so crazy in it's logic ;o)......Bay Turtles started the overload, this completed it! how do big franchise movies GET this far along before anyone says, 'hey fella's, I think this is a BAD IDEA!?!?!?!?!'

I've never wanted time to be sped up so fast just to see how this all turns out..

-edit this post is sarcasm. but the sentiment is real ;o)
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It's not exactly a 1:1 comparison, but I wrote a review for a video game on Steam. Some doofus posted a snarky reply to my review. Know what I did? I deleted the reply from the review. I did not get into some back and forth with the dude, because....screw it. Who cares?

Social media and the presence of creative types on it who want to interact with their fans...I mean...I applaud it on the one hand, but you HAVE to know how to do it right. Slinging mud at your fans is just a bad idea. Even if they're acting like d-bags. It's no different than a restaurant getting snarky with a customer who posts a bad review on Yelp. It NEVER looks good for the restaurant. There's just no percentage in acting like this, because the perception is always that the restaurant or the director or the company or whatever is the proverbial "Goliath" and the critic is just a little guy. Even if the critic is a jerk, you look lame if you let them ruffle your feathers.
I wonder if paul feig has actually lost it....along with the supporters of this movie if reading the internets is any indication about all this twitter feed nonsense.
some of them are even thinking that this guy cares enough to fake footage and leaks and is really making a part 3, not a reboot. all based on 'people think they know what we are doing...they are wrong..'

I mean, we have a guy here who got set exclusives. how wrong could we possibly be on what is going to happen?

I'd kind of be even more pissed if that was the case, because it caused a years worth of aggravation that could have easily been avoided ;o). that, and we fell for a free marketing publicity ploy for a movie cover up ;o)'s as bad to lie to your audience as it is to trick them.

nothing really new in this article, just saw it posted elsewhere. skip the spy stuff halfway down.

I kind of liked these comments myself ;o)

>>>When something smells, and it don't look good...Who ya gonna blame? Paul Feig!>>>
>>Sorry, but any movie that has to rely on all of the original actors (from the movies before it) to return, doesn't sound like it will be all that good of a movie on it's own>>
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