GHOSTBUSTERS Pre-Release - film discussion only, no social commentary please!

Perhaps there is a connection between the Heavy Metal song and ghosts, i.e. accidental summonings? Pick of destiny style, maybe?
Oh al roker. I wonder what it's like to have that much un bri dled enthusiasm.

Most of us have been mizers about this thing from the start.

In other news, someone get feig a sweatshirt or something.

nooooooooooooooooooooo! Ernie Hudson....nooooooooooo! you hated this idea from the beginning and where the only one to voice it!
why now? why? sigh....
hook and ladder should have denied filming rights in support of the originals...sigh...

Now knowing Murray,aykroyd and Hudson are on board I'm going to have to go see this

don't fall for the ploy, man...
they arn't on board. they where probably forced by sony lawyers. well, maybe all but aykroyd. he's open for anything ;o)
they'll be in it for a grand total of about 40 seconds i'd bet ;o)
No one was forced to do anything, but Murray and Hudson didn't read the script or anything before agreeing to their cameos. Murray appreciates some people involved and did it as a favor; Hudson signed on for a paycheck. Aykroyd wasn't up for any of this until he got the sense that being combative with Sony would stall his chances of being any part of GB moving forward. It was like a light switch, the way he started doing press in support of it. Their roles are each as relevant to the story as Aykroyd's cabbie who wouldn't pick up one of the new Ghostbusters. No Stanz, Venkman, or Zeddemore, and no real endorsement of the concept/approach/story from any of them.
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Won't be heavy metal. I'd expect hiphop, myself. Easier to market to the masses.

Only movie marketing executives and Kanye West actually believe that.

In actual numbers hip hop barely beats out country and gets demolished by rock/pop.

It worked for movies like this in the 80's because it was still new and edgy. Now it just reeks of old white people trying too hard.
No one was forced to do anything, but Murray and Hudson didn't read the script or anything before agreeing to their cameos. Murray appreciates some people involved and did it as a favor; Hudson signed on for a paycheck. Aykroyd wasn't up for any of this until he got the sense that being combative with Sony would stall his chances of being any part of GB moving forward. It was like a light switch, the way he started doing press in support of it. Their roles are each as relevant to the story as Aykroyd's cabbie who wouldn't pick up one of the new Ghostbusters. No Stanz, Venkman, or Zeddemore, and no real endorsement of the concept/approach/story from any of them.

right....forgot about the interview change of tune. but wasn't there an email saying dan was surprisingly open to the idea by one of dans friends in the hack?
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