Ok the arms are done... let me just check my list to see what is next... Aww that is funny... my list is all checked off. That can't be right let me look at the list again.... maybe I have another list somewhere... hmmmm..
She is done... you might notice some of the gaps in joints aren't quite closed yet... I need a deeper socket to tighten those up... but at least it is up there... hopefully never to come down! lol
Friend of mine came over to help install it so I wouldn't drop any parts like last time... 2 years of work..
I want to thank Palantirion and joberg for all the help PMs and phone calls.. you guys made this easier!
Eeek That's a scary critter you have there hanging from the ceiling Don't show that to people with little lighting in the room: heart attack conducive for sure Congrats on a wonderful and highly difficult work/paint...and you're welcome for the encouragements; it's well deserved