Full size Weeping Angel ideas

I am not a Doctor Who fan at all, so I've only seen one YouTube clip of these. In the clip I watched, the male actor was left to "pin" the Weeping Angel while the incompetant female sauntered off to secure their escape. I found it nervewracking to watch the guy petrified while listening to chilling souns as the woman was confronted by such horrible obstacles as "I can't find the key." "It's too high!" and "I broke a nail!"

Truely too dreadful to contemplate.
^ It's all a matter of taste/preference.................but as for the Weeping Angels themselves in the story line--their disguise is undeniably brillant! IMO............

I am not a Doctor Who fan at all, so I've only seen one YouTube clip of these. In the clip I watched, the male actor was left to "pin" the Weeping Angel while the incompetant female sauntered off to secure their escape. I found it nervewracking to watch the guy petrified while listening to chilling souns as the woman was confronted by such horrible obstacles as "I can't find the key." "It's too high!" and "I broke a nail!"

Truely too dreadful to contemplate.

Give 'em a fair shake more than a YouTube clip, pull up the relevant episodes on Netflix sometime, it's worth it. They're quite original villains, and the pre-2012 episodes with them were pretty creepy. I'm still on the fence about them earlier this 2012 season (2012 "series" in the UK) though, but one particular moment was pretty surprising...
I made a Weeping Angel last fall for Anime Banzai in Layton, UT - it won a Judges Award in the Expo category (anything goes, it doesn't have to be anime related) Beware: The Weeping Angels

The mask was always falling off though...The special effects store in North Salt Lake where I purchased all the main components for the mask sold me some glue to apply it to my skin that wasn't very good at all. It just would not stick. When I got to Anime Banzai, I stopped by their costume help station and was continuously borrowing their spirit gum...it was better, but I think I just need to redo the mask, this time using foam latex so that it can move in conjunction with my face. I already have a lifecast of my face, but probably need to do it again, this time as a full head cast rather than just the face. (If it fits over my head, the need for glue will be eliminated).

I would like to wear it again at a general Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention called CONDuit23:The Dark Guilds of CON in SLC next weekend (24-26 May) but I've already committed myself to building a Pandorica for that...(not full size, which looks like it is about 12ftx12ft...mine is 7ftx7ft, still plenty big...will post on that if/when I get that done!)
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My wife wandered in when I was watching the original episode. When I explained the "don't blink" bit she replied ...

"Pppft - Just close one eye at a time!", and wandered off ... :facepalm
My wife wandered in when I was watching the original episode. When I explained the "don't blink" bit she replied ...

"Pppft - Just close one eye at a time!", and wandered off ... :facepalm

ok so i just tried that it didn't work had to blink still lol .... come on own up who else tried it ???
We actually have 2 weeping angels. We have a spook house in October and we made 2. My husband made video tutorials for the 2nd one. Weeping Angel Project - YouTube The monster plastic he refers to is wood glue mixed with latex paint. I drys to a waterproof finish. He loves the stuff. If you buy wood glue by the gallon it can be as cheap as $15. Monster plastic can also be used to cover the sculpted foam wings.
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