Fight Club Tyler Durden T-shirts?

Soul I keep looking at your photo with the track pants. Dang man You do solid work!!! I can't help thinking what you could do with a Jonathan Logan jacket because you have made that one look amazing. Which jacket is that? Do you have any before photos that we can compare it to? And what all did you do to it? I'm half tempted to let you eff around with mine lol.

Hahah omg this is almost word or word what I said too!
Though the picture was posted to show the sports pants I cant stop dribbling over the jacket :)

The one thing no jacket Iv seen on here has matched yet is that shine. Again soul, great job !
Guys - just a quick question. I'm trying to justify the cost of a JAL jacket to myself. I'm obviously happy that the quality is top notch but I was wondering what the colour is like in the flesh with regards to wearing the jacket as an everyday jacket and not worrying its too out there that its strikingly obvious that's it's a copy of the film jacket?

This perhaps sounds like a strange question when I'm talking about a replica of a film jacket looking too much like a replica but I used to have the Soul Revolver jacket (years ago - probably their first version) and the colour and overall look of the leather put me off actually using the jacket as it had a kind of costume / dressing up feel.
I think the SR antiqued version looks great, however, I can't actually see any posts from anyone that has the antiqued version to get a good idea of the true colour and how good the "antiquing" is.

I would prefer to get the JAL version as it looks like a fantastic jacket and allow it to weather and age naturally but I just have that one niggle on the colour / overall look after being a bit disappointed with the original SR jacket.
I'd recommend getting some leather samples of different colours first and seeing if you could go in a more dull/darker direction then. I love the jacket, but wouldn't wear it for the same reason - it looks too much like a costume.

But a different shade, say oxblood or burgundy and I'd be interested. I have a burgundy bomber jacket that I love to bits. It doesn't look like anything from Fight Club, but is unique enough to stand out from anyone Else's everyday wear.
I've had mine for five years. I had to wear it around the house for about 6 months before really relaxing in it. Now i don't even notice. And other people are more likely to give you compliments than anything else. It does stand out from the crowd, but in a good way. However, you do need to dress it up a bit. If you normally wear very ordinary grey/black clothes on a day to day basis, it might look a little out of place. But a few interesting funky shirts and tops, and it looks the biz.
Smirking - that's kind of what I was thinking. The leather looks like it needs time to find its fit on you. My clothes are probably a bit out there so might fit with what you describe (much to my wife's annoyance). I just don't want to commit to the JAL, look forward to eventually getting it, then be somewhat disappointed when I can't comfortably wear it as I'd like to.

Weirdly I wouldn't have any issue wearing some of the amazing replica stuff that Soulinertia is working on out and about - perhaps its because the red jacket is so iconically fight club that I'm more conscious of it having the potential to look like I'm dressing up.
Not really crash. They're all some kind of red or burgandy. The only one is the xmart jacket which was supposedly made my logan. I don't know any other with a true vintage rusty reddish brown color. I say vintage because the rust was popular in the 70's
I think the standard looks good. Not too bright. I always liked smirking's first jacket. It's red but has a nice orange ish brown color to me. Like red but very wearable. I also like smirking's new jacket he got off eBay. It's not photographed well to see color but it looks really toned down to me. Very wearable especially since it's a bit distressed. AJ's jacket cool as hell but it's too bright for me. I'm sure it's made of 100% quality but it looks a bit costumey for me. Maybe when he paints it it will look way better. Smirking is also a fan of xmart's jacket color and I believe he said he was going to try and get logan to replicate it. The standard is awesome but it's a bit too modern for me. I'm a bit anal when it comes to this stuff. I WANT a jacket that looks and feels vintage 70's but in Logan's design.
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I own 3 JALS. If you want less costumey or red my first one is probably what you want. Compared to the movie screen used jacket it is way darker maybe like 10 shades. I am sure I have some pictures one second.

- - - Updated - - -

That is my first JAL it is a calf skin leather.

By the way, my lamb skin JAL should be arriving at JAL's today for some painting....
That jacket looks great AJ. That looks really wearable in my eyes. Can you tell me if this was the standard "off the shelf" leather colour or did you have to specify this colour from samples etc?
You can ask for that leather. When I saw JAL about 2 months ago I asked if he had the leather my first jacket was made in and he said yes. He didnt have too much left maybe enough for like 3 more jackets. You could just email him my pics and ask to use that leather tell him AJ 's jacket he will know. Make sure to state my first jacket made in 2011.
That should be standard. Both my jackets are close to that. The second one I got off eBay is identical. The second one I got made by Jonathan is a rust brown colour for when I feel I want a subtler look. But it's very lightweight. It's my summer jacket. Jonathan just emailed me a picture of my finished fight club. The one I got from eBay. New lining and sleeves shortened. Do be aware though that lighting affects the colour of leather greatly, so don't lean too heavily on pictures for colour reference. But Jonathan would send you a sample if you asked for it.

and slightly off topic, but also my 24 Season 8 and Vanilla sky suede jacket. So excited.

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Lol. Nice William shatter mask smirk. Is that a vintage or modern Halloween mask? Smirking, this fc jacket logan fixed for you, can't tell from the pics but is it in standard calf? Can you take some close up pics of the collar. Id like to see how his calf wrinkles. Id like to see the distressing. I've never seen one this distressed
That's wierd. Have i posted the wrong pictures? they look like jackets to me...Weird.
its new. Got it from Terry Lambert at Cemetery Gates. he's amazing. Photobucket is so wierd sometimes.

OK, is it showing jackets and not halloween masks now? LOL:eek

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