EP VII Millennium Falcon

We'll Starkiller any news , that you can discuss .........and how long do we need to wait until we can hear it .....Please 3 months is too long

Yup. They seem to be in various states of being taken apart and stuck back together for Who between 1978 (Pirate Planet) to 1984 - '84 being where I stopped looking, so there maybe a few more episodes after that. But that does mean there could be a chance the parts still exist as they didn't get returned to a hire/metal yard for resale or scrap.

so the backwards turret...

ok, I think I can deal with this. I think I'll have to do a quick animation, to see what it looks like swinging around. But visually it totally makes sense, and doesn't break the ship or add anything stupid.




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what's really weirding me out though is the disappearing red panel...

this is the rear quarter from the first teaser, ostensibly from the same desert battle with TIE fighters. Note the red panel

and here she is now with in the new trailer with no red panel.

what gives?

I kind of hope she gets blasted at some point, and we see Han or somebody standing on the falcon replacing her panels. That could be a fun scene. But I also wonder if the flight scene in the teaser was made up specially for the teaser, and the model they used had a red panel for some reason, which was discarded for the actual movie.

time will tell.


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Omg. I really can't believe they did that. What's it do to the interior tho? That means the whole column under the platform needs to swivel too...
What the heck????? This has to be teaser for us MF fans! Man you have good eye (except when it comes to 1" blue tiles ;)) I bet these aren't final shots.

Also, we got the traditional "flyby" as seen in both ESB and RotJ. I weeped a little after seeing it.
Do both platforms move in tandem, top and bottom? If not the ladder corridor needs to split too. My head hurts...

they seem to go in unison, thankfully!


can't say what it does to the interior while it's rotating though. Perhaps you can't access the turrets when they're rotated?
This could solve a few things, no?

It would mean the turrets are pointed out over the cockpit tube when they enter the gunners' chamber and answers why the ladder is so close to the hallway?
perhaps, but then in exterior shots you always see the turrets facing forwards but the access tube is visible in the interior. You might say it rotates the tube independent of the turrets, then locks up with them after you enter the tube.. but that's feel like a stretch.
The funny thing is, is that the little quad gun robot I built was to prove an argument we were having at work that the Falcon can't shoot 360°. The gun yoke limits it's rearward firing arc. Having the whole base swivel solves this, but introduces other inconsistencies.

I went over the scene, and the Falcon is definitely firing on the TIEs backward (only from the lower turret it looks to me, so there's at least two people on board during this scene. Yeah, they could be messing with us... but I don't think so. Damn well better not be.

But anyway, as far as new complications go, it's not as though she was a logical ship and they're adding wrinkles that mess everything up. She is known as the ship of riddles after all.
I went over the scene, and the Falcon is definitely firing on the TIEs backward (only from the lower turret it looks to me, so there's at least two people on board during this scene. Yeah, they could be messing with us... but I don't think so. Damn well better not be.

But anyway, as far as new complications go, it's not as though she was a logical ship and they're adding wrinkles that mess everything up. She is known as the ship of riddles after all.

Yeah... I always suspected the turrets rotated since the MPC turrets did back in the day. But then that also means the whole internal struture of how it's laid out is totally messed up now too and those ladders cannot be in a fixed position sitting in the entrance to the sitting area.

I don't think you spotted this but the whole engine exhaust area is totally different now too... Take a look... it looks more like this:


Personally there's two things I'd REALLY like to see on this baby... the moving flaps over the engines and the mandibles moving for grabbing cargo or attaching to some docking port or something!
I just went over the footage in slow motion, and it looks normal to me. Do you have a screengrab showing the pattern?

yeah, I'd love to see the flaps in action. I did once try to have my model move its mandibles to grab stuff, and it looked AWFUL. For whatever reason it just didn't work in any appealing way. Same for a test I did of the cockpit rotating, which it's rumored the falcon was supposed to do in flight.
I went over the scene, and the Falcon is definitely firing on the TIEs backward (only from the lower turret it looks to me, so there's at least two people on board during this scene. Yeah, they could be messing with us... but I don't think so. Damn well better not be.

But anyway, as far as new complications go, it's not as though she was a logical ship and they're adding wrinkles that mess everything up. She is known as the ship of riddles after all.
Not necessarily needing two people to use the guns as they can be put into automatic / cockpit control to defend the ship (mentioned in the millennium falcon novel)
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