eFX vader and muppets

Personally, I don't think it's the taking money and not giving a date at all. It's that, from what i've seen anyhow, is that they give a date range. Taking the vader for an example. Down payment in March with shipping supposedly Q4. Ok, if you want to go corporate and say Q4 is Nov-Jan, we're halfway in that shipping timeframe. Current news, which I believe is unofficial is that the last proof that got back was good and they're hoping the next one is 'it'. Upshot is they aren't making the target timeframe.

And therein I think lies the issue for a lot of people. If you ask for money and say between these dates, you know, you expect it between those dates. Of course I and pretty much everyone else understand you bust your butt to make it as perfect as possible and having to deal with the shop and all can take time. Absolutely, no questions or problems with that. I think a lot of that PR and CS issues would be resolved if, in those situations, that there was some kind of running dialog between the company and it's customers to keep them apprised of what's going on. The 'official word' I believe is the same thing on the order page from March, shipping Q4 2011.

People had issues and Gino commented on the current situation and that was all a good number of people needed to hear. A lot/most don't mind waiting if they're waiting to get it right, but they would like to be 'in the loop' to some degree. It's not hard to create a mailing list of customers for a project and send a mass email. One email a month giving a status/progress report would make loads of people much happier.

I've heard this same complaint going back to MR. And it doesn't help matters either when you get something like the ANH X-wing helmet going up for order last week and shipping in 2 weeks while other people have been waiting months for their order. Different products, different details/construction/etc, I totally get it. Not everyone else does, though. People want to know what they've ordered and partially paid for is in the pipeline and that progress is being made. They don't want to pay and wait a year with no information and suddenly get an email saying payments due next week.
eFX isn't that big a company and the licensing fees going to LFL are not trivial. It wouldn't be a viable business plan if they forked out all the production costs ahead of time hoping that those who agreed to buy a helmet would actually pay for it. Having people put down deposits ensures that the production is worthwhile and that they will actually sell.

Fine. Then give me a shipping date. Don't give me a "quarter" then miss THAT!
Personally, I don't think it's the taking money and not giving a date at all. It's that, from what i've seen anyhow, is that they give a date range. Taking the vader for an example. Down payment in March with shipping supposedly Q4. Ok, if you want to go corporate and say Q4 is Nov-Jan, we're halfway in that shipping timeframe. Current news, which I believe is unofficial is that the last proof that got back was good and they're hoping the next one is 'it'. Upshot is they aren't making the target timeframe.

And therein I think lies the issue for a lot of people. If you ask for money and say between these dates, you know, you expect it between those dates. Of course I and pretty much everyone else understand you bust your butt to make it as perfect as possible and having to deal with the shop and all can take time. Absolutely, no questions or problems with that. I think a lot of that PR and CS issues would be resolved if, in those situations, that there was some kind of running dialog between the company and it's customers to keep them apprised of what's going on. The 'official word' I believe is the same thing on the order page from March, shipping Q4 2011.

People had issues and Gino commented on the current situation and that was all a good number of people needed to hear. A lot/most don't mind waiting if they're waiting to get it right, but they would like to be 'in the loop' to some degree. It's not hard to create a mailing list of customers for a project and send a mass email. One email a month giving a status/progress report would make loads of people much happier.

I've heard this same complaint going back to MR. And it doesn't help matters either when you get something like the ANH X-wing helmet going up for order last week and shipping in 2 weeks while other people have been waiting months for their order. Different products, different details/construction/etc, I totally get it. Not everyone else does, though. People want to know what they've ordered and partially paid for is in the pipeline and that progress is being made. They don't want to pay and wait a year with no information and suddenly get an email saying payments due next week.

EXACTLY!!! The last line my key argument.
Just out of curiosity, why isn't the website, which I assume is sort of the 'face' of the company--the easiest thing to find online, etc.--why isn't that updated?

I am very happy with my eFX items, and I've been involved with other projects that had extended creation/wait times--so I don't mind waiting. Let me repeat: I don't mind waiting.

I find it unsettling that the website seems abandoned/not updated. Is there an alternate area where eFX supporters/buyers go to get their information? Seems like the easiest way to allay fears, confusion, questions--is to work on that site & use it as a tool to inform the public, as opposed to a billboard that gets put up once to advertise something--and that's it.

I didn't expect that the wait time would be quite so long on these projects, but I can hang in there. I would simply find it reassuring to get updates without having to go asking every few months. Reminds me too much of my experiences with EDC, or Icons. And because I was around for those, it makes me nervous when delivery dates get routinely pushed back--and information is difficult to get.

BUT--if there's an alternate site or blog I should know about, then please refer me there & I apologize. I'm not trying to bad-mouth a company that I do believe in. Just find it frustrating that the communication's so poor.
I got one of the Legend Vader helmets and I have to be honest, I hope it does not start shipping this close to Christmas. A month of financial recovery would be good :lol.
They don't want to pay and wait a year with no information and suddenly get an email saying payments due next week.

EXACTLY!!! The last line my key argument.

Ok with that point we are on the same page. I have two helmets on order and trust me that I would prefer to know when I'll need to fork out the remainder of the $$$. From that standpoint yes it would be fair of eFX to provide a more solid time frame and to be conservative if they've already had some experience with their manufacturer. So they could have said 1st Q of 2012 and then stick to it, even if they might have it ready last quarter of 2011, for example. That would be my advice to them. But clearly they would want to have the balance of what is due and get the product out asap. If they cannot provide a definite time frame, then what would be fair is for them to provide a reasonable amount of time before the balance is due, like a month or two.
Well, if their X-Wing helmets are any indication I don't know if we will be getting any notifications for upcoming product releases.

I have got two X-Wing helmets coming soon and I would imagine they will be shipped very close together.
If they cannot provide a definite time frame, then what would be fair is for them to provide a reasonable amount of time before the balance is due, like a month or two.

I can't imagine the amount of outrage from customers if efx were to say, hey stuff is ready to ship, but we're going to wait an additional month or two for people to be prepared.

Efx is doing everything within their control to get items out as quickly as possible and I believe that is what the greatest majority of their customers would want.
Also, it doesn't make sense to announce a ship date until you are 99% for sure it isn't going to change. As soon as efx can say for certain, it is announced asap.

My own advice would be for customers to put the funds away and forget about it as if it's already spent. That way when their item is ready, the payment aspect is already taken care of well in advance.

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Just out of curiosity, why isn't the website, which I assume is sort of the 'face' of the company--the easiest thing to find online, etc.--why isn't that updated?

I am very happy with my eFX items, and I've been involved with other projects that had extended creation/wait times--so I don't mind waiting. Let me repeat: I don't mind waiting.

I find it unsettling that the website seems abandoned/not updated. Is there an alternate area where eFX supporters/buyers go to get their information? Seems like the easiest way to allay fears, confusion, questions--is to work on that site & use it as a tool to inform the public, as opposed to a billboard that gets put up once to advertise something--and that's it.

I didn't expect that the wait time would be quite so long on these projects, but I can hang in there. I would simply find it reassuring to get updates without having to go asking every few months. Reminds me too much of my experiences with EDC, or Icons. And because I was around for those, it makes me nervous when delivery dates get routinely pushed back--and information is difficult to get.

BUT--if there's an alternate site or blog I should know about, then please refer me there & I apologize. I'm not trying to bad-mouth a company that I do believe in. Just find it frustrating that the communication's so poor.

That's basically what I said.

The info that came out wasn't from a special site for EFX, someone asked about it here and Gino gave an update based on what he knew.

I went to their site the other day, too, while I was posting to make sure they hadn't put an update in there to make my post kinda pointless, and nope. I then started poking around and looked at the development section where i think the most recent date on anything there was 2009.

I was just thinking a mass email would be the easiest, least time consuming method to go about it. You've got a database of those who ordered along with their email addresses - kick out a list (takes maybe 5 minutes to max to pull up the db, do a query, and kick out the list) then write an email to the list - No one's asking for a novella or anything. Just a quick update and maybe a picture if you've got one you can release.

Posting it the website would be good too, but that usually takes multiple people and can get lost in the shuffle. But still, no one is asking for a minute by minute rundown, just some basic feedback. If for three months in a row the message is 'still working with the shop to get the masters right', fine, so be it. At least the people who bought it know it's being worked on.

I'm fine waiting. I'd just be happier waiting if I was 'in the loop' to some degree. Anyone honestly think a monthly update is too much to ask?
I can understand a monthly update being too much, but they ought to provide some kind of update when the original estimated delivery date has come and gone.

I should not have to visist forums to find out what is happening with my order; I should have an email from eFX, an update on their site, or both.

I already posted this at Rebel Scum, but I thought I would post it here, too:
None of us want to do anything to encourage the product being rushed in order to make some pre-established delivery estimate.

Having said that, I think a reasonable standard for any company is that when an expected ship date comes and goes [Q4 2011], there ought to be an easy to find status update for those that have purchased akin to the following:

Hello Vader fans,
eFX continues to work with our manufactures to make sure the product you pre-ordered meets our highest standards.

That is taking some time. We had originally anticipated and 4th quarter 2011 shipping date, but now we are estimating that these might be ready in the second quarter of 2012, but that too is just an estimate based on the current production status.

Once we have a better idea of when the Legend and Limited Darth Vader EP IV helmets will ship,
or we reach the middle of the second quarter of 2012, we will update you again.

Regardless of when the helmets are ready, we know it will be worth the wait and we thank you for understanding our desire to provide you the best EPIV Vader helmet possible.

-Your eFX team

Is that so hard to do? I don't think so.

That would give folks some sort of answer, make them fell "in the loop," which should occur when there has been no communication since the original order date and no updates since the original delivery date has come and gone. Passing an originally expected ship date is a customer service milestone that needs to be acknowledged even if it is not a milestone in terms of the product's production status.

Great customer service is both about delivering a quality product and communicating well with clients.

That's basically what I said.

The info that came out wasn't from a special site for EFX, someone asked about it here and Gino gave an update based on what he knew.

I went to their site the other day, too, while I was posting to make sure they hadn't put an update in there to make my post kinda pointless, and nope. I then started poking around and looked at the development section where i think the most recent date on anything there was 2009.

I was just thinking a mass email would be the easiest, least time consuming method to go about it. You've got a database of those who ordered along with their email addresses - kick out a list (takes maybe 5 minutes to max to pull up the db, do a query, and kick out the list) then write an email to the list - No one's asking for a novella or anything. Just a quick update and maybe a picture if you've got one you can release.

Posting it the website would be good too, but that usually takes multiple people and can get lost in the shuffle. But still, no one is asking for a minute by minute rundown, just some basic feedback. If for three months in a row the message is 'still working with the shop to get the masters right', fine, so be it. At least the people who bought it know it's being worked on.

I'm fine waiting. I'd just be happier waiting if I was 'in the loop' to some degree. Anyone honestly think a monthly update is too much to ask?
Suck it up. You want something this rare, then you just have to roll the dice. This isn't some retail store we're talking about.
Sounds easy right?

It is'nt.

Dealing with China was bad enough when the economy was good, in these, times forget it.

So, so, SO many problems come up and unless you are there on a day to day basis the factory will make a decision for you and it's almost always the wrong one.

Even so call me crazy and everything but why is it impossible for these companies and i'm including pretty much all of them here to line up a factory and get a factory production sample produced and everything in place and ready to run before putting up a preorder ?
This is one of those situations where the company isn't just trying to
find someone to make a product. In fact they're trying to produce a
work of art on a large scale. I personally would wait considering the
fact that this is coming off of an actual mold.

Just imagine yourself in EFX's positioin. There are gonna be a lot of people
that will give this helmet the highest scrutiny which, (if they don't produce
exactly what was advertised) could result in a major loss of money if all of
a sudden you start getting returns due to poor workmanship.

EFX is probably just as frustrated as the people waiting for these. Well,
maybe not :lol, but I imagine theyr'e frustrated a little.
Actually the Company DOES have a Factory since it produced the Proto.

If more people understood the Prop replica business and I mean truely understood it they would be thankful that some insane people are doing it and I mean that in a good way.

If you want the Company to put all the money out front before they take orders that just ain't gonna happen my man and I will tell you why.

Most companys simply will not take the risk and I don't blame them.

I was around when a un-named Compay wanted me to "Invest" in a run.

10 to 20 thou and then I will get my money back MAYBE, in about 2 years with maybe 1 % back.

:lol No thanks! :lol

As far as having someone on site all that adds to the cost and I can tell you it would increase your price substantially.

Bottom line is this is a business where you do not make a whole lot of money but you do have access to some cool Props and bragging rights.

As always as one member puts it here if you can do better by all means knock your self out!

Fine then don't announce a preorder and take deposits before you know you can even produce let alone deliver the goods that's all i'm saying.
But that's exactly what happens with all these companies they never have a factory in place able to produce the goods to the standard required before selling their product.

The prop business must be the most hated business in China it would seem because everyone else in the world can get everything else they need produced in China without taking a year or two just to get a sample made.

If it takes having someone on site to oversee production then send someone to oversee production we're not talking production runs that last for 6 months here it's a few hundred units.
This is one of those situations where the company isn't just trying to
find someone to make a product. In fact they're trying to produce a
work of art on a large scale. I personally would wait considering the
fact that this is coming off of an actual mold.

Just imagine yourself in EFX's positioin. There are gonna be a lot of people
that will give this helmet the highest scrutiny which, (if they don't produce
exactly what was advertised) could result in a major loss of money if all of
a sudden you start getting returns due to poor workmanship.

EFX is probably just as frustrated as the people waiting for these. Well,
maybe not :lol, but I imagine theyr'e frustrated a little.

NO ONE is begrudging them the time to make sure it's done right. No one. The issue is that you shouldn't take money in March and cite a delivery time of Oct-Nov and then have no single solitary official word from the company for 9 months. Multiple examples of what'd be acceptable have been cited in this forum. Short and sweet is all that's needed.

"Dear Customer,

We know you're anxiously awaiting <insert item here>. Due to the level of accuracy we know you're looking, we won't be making the advertised shipping date. We understand the frustration but want to let you know just where things are.

Thank you for your patience,

Again, it's not the time being taken, it's the lack of comment from the company. A little blurb every so often isn't but a trivial thing to ask. That's all anyone is asking for.
NO ONE is begrudging them the time to make sure it's done right. No one. The issue is that you shouldn't take money in March and cite a delivery time of Oct-Nov and then have no single solitary official word from the company for 9 months. Multiple examples of what'd be acceptable have been cited in this forum. Short and sweet is all that's needed.

"Dear Customer,

We know you're anxiously awaiting <insert item here>. Due to the level of accuracy we know you're looking, we won't be making the advertised shipping date. We understand the frustration but want to let you know just where things are.

Thank you for your patience,

Again, it's not the time being taken, it's the lack of comment from the company. A little blurb every so often isn't but a trivial thing to ask. That's all anyone is asking for.

Lack of communication I totally understand and would probably feel the same
way. I thought what I read was that Chalback had not seen a news letter in
a while, not that they weren't communicating at all.
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