Wow, I didn't know they were gonna break that out just yet. A couple secrets in the pipeline still, though
Sounds like they are going to hurt a lot of pocketbooks. And relationships. :lol
Couldn't have put it better myself, ah well, who needs a house when you've got a 3ft ISD! Who I ask you? :lol
I'm pretty sure they would make more profits by selling more kits at a realistic price that everyone would be able to afford & not just cater to the rich.Why not cut costs and offer all the lovely large replicas and studio scales as kits?
I'm pretty sure they would make more profits by selling more kits at a realistic price that everyone would be able to afford & not just cater to the rich.
Damn straight... Are they going to try to do a studio scale ANH Sd (staying away from the "names" too much politcal this and that to get into :eek)
Jedi Dade
I'm pretty sure they would make more profits by selling more kits at a realistic price that everyone would be able to afford & not just cater to the rich.