dooku saber question


Well-Known Member
this has been bugging me ever since i saw this prop :unsure

on the dooku stunt sabers how did they get the 3/8 steel rod into the saber considering that the saber was curved

any one know???
interested in the answer to this as well...

the only thing i could guess is maybe they bent the metal the same shape as the hilt? :confused

if the hilt broke they just replaced it?

maybe thats why all the PT saber behind the scene pics we see have a ton of dookus? :unsure
I do believe the neck was a bit more straight on the stunt version to allow the blade to fit.



I've seen pictures that show it a lot better but I'm unable to find them at the moment.
The Dooku stunt sabers are completely straight except for the pommel end. The stuntman playing Dooku just holds the saber in a way so you can't see it all that well, but it is there.
The hero props were machined out of metal and the stunt sabers were made in both resin and metal models for ROTS. Both resin and metal stunt sabers were vacuum metalized / chrome plated so it is HARD to tell.

EDIT: Some stunt sabers, like Obi's and Palpatine's, were machined and then painted.
I've seen no direct proof one way or another on whether Resin was used as a stunt saber for duelling in ROTS. There have been snap shots of Mace's and Anakins with parts all strewn apart, as well as Nick Gillard explaining how teh graphite blades were attached via set screw...I don't think resin would take that kind of abuse since teh blades were inserted into the hilt and then set screwed were tightened to hold them.

As far as any good photo and video I have seen of the stunt sabers they were all metal...

However teh regular stunt sabers, the falling props, the ones that are worn in running etc. where stunts need them to have the saber, those ones are usually rubber or resin.
ya i meant the throw down props

im guessing the fighting stunts were cast metal since machining them would be expensive

but hey i wouldnt be suprised though..........