Deathstar in SW4 ANH


Sr Member
Sorry if anyone has asked this before, but does it annoy the **** out of anyone else that the computer readout of the Deathstar when shown shows the disc/crater/fosusing bowl as being on the equator of the Deathstar when everytime we see the Deathstar is in the northern hemisphere of the Deathstar.

I know thats what we saw in the original film, but there have been 2(that I am aware of re-releases)), so you would think they would have fixed this oversight
Sorry if anyone has asked this before, but does it annoy the **** out of anyone else that the computer readout of the Deathstar when shown shows the disc/crater/fosusing bowl as being on the equator of the Deathstar when everytime we see the Deathstar is in the northern hemisphere of the Deathstar.

I know thats what we saw in the original film, but there have been 2(that I am aware of re-releases)), so you would think they would have fixed this oversight
The Deathstar was originally designed like that. There's even a matte painting with the Superlaser in the centre. Star Wars Revisited corrected this and many other discrepancies.

Exactly. The classic look with the dish in the upper half was one of many "happy accidents" in the film-making world.

The initial design (as mentioned) was to simply make it more or less symmetrical, with the dish centered on the sphere. But when it came time to build it, the challenges inherent in centering the dish on the equator of two affixed acrylic domes were substantial enough that the builders moved the dish up to the upper dome.

Placing it centered on the equator would be very difficult, and would compromise the integrity of the model.

The Rinzler Making of Star Wars books discusses the graphics discrepancy. A single individual was contracted to create the graphics (along with the cockpit readout displays on the fighters), and I believe his work was completed prior to the completion of the Death Star model.
What would you know about the Death Star model? Like you're an expert or something. Oh, wait, never mind. Love your work!

Another opportunity missed to tie in the OT with the Prequels. Why not use the old blueprint when Dooku turns on his little holo-blueprint?

But you are saying its still untouched in the SEs?
Im always been seeing it as Princess leia and the bothan spys got an old blueprint on the thing and are using it to find a weakness. And it was Palpatine that thought it was too expensive to board up the exhaust port with a plywood piece.
Guys from what i gather the OP's question is with all the changes made in the subsequent releases EG the SE's why didn't they change the graphic.
And it was Palpatine that thought it was too expensive to board up the exhaust port with a plywood piece.

That has always bothered me.

Seriously, how hard would it have been to put up a steel grate or something while the rebels were attacking the Death Star? The hole was 2 meters wide. You could technically cover the hole up with some poor prisoner. Just drag him out there and duct tape him to the opening.
I always just saw it as 'early blueprints'. Like if you were going to break in to Fort Knox in 2010 but because you're a band of rebels all you could manage to steal were building plans from before 1937. Same basic info, layouts, and a careful analysis shows a weakness.
Read up on that here:
It cites this image as 1977;

But wasn't most of the Aurebesh added in the SE?

[edit]N'm I just read the text under the image.[/edit]

though we must note that Lucas did decide to change the written language on the Death Star's tractor-beam generator (above) from English to...well, something else.