Deagostini Falcon. Anyone seen this?

Funny thing is that if they hadn't done the cargo area and they hadn't used the interior as a selling point I would have thought that the cockpit was a nice upgrade over the studio model. I also think it's a little funny that the Facebook pictues that they are showing of the interior keeps highlighting what they got wrong. One thing I would like to see is the the ability for subscribers to buy a section such as the cockpit and that way you could have a stock version and a custom version that you could succeed or fail with without worry. I'd also like them to do a heavily customized screen accurate build where everything is spelled out. It's too expensive to screw up, lol.
For the record I have issues being sent to me from the UK to the US... and I subscribed to the US version. The Parts do have some issues with the consistency of the weathering and color of the paint/plastic. The detailing on the parts, as far as what they look like - is top notch... In My Opinion. A repaint and weather and this will be BETTER than my MR Falcon, if the rest of the 90% of the model remains at this consistent level. the fact that it comes in pieces like this should make super detailed painting of this a breeze... and I'm totally looking forward to it!

In complete and total agreement with you on that one! I'm just giddy with excitement waiting for the next issues to get started on this baby! I know I'm gonna be adding my own flair to it. I've got such plans the likes will make the ground shudder with anticipation! I truly do love this kit... it's what we've been waiting for forever! (As a side note, rumor has it, 3rd quarter of this year, Bandai will be releasing a 3.5' foot Star Destroyer that looks incredible for around $400! That will be mine... oh yes... that will be mine!!)
Regarding my issues. Lets start by saying that I do look forward to the modded Falcons appearing and have seen some great looking ones on the build forums already. However some of my issues are....

1.My parts are all multicoloured and don't match (this is highlighted with good pictures on the Deago forum). Some parts have no weathering whilst another is drenched in it.
2. The panels on the top of my hull dont align properly, sure they can be fixed but how worse is it going to get is my concern. If I tighten the frame as they say the panels dont line up along the outer edge.
3. The interior is painfully poor. The pipe out of the nav console is laughable. Even a £4 airfix kit has better detail and feel to it. Hasbro toys have better detail.
4. Various other petty build quality items. Decals misaligned, poor finishing of cockpit edges.

Now forget modding it, repainting it etc for a second and what im saying is the 'basic' model you get for £1000 isn't good enough. What im saying is if im spending £100's on a new cone,,cockpit, interior, floor etc to make it more accurate, fibre optics, repainting and so on then do I really want to spend so much on something im replacing half of, I may as well stick with the £20 Hasbro as i'm not seeing £980 worth of difference in sticking with the Deago.
Your reasoning is sound. If you do not wish to continue spending your hard earned money on something that in the end stresses you out instead of giving you joy; that is your decision to make and no one has the right to force you to do otherwise. I respect that decision and agree wholeheartedly. I personally I can see the possibilities here even if some of the parts are a disappointment. I personally would contact Deagostini and ask for a replacement until I was happy with the part and if they did not wish to rectify the issue; I would then consider unsubbing from the build. MAybe later, when you feel like trying again, the issues will be ironed out and your opinion will change. Good Luck, Bro.
Celtic Warrior -

I can't argue with you on your opinion... that is a fools path. Opinions are by definition subjective, I can only state that the things you find issue with are exactly the things that make me want to break out my airbrush, glue, greeblie box, and scratch-building tools. I appreciate your desire to stop if this is not meeting your expectations... perhaps you can maintain your subscription and send it to our friends in the AU - a few people there seem to want it :) you could probably recover your investment easily.

Jedi Dade
To be honest here, it sounds to me like we're not debating the quality, value, accuracy, or anything else of this model.

We're debating standards.

Some of us are tickled to death with what we're getting, while others want every single miniscule detail so realistically accurate to whatever is in their minds, I really don't think that even the actual filming model on their kitchen table would satisfy them.

The tone of some of these posts seem to be the problem here. They tend to come across as a bit elitist, as if to say, " If you're happy with the poor standard of this money pit, so be it, but as for MY standards, this doesn't come close.".

To me, debating the quality of the interior is rediculous, because we've never seen a studio-scale filming model of the interior. From what I've seen of the filming SS cockpit, I'd be a bit upset if that's what we were getting.

We're all probably, mostly men here, & we know how we'd react if we pulled up in a car that we loved, & someone said, "Is that what you're happy with? Well good for you, but I'd not be caught dead driving that.". That's how a lot of this is coming across. When all is done in a couple of years, if I show this beauty to a friend of mine, & they say it's crap because that tiny piece of pipe coming out of my console is 'laughable' or my console decal is off by less than a mm, then I know his mind was made up to not like it before he even got there, & he doesn't deserve to see my model.
It says on the description for this model that it will be 11kg (24 lbs for non metric people) when it's finished. That's definitely a fair chunk for a model which will be highly detailed. Does anyone know what the weight is of the MR Falcon?

To answer your question the MR Falcon is between 40-50lbs (18-22.679kg). All I know is that I feel like I need back support when I try to lift it off its mount. It is one heavy beast.
It says on the description for this model that it will be 11kg (24 lbs for non metric people) when it's finished. That's definitely a fair chunk for a model which will be highly detailed. Does anyone know what the weight is of the MR Falcon?
That's a great question, I was wondering what peoples thoughts on that as well...does anyone believe the weights would be close to the same ???
To be honest here, it sounds to me like we're not debating the quality, value, accuracy, or anything else of this model.

We're debating standards.

Some of us are tickled to death with what we're getting, while others want every single miniscule detail so realistically accurate to whatever is in their minds, I really don't think that even the actual filming model on their kitchen table would satisfy them.

The tone of some of these posts seem to be the problem here. They tend to come across as a bit elitist, as if to say, " If you're happy with the poor standard of this money pit, so be it, but as for MY standards, this doesn't come close.".

To me, debating the quality of the interior is rediculous, because we've never seen a studio-scale filming model of the interior. From what I've seen of the filming SS cockpit, I'd be a bit upset if that's what we were getting.

We're all probably, mostly men here, & we know how we'd react if we pulled up in a car that we loved, & someone said, "Is that what you're happy with? Well good for you, but I'd not be caught dead driving that.". That's how a lot of this is coming across. When all is done in a couple of years, if I show this beauty to a friend of mine, & they say it's crap because that tiny piece of pipe coming out of my console is 'laughable' or my console decal is off by less than a mm, then I know his mind was made up to not like it before he even got there, & he doesn't deserve to see my model.

"In the head you hit the nail"

Yoda on the Deagostini Falcon issue".
This should not be debates for any of this...this thread is for who loves to be involved with this project...if not , make another thread that says.......Who doesn't like Deagostini Millnium falcon , don't want to get involved....well.......this isn't that thread , so lets please on and move forward those of us that never had an opportunity to be apart of something, we all have wanted....thank you
The reality is that it's not viable for a company to produce a product the quality of a lot of builds that are on the forums. They have to make a profit and given the hours most of us spend on a model there is no way to come close. They will charge as much as the market will bear and hope their costs don't exceed forecasts(a lot of which could change substantially over the course of this). Vendor compliance isn't easy as they will send a sample that meets expectations and ship ones that don't(color variations and so forth). I'm sure a lot of compromises were made for reasons we can't imagine(manufacting, shipping, packaging...). For me it's close enough to awesome that I'll keep going until I see otherwise. I don't think pretending issues don't exist because you can fix them is fair and I don't think blowing some things out of proportion is fair either. For example the cockpit interior isn't really that bad, it's better than the studio model... I will say I expect hull fit issues as there are way too many parts for it to go smoothly.
1.My parts are all multicoloured and don't match (this is highlighted with good pictures on the Deago forum). Some parts have no weathering whilst another is drenched in it.

Understandable... I do realize that some of the first initial runs of the the kit there was a major problem with the weathering. There was also some problem with the detail. I don't know if you've subscribed to the kit itself or are buying the issues individually, but I do know that those that bought the initial release of this kit as a subscription were sent replacement packs of the first 5 issues for free and it resolved all those issues. I know the parts I got I have no problem whatsoever with the painted weathering not matching up. Looks very good to me.

2. The panels on the top of my hull dont align properly, sure they can be fixed but how worse is it going to get is my concern. If I tighten the frame as they say the panels dont line up along the outer edge.

That too was a problem with the initial release that was resolved and actually the parts were slightly increased in size once they got Dymszo on the case. All of the detail and fitting problems were resolved. All my pieces seem to fit together perfectly! So again it makes me wonder if you are getting each issue individually from the newstand or if you subscribed to the actual magazine and have the issues sent to you. From your descriptions, it actually sounds like you picked up issue 1 from the newstand and then got issue 2 after they fixed the problems and your pieces don't match because of it.

3. The interior is painfully poor. The pipe out of the nav console is laughable. Even a £4 airfix kit has better detail and feel to it. Hasbro toys have better detail.

The interior I agree leaves alot to be desired, however, as stated above, it was a compromise that can be fixed. Since the interior was never done before, its all conjecture anyway, and you don't need to buy the printed parts. If you're any kind of model builder worth his salt, you can scratch build the interior yourself or just never worry about it and leave the panels on so you don't ever see the interior anyway.

4. Various other petty build quality items. Decals misaligned, poor finishing of cockpit edges.

This I don't understand... the only thing I've seen about the cockpit in misalignment is the light leak where the two halves of the tube meet. That's an easy fix. They provide two peices of black tape that they say should go around the circumference of the tube to block the light. Instead, just paint the inner of the tube black and use the tape on the inside where the two halves meet and viola... no more light leak. As for decals, the only "decals" I've seen are the stickers that are put on the back wall and the console (not including the game table). That's just a careful hand to make sure you get it right before commiting to where it will finally be placed. If you just slap the sticker on without looking at what you're doing, sure it's gonna be misaligned... but if I'm spending this much money, I'm gonna make sure I double, triple and quadrupal check the alignment before I commit to slapping it down all willy nilly.

So basically I just covered all your concerns about this kit in a easy and fast way. Instead of complaining about it because you don't quite understand what's happening, try asking a question or two to find how what to do or what is suppose to do. That's all that everyone has been trying to say here. If you're not happy with the kit... don't buy it. If you feel its too expensive, that's your opinion, but you don't have to justify why to us. We're all excited about this model kit. Show me one model kit that comes close to this one and I'll shut up. Until then... I'll just be a happy Falcon owner building the model of my dreams!
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This should not be debates for any of this...this thread is for who loves to be involved with this project...if not , make another thread that says.......Who doesn't like Deagostini Millnium falcon , don't want to get involved....well.......this isn't that thread , so lets please on and move forward those of us that never had an opportunity to be apart of something, we all have wanted....thank you

Isn't this the "anyone seen this thread?"
Last time I answer you, I never said 15 was out yet. Some people (not subscribers as we get it last) have 14 as they are pics out there of the second hull wall with doorway. Issue 13 was out last week as I was looking at it in the newsagents.
Im not causing any ripples by saying Im not impressed, I already said people will do what they will with it and I look forward to the modded pics of it but for me its not worth the money hence the Randy Cooper Destroyer comparison (if you didn't read it I said I can roughly get 3 for the price of this Falcon)........and you do realise the way you've written the above looks like Im defending the cost? :rolleyes

"Ive received the parts as have loads of UK subscribers/buyers. If your not subscribing 14 is out and 15 later this week in the UK. How its a bit of a stretch when ive got the inhand items is beyond me.(celticwarrior)"

I was going to just drop this but. I don't care if you don't like the interior or the hole thing for that matter but to make others feel as if they have wasted there time, energy and money i despicable but that is not even what i really have trouble with. you tried to make out as if 14 was out and 15 would be out tomorrow . and when you wear called on it you kept changing your story and then tried to make others feel bad . plying cheep games is not worthy of the name you aspire to. good day !!
This I don't understand... the only thing I've seen about the cockpit in misalignment is the light leak where the two halves of the tube meet. That's an easy fix. They provide two peices of black tape that they say should go around the circumference of the tube to block the light. Instead, just paint the inner of the tube black and use the tape on the inside where the two halves meet and viola... no more light leak. As for decals, the only "decals" I've seen are the stickers that are put on the back wall and the console (not including the game table). That's just a careful hand to make sure you get it right before commiting to where it will finally be placed. If you just slap the sticker on without looking at what you're doing, sure it's gonna be misaligned... but if I'm spending this much money, I'm gonna make sure I double, triple and quadrupal check the alignment before I commit to slapping it down all willy nilly.

So basically I just covered all your concerns about this kit in a easy and fast way. Instead of complaining about it because you don't quite understand what's happening, try asking a question or two to find how what to do or what is suppose to do. That's all that everyone has been trying to say here. If you're not happy with the kit... don't buy it. If you feel its too expensive, that's your opinion, but you don't have to justify why to us. We're all excited about this model kit. Show me one model kit that comes close to this one and I'll shut up. Until then... I'll just be a happy Falcon owner building the model of my dreams!

Im a second run subscriber so the first part of your post Doesn't apply to me. Theres a petition running for people with mis-matched parts .all from the second run on the Deago forum so the problem still gxists.
Decals- table decal isnt square its oblong and off center. The console decal doesnt stay down as it wont sit in the groove (its too thick) doesnt bother me as I used brass etch. Thanks for the advice on fitting the decals but im not in need of it.
So you haven't covered all my concerns as to do that i'd have to be a first time builder using the trial/ first run.
Im justifying it purely becauseof the amount of posts that didn't like me saying I didnt think it was worth it, god knows why as I've always stated I dont hate the kit and it was always my opinion. Ive been asked to supply pics isnt that asking to justify my views?
Im not happy with the kit and wont be buying it anymore I said originally. Im glad your happy with it, I look forward to pictures once you've built it.
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"Ive received the parts as have loads of UK subscribers/buyers. If your not subscribing 14 is out and 15 later this week in the UK. How its a bit of a stretch when ive got the inhand items is beyond me.(celticwarrior)"

I was going to just drop this but. I don't care if you don't like the interior or the hole thing for that matter but to make others feel as if they have wasted there time, energy and money i despicable but that is not even what i really have trouble with. you tried to make out as if 14 was out and 15 would be out tomorrow . and when you wear called on it you kept changing your story and then tried to make others feel bad . plying cheep games is not worthy of the name you aspire to. good day !!

On Falcon builders on Facebook someone has Issue 14 up on there so within the next fews days the poster will have 15
. Never did I say 15 was out today. Sorry but I dont understand the rest of your post as it doesnt make any sense.

Have a little proof.......


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