Deadmau5 creation


New Member
I had finally made a really accurate deadmau5 head. Well almost accurate lol...check it out :D

1) 14" acrylic globe (clear,opaque, or smoke color)
2) 2 x hamsterballs for eyes (5", going to use one half of each one)
3) Stretchy fabric (perferred lycra aka. Underarmor cloth)
4) Hot glue and hot glue gun
5) Skateboard helmet (find one at Ross or at TJ Maxx for like 6.99)
6) Fabric measuring tape
7) Map compass and ruler compass
8) Foam sheet flooring pack ($10 at BigLots or K-Mart comes with 4 sheets 2' x 2')
9) Chicken wire (1' bx 2')
10) See through cloth (pillow covering. You can bye a pillow at Ross or BigLots or K-mart for like $3.99)
11) Industry style velcro
12) White stretchy cloth (white t-shirt or Underarmor lycra)
13) Lots of Patience (Time on average about 6hours)

*NOTE: will post more pictures in a couple of days :)
from, got it for $18 plus tax and handling of course lol...the only bad things is that is a hit a miss, if your lucky you might get what you want in stock.

They called me before taking my money to tell me that they didn't have the clear globe in stock, but that they had the smoke globe in stock. So i just went with that one :). They have pretty good customer service.

*NOTE: I posted more pics :D
Hey, can you post some size specs? I really want to make a Mau5head, and you did an amazing job.
i got some sources for you...this is updated from my evil mau5 head.
1) Mau5 head 14 inch globe (
2) eyes are 4 1/2 inch domes (
3) fabric i use is Lycra (cause it's very stretchy)
4) Ears are done with doubling floor mat foam (
5) then use a 1/2 inch wire mesh for mouth...i have a cutting pattern to make it curve to the countour of the globe)

thats to get ya started...i will post more stuff...i'mma at wok rigt now lol
Quick question, when you mounted your helmet, did you have to add anything to the top of it to make it sit low enough to see?
yes i added some layers of extra foam i had and cut them into strips....i also used industrial strength velcro so i can adjust it to my likings some pics of the ears, eyes and helmet

Eyes have been painted with yellow spray paint and also with clear coat...used electrical tape for the X's

I got a pdf ear template that prints on 4 pages from this site...just scroll down you'll see it
How to build your own Deadmau5 mouse head helmet!
recommend y to keep your cut out :D

I then cut them out and cover one side and sandwich them together...but before doing this you should trim them and make sure that each pair is somewhat identical to each other

This is actually a new Mau5 head i'm workin' on so...i will be getting the globe tomorrow and will post pics of all the cutting i will do :D...the 2nd head is the evil on in my youtube video and the first one i made is the navy blue one at the top of this posting :D...hope this helps everyone with it
i'm actually going to flock my new mau5 my advice would be to wait on making your mau5 head so you can see how i did it :D
here some pics of my evil mau5 head from my youtube lol...added them for inspiration for all ya'll mau5 fans out there :D...feel free to ask questions :D

got my red leds from

Product Detail - Solution Industries

Then i put the connector in the back of the head to make it "kinda" hidden lol
The eyes i spray painted 1 coat of flat black, then 1 cat of gloss black, and then 1 coat of clear coat

this is the second mau5 head i have made...the 3rd one i'm going for is the blue with black ears and yellow eyes....ENJOY!!! :D
I would wait to make it but I have an Anime Convention coming up and I already have ears and the globe cut out, They dont look as good as yours but this is my first attempt. I also bought stretch velvet awhile back for this project. I have a feeling my ears dont look quite right.

Thanks for all the info, this really helpful.
Great work man! My friends and i have watched the video of you, and it has hooked us. We are going to attempt to make a few Deadmau5 heads here in the islands.

Thanks for the info!!
practice makes perfect :D...have fun at the anime convention :D...i'll post more pics either tomorrow or tuesday of my progress in cutting the globe. i'm happy to give ya guys more info to help you make your mau5 heads :D

i'mme also try to post a video on flocking this new mau5 head i'm workin' on. gonna need my wife and my sis in'law to help me lol
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I hope I can get it done in time lol

Just started an internship on top of school work and my regular job....time is not on my side haha

If it isn't done I will be sure to finish as soon as I can and post some pics on here.

Thank again Mau5y, you have probably provided the best feedback of all the threads when it comes to actually explaining how you did thing.
here some pics of my evil mau5 head from my youtube lol...added them for inspiration for all ya'll mau5 fans out there :D...feel free to ask questions :D

got my red leds from

Product Detail - Solution Industries

Then i put the connector in the back of the head to make it "kinda" hidden lol
The eyes i spray painted 1 coat of flat black, then 1 cat of gloss black, and then 1 coat of clear coat

this is the second mau5 head i have made...the 3rd one i'm going for is the blue with black ears and yellow eyes....ENJOY!!! :D

How much would you like for this wonderful creation?
hey no problem :D...i'm glad i can i've finally cut out the globe will post pics later tonight.

Not selling it lol...i love my mau5 head lol...thanks for the offer though
so i was cutting outthe mouth part on my globe...guess what...i cut it too high and now it's ruined XD...basically the bottom of the mouth is 3 1/2 inches from the neck hole...when it suppose to be 2 inches from the neck hole X(

oh well, can't win them all...gonna have to order another globe :( but at least i can use the cut out as a template for the new globe XD...still feel free to ask questions

i will post upclose pics of my evil mau5 head so you can get more of a reference
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