Creating Marauder's Map w/ New Sections & Details - WIP


Well-Known Member
I know that a number of resources already exist for making your own Marauder's Map, but I noticed in a couple of images that there was a version of the map that had the Hall of Hexes (used in Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows) and an unused fold-out section of the Room of Requirement, which I understand isn't in the Noble version of the map or even on the maps displayed in the Harry Potter Tours. Luckily an RPFer already receated a copy of the page but I cannot seem to find the foldout with the room of requirement (see below).
Does anyone have a scan of this foldout or is there someone out there willing to try and recreate it?

I'm planning to add these to the Marauder's Map that Marko made (an amazing version of the Map) along with inserts created by LittleFallingStar and additional pages/inserts posted by other members.

Screenshot of page in the film:
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Re: "Missing" Sections of Marauder's Map?

hi i spotted this hope this helps marauders map on there

Thank seryass, I've checked out that site and modified the Quidditch Pitch section for the version of the map I'm working on but luckily I received some help from Krats who flattened out the sections of this page and made it B&W for printing and editing. I now have that part fixed up and am working on recreating the Room of Requirement foldout before I determine if I'll move onto the Chamber of Secrets or the chambers leading to the room with the Sorcerer's Stone. I don't have Photoshop so I'm doing this all in a combination of Microsoft Paint, Word, Powerpoint, and GIMP (an opensource alternative to Photoshop that I don't know much about).
I'm working on sketching out the Room of Requirement insert into Paint and will replace the lines with text, somehow, when I’m done. Here’s what I have so far:


Room of Requirement Insert.jpg
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Re: "Missing" Sections of Marauder's Map?

What you are trying to do is very ambitious, but I am curious as to whether you know that only places that the Marauders (James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew) went would be on the Map. They would never have found the Chamber of Secrets as none of them were Parselmouths, also it is stated in the books that the Room of Requirement isn't on the Map because they never found that either. When I was at a conference MinaLima themselves actually stated that they added the room of requirement to the map but were told to remove it because it wasn't accurate to the books.

This is no way me criticizing, but I just wanted to ask whether you was aware of these
Re: "Missing" Sections of Marauder's Map?

Hey Mansfield, I promise that I'm not taking any offense to what you said in any way and I certainly don't take it as criticism. I have done research on the map and I definitely understand that these rooms wouldn't have been on the original map, but what I'm working on is what I consider to be a post-"deathly hallows" version of the map. My idea is that after everything that happened in the film and book series that Harry Potter would want the map to show the Room of Requirement, Chamber of Secrets, and the chamber where the Philosopher's Stone was hidden along with the rooms leading up to it so that he could keep an eye on every area of Hogwarts if necessary, especially since he's an auror who has children attending there. I imagine that, with Hermione's help, he'd add those sections when he realized how important they may be.
In addition to that I also think it'd be cool to just be able to open my own map and see the areas where those important scenes took place. I'm not spending as much time as I'd like on this project right now though because I'll be spending the next few weeks organizing my garage and workbench area, making display stands for the props I already have, cleaning the house, and entertaining family members who are visiting for the holidays.
Re: "Missing" Sections of Marauder's Map?

So I'm still working on my post-"Deathly Hallows" map and have been trying to get over the learning curve on GIMP, but with help from Krats (an RPFer who I am EXTREMELY appreciative of) and using pieces that other RPFers have created in the past I have created the base section of the map. I've already figured out spacing for the folds and where the kirigami stairs should be placed in order to match the original prop but I still have the following to do:

- Create Room of Requirement insert
- Determine exact design of kirigami stairs and incorporate into base map sections & applicable inserts
- Create Chamber of Secrets insert and determine where it should be located
- Create insert for the passage to and chamber of Philosopher's Stone and determine where it should be located
- Check sizing for all pieces for correct matching of parts and to make sure the printed design is clear enough
- Print all pieces & assemble
- Make an adequate display stand

And now that I've actually typed out what's left to do I feel just a tad further from my goal than I was before. Depending on how frustrated I get trying to design the new sections I may just cut out the new sections I've added, do what needs to be done with the stairs, and print a more screen-accurate version for now then work on the new inserts and make the post-"Deathly Hallows" map later on. Anyways, for those interested here's what I've put together so far:

Marauder's Map No Inserts or Stairs.jpg
Lots of work going into this a43. Looks very good so far. Don't look at it as a never ending undertaking, look at it as your Magnum Opus. You WILL be satisfied when it is completed.

looks brill, I hope your going to share once complete, would love to add one to my collection ?

Absolutely! I've seen so many great items on this site that adding this will be my way of trying to give back. I'm still stumbling my way through the image editor I'm using so when I figure out how to bend and shape lines of text I'll probably be able to make more progress.

I love the work that Gideon did, but there are some things about it that I wanted to do differently on mine:
-The numbering along the border was omitted
-The latin phrase(s) along the border were left out in the section with the Quidditch pitch
-I couldn't find a high-resolution of the Gideon map
-Part of the Quidditch pitch and parts of the front of the map were cropped-out
-Some map sections are slightly re-sized so that round areas became ovals
-The section with the Hall of Hexes crops-out the Pungent and Poltergeist passages

Now I'm not saying that everything I'm doing is completely original, but I am trying to combine some of the great work done by multiple people along with some original work I'll be doing to create something that I think will be awesome.
I love the work that Gideon did, but there are some things about it that I wanted to do differently on mine:
-The numbering along the border was omitted
-The latin phrase(s) along the border were left out in the section with the Quidditch pitch
-I couldn't find a high-resolution of the Gideon map
-Part of the Quidditch pitch and parts of the front of the map were cropped-out
-Some map sections are slightly re-sized so that round areas became ovals
-The section with the Hall of Hexes crops-out the Pungent and Poltergeist passages

Now I'm not saying that everything I'm doing is completely original, but I am trying to combine some of the great work done by multiple people along with some original work I'll be doing to create something that I think will be awesome.

well i know Gideon personally, and if you need any help. Just ask. :)
The round sections became ovals due to me trying to redo certain parts of the maps that were out of perspective. I basically just tried to do a little perspective correction because the hi-res photo I got it from was at an angle.

I actually have a new one made which is waaayyyy better than my first map. No more "perspective" issues with my new map. But that's a different one from this project.