Colonial Marines M577 APC 1/20th scale

Re: Aliens M577 APC BUILD.

Thanks Steve, its not a good modeing day here in N.Y. lots of humidity and waiting for Irene to hit when I was going over the hull I noticed cracks and I thought of your build the humidity! the hull is wood and styrene so I said after I work on it I'll put in a plastic bag filled with cotton balls to absorb moisture like in the asprin bottles. You know Steve I have been a Star Trek fan since a kid and I never had a Star Trek model or built one after I'm done with APC hell Lol, I'm gonna scratch me a Enterprise model just for my own collection maybe something in the 2 foot range all from the inspiration of your fantastic build.
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Re: Aliens M577 APC BUILD.

Well the hull is ready to be molded sorry about the yellow lighting in the pics.
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Re: Aliens M577 APC BUILD.

Well the ball is rolling on this waiting on my gallon of silicone to come in this afternoon or tomorrow in the mean time I started casting the smaller pieces and refining some things like the rear turret rails which were a little to thick now they are just right and here are some pics of a turret assembly it was hand roto-casted and came out pretty good so it won't be long that I'll have a complete kit casted :love.
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Thanks Steve, your not so bad yourself I heard :lol and thanks for the baby powder tip it really made a big difference in casting the smaller bubble trapping pieces.
Ray, this is an amazing build you got yourself there.

The APC is looking amazing and very close to source which is GREAT!!

Just out of curiosoty, do you have any of the HOT TOYS Snap FIX kit ALIENS and USCM Colonial Marines? They stand 4" which makes them more so 1/18th scale. However depending on what the figures look like next to the APC I could be tempted signing up to this.

If you do not have any of the Hot Toys Snap Kit ALIENS figures a 4" GI JOE figure? Just to gauge scale difference please :D


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Really great work Ray, I hope you sell a lot of 'em :thumbsup

Just add it to the long list of stuff I can't afford :(
Mean. I see this is a few months finished but what an amazing build. Great detail, fast work and no cash up frount issues. Ray22, you are a man of legend!
Owww.. Im glad this thread hit the front page. I would be up for this kit. I'll share postage with Simon if he's getting one:p will def be getting turned into an R/C APC... if there is room?
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