Re: What Caprica is on Sy Fy Right Now - SPOILERS!
Smile and nod boys, you don't want certain RPF mods stalking you.
No fun in that.
Back to topic, there's really not a true skinjob in this series in the BSG ideal of skinjob. As in, not made of synthetic flesh & blood. There's a terminator-esque endoskeleton robot covered in imitation flesh which houses a particular character's consciousness, but it's not what we see in the BSG series.
Very good point. I do think the new robotic body we see Zoe in is a little too perfect looking... but, we don't really know the timeline in which it was created.
I do think a little less human looking of a body would've tied much better into your next quote...
It does play nicely into the storyline we saw though... Ellen Tigh said that the Cylons here had tried to make human bodies but couldn't, and when the 5 arrived from the other Earth, they made a deal to end the war and teach the Cylons how to make skinjob bodies. The pseudo skinjob we see in Caprica is a good first step toward the nasty human experimentation we see in Razor and the first Cylon war.
Agreed, but I as much as I enjoyed the ending of Caprica overal, I do think the retconning was maybe just a little too much and while I'll always still have BSG, the explanations posed in the show might be just a little too much.
Would've it been cooler to have Ellen and Saul Tigh with the Graystone's as Zoe is (not quite, but close to it) resurrected? Or to see John Cavill assisting?
But, I think when the OG 5 showed up, they never made it to the Colonies (or at least the Colonials) - they made it to a basestar or something similar on one of the colonies. But, then again with Daniel's Cylon ties it might've been interesting to have him collaborating with the Cylons.
Daniel could very well be the hybrid in Razor, or at least be responsible for him. It would make sense that he'd continue to try to make a better body for his daughter, and his moral decay could continue over the decades, leading him to experiment on people to make it happen... or on himself.
...and while I might have other thoughts about Daniel being the hybrid in Razor, it is a novel idea and one that definitely might make sense.
One of things the original hybrid said in Razor: "What am I? A man? Or am I a machine? My children believe I am their god." Sure would make a case for him being Daniel. With Zoe apparently taking shape as God (did I get that right?), it would make sense that Daniel would be godlike as well - it's a shame we'll never have a clear answer.
Perhaps somehow Zoe's consciousness was transferred to that male body we saw - that makes more sense, to me at least.