Cally and Chief Tyrol costumes from Dragon*Con


New Member
Here are the deck crew suits for Chief Tyrol and Cally that The Senator and I debuted at Dragon*Con. I made both of the suits mainly from looking at lots of reference pictures and trial and error. There are a couple of small things that I am going to change on them, but they were received well at D*Con.




My wife and I are the Viper pilots in the second pic. You guys looked fantastic! It was great to meet you both!
You guys look great! Wish I didnt have to miss D-con, I was supposed to be working there but some things came up. Im sure you guys had a great time!

You guys have so many GREAT costumes! One day I need to get a full suit of something together as opposed to bits and pieces of everything!

Have you watched the show? The Chief was one of the final 5, and he and Cally had a kid, thus their child was a toaster.
Dayum! Just got spoilered :( Hehehe my own fault as I've not yet watched the final two eps! Ooops!

Your costumes look incredible! Great details!! Really makes me want to finish mine off (just gotta put the pockets on the rubber and make the toolbelt)
Awesome pics you two as well as Darthgoat and wife! Nice to meet you all at DCON.

Dave aka Eggroll of the TCF
Thanks for the compliments.

Eggroll, I remember where I recognized you from. I was looking through D*Con 06 pictures, and found you in your USCM. I was the one who was handling for the Alien that was there when you all did your bug sweep.