Action Costumes Debacle....


New Member
Need everyone's opinion on this. I placed an order with Action Costumes for two of their Golden Edition Superman costumes. One regular and one Evil suit from Part 3. Order was placed August 8th. I asked them if they could make the color of the regular suit look close to Part 3. I was told I could pick the color myself and that they'd send me a color chart. They told me they would get to work on the Evil suit, both capes, and boots. Said regular delivery is about 30 days, but the color chart will delay it by 15 days. Ok fine, I understand.

I was given a date for when the color chart would arrive. That day came and went so I contacted them. Told me there was a problem making the chart but they were fixing the issue and would send it out soon. This time I received the color chart, which consisted of a hundred different tiny squares of color on a light blue fabric. Colors like red and yellow were included. I could barely tell a difference between some of the blues. I thought maybe I would have received 10 or so pieces of blue fabrics of various tones. I told them I was not expecting that and couldn't choose based on their chart. I messaged them with a picture of a suit they had posted and told them that color was fine. I was given a new date for delivery.

Needless to say, that time also came and went. Every time I asked them if the suits had shipped I was told it would be another 15 days and was given a story as to why. After about the 3rd time I was told it would be another 15 days I decided to open a case with PayPal. These suits were not cheap as many of you know. I had to protect my investment even though I knew they'd most likely come through, but there's a time limit on when you can file a claim.

I was told that they were working on getting them done to ship in time for PayPal's deadline. Oh I forgot to mention, one of the last reasons they told me for a delay was that the suits were finished but there were minor things that needed to be fixed. This would make me believe that they had already been constructed for the most part.

Well, here's the problem. They were delivered last week and I cant complain about the build quality or fitment, but the Evil suit has more of a cream color in the emblem and not a golden dark yellow as their pictures show online. When confronted with this I was told it was because they had to rush in order to ship them out. Even though I thought they were pretty much finished. The owner Mol is stating that they will replace the evil suit free of charge if I release the PayPal claim. What do you all think I should do? I will say, they're very friendly and always get back with me in a timely manner.

Here is a picture of my suit versus what they show online. The belt color looks to be close enough, its mainly the fabric in the chest emblem and cape. I already own an evil suit made by someone else that looks closer to the movie, its just that its too large for me. Figured I would be upgrading. Thank for your input!


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Just to let you know, if you release the PayPal claim, he doesn't have to do a thing. Once released, you can't start another one on the same purchase if he doesn't deliver.

In his defense, colours online can vary greatly, considering the colour gamut of his camera, and your monitor, not to mention lighting conditions and the jpeg compression of the file.

I agree the lighting really messes with colors on costumes. BUT why not just replace the suit and then you remove the claim. Thats your bargaining chip so I’d hold out.
I agree it can look different online, but in person it doesn't look right to me. I feel like it should look closer to the belt yellow. His reason for me lifting the PayPal is that they are struggling with money and would not be able to afford the materials to make me another. I guess if I lift the claim and he doesn't come through I'll just make it known across the web that they don't hold their end of the agreement. Id be more concerned if they wanted me to send the suit back after lifting the claim. They basically told me I can keep the suit I have and they would make another and send it to me and only asked that I ship the cape back AFTER receiving the new one.
I will offer that I had my own issues with AC. When we weren’t able to reach a mutually-agreeable solution, I filed a PP claim. PP ended up ruling in AC’s favor as the item was custom made to my measurements.

Just want to caution you if you decide to go that route…I’m sure it’ll come down to who from PP gets your case, but that’s how things wound up for me…

I will offer that I had my own issues with AC. When we weren’t able to reach a mutually-agreeable solution, I filed a PP claim. PP ended up ruling in AC’s favor as the item was custom made to my measurements.

Just want to caution you if you decide to go that route…I’m sure it’ll come down to who from PP gets your case, but that’s how things wound up for me…

Thanks, I think I'll just release it and like I said, if they change their promise I'll caution others going forward.

I´m Mol, the owner of Action Costumes.

Well, we do all feel really bad into our workshop about what happened to your order Sir, the delay that had it and the problem with the color of the Shields of the Superman Evil Costume Golden Edition.

But like you said in the Post you ordered two costumes from us, The Superman Costume Golden Edition with Deluxe Boots 70´s Style and the Superman Evil Costume & Boots Golden Edition.

The Superman Costume Golden Edition with Deluxe Boots 70´s Style was perfect, like the Superman Evil Boots Golden Edition and the only problem were with the dark yellow color emblems of the Superman Evil Costume Golden Edition.

So, let´s start from the beginning of this, you asked us for a specific color of the Turquoise blue of the Deluxe Golden Edition and we sublimated over a fabric a color chart for you to choose the color you like because like everybody knows the colors that we can see in the monitors aren´t the real ones.

We offered you to choose for the color for you but you liked more the idea of making it by yourself.

So we sent you a color chart that´s a complete pantone sublimated in the fabric, that obviously will have all the colors of the chart, and we make it like this because you never know the final color you will get unless you print it.

If you don´t have the eye to choose the correct color by yourself isn´t our fault, we already offered you to make it for you but you chosen other way.

That´s why we finally chosen a color for you and this brought and extra delay on your order.

Apart of this, we had a few internal construction delays that I accept like our fault but those are in order of sending you the best quality costumes ever made.

You perfectly know that when you order tailored made costume sometimes you can have some delay on your order. You are not buying a TV made in China, you are buying a complete custom made item produce just for the size of your body.

And speaking about the size of your body, the costumes we finally made for you fit you like a glove over your body, thing like you said, other companies couldn´t even make you have a costume that fits you well like ours.

That´s because we have more than 20 years producing tailored made costumes, not like other new companies. That’s now seems they aren’t producing tailored made costume and just regular sizes because they doesn’t know how to make them properly.

Anyway, cause the delay we offered you a Superman Chest Emblem Golden Edition for put it on a mark for free that cost around u$d 700 like a compensation.

You agreed to that and you put it a claim in Paypal just in case.

Thing that made us cancel that emblem because you chosen the path of a Paypal´s Claim.

In the middle of all these, and like you know, we had been here all the time to answer every mail or question you had and make you think that we will be here until we get the satisfaction on your order. Because that´s how we work, we don´t only sell costumes, we provide a costuming service, what it means we will be with the client until we get the satisfaction of him.

Anyway, we finally make you New Superman Evil Tunic & Cape Golden Edition and send it for free to replace the ones you didn’t like the color for the emblems and let you keep the old ones as well.

Before we send them we asked you if you can gently erase this post cause really hearts our business and you promised to did it but you never do it.

I even told you that you were obligating me to answer if you don erase it and the post still here.

Apart of all these you posted here pictures of other Company like a proof that you saw other color of the emblems of the Evil Golden Costume when you ordered from us?

Pictures that everybody knows that the owner of that Company stole from us when we he worked into our studio.

So at least you could have the decency of posting our pictures and after all this make a comment that we finally sent you the replacements parts for free and that you liked the costumes very much, like you said to us.

Look Sir we work really hard to get the best quality ever in our items and we follow our orders until the end to reach the maximum conformity on our clients.

That´s why we will post some pictures here to show all the people of this community that we finally sent you the correct color on your order and that we kept our word about been with our clients up to reach the top notch quality that represent us!


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I came on here to delete the post after you asked me to and I said I would but could not figure out how. At this point I hope people can find this and realize that although you try to keep your world, the arrival time I was originally promised kept coming and going, so future buyers should at least be aware of this.

You originally said 30 days. Then you said 15 more because of the chart. I didn't receive anything until MONTHS later. That's a pretty big deal when someone sends you $3,000 of their hard earned money, so I hope you understand its nothing personal. Everyone has to take steps to ensure the safety of their money. We came to an agreement so I lifted the claim and you kept your end of the agreement, so thank you.

I am adding a picture of the new Tunic sent compared to the older one. It really is a cream color in comparison and looks nothing like the film to my eyes. I do appreciate you correcting the issue, because that's good customer service.

I'm also attaching a picture of the color chart you sent me. I'll let the audience decide on that one. It appears that after I told you I couldn't see from the chart which color was closest to what was worn in part 3, you just made the costume out of the same blue fabric the chart was made on. I see no difference between them. That being said, its a nice blue color and I'm overall happy with it. I think if you are going to offer different shades of blue, make up about 5 to 10 samples of blue colors to send out on 4x4 inch pieces of fabric. It would be MUCH easier to differentiate between them.


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I came on here to delete the post after you asked me to and I said I would but could not figure out how. At this point I hope people can find this and realize that although you try to keep your world, the arrival time I was originally promised kept coming and going, so future buyers should at least be aware of this.

You originally said 30 days. Then you said 15 more because of the chart. I didn't receive anything until MONTHS later. That's a pretty big deal when someone sends you $3,000 of their hard earned money, so I hope you understand its nothing personal. Everyone has to take steps to ensure the safety of their money. We came to an agreement so I lifted the claim and you kept your end of the agreement, so thank you.

I am adding a picture of the new Tunic sent compared to the older one. It really is a cream color in comparison and looks nothing like the film to my eyes. I do appreciate you correcting the issue, because that's good customer service.

I'm also attaching a picture of the color chart you sent me. I'll let the audience decide on that one. It appears that after I told you I couldn't see from the chart which color was closest to what was worn in part 3, you just made the costume out of the same blue fabric the chart was made on. I see no difference between them. That being said, its a nice blue color and I'm overall happy with it. I think if you are going to offer different shades of blue, make up about 5 to 10 samples of blue colors to send out on 4x4 inch pieces of fabric. It would be MUCH easier to differentiate between them.
For future reference, if you ever need to delete a thread, just go to your first post of the thread and click the “REPORT” link in the corner. Tell the mods in the message box, be it that your issue is resolved, or any other necessary message, then ask them to remove the thread. They will do so.
I came on here to delete the post after you asked me to and I said I would but could not figure out how. At this point I hope people can find this and realize that although you try to keep your world, the arrival time I was originally promised kept coming and going, so future buyers should at least be aware of this.

You originally said 30 days. Then you said 15 more because of the chart. I didn't receive anything until MONTHS later. That's a pretty big deal when someone sends you $3,000 of their hard earned money, so I hope you understand its nothing personal. Everyone has to take steps to ensure the safety of their money. We came to an agreement so I lifted the claim and you kept your end of the agreement, so thank you.

I am adding a picture of the new Tunic sent compared to the older one. It really is a cream color in comparison and looks nothing like the film to my eyes. I do appreciate you correcting the issue, because that's good customer service.

I'm also attaching a picture of the color chart you sent me. I'll let the audience decide on that one. It appears that after I told you I couldn't see from the chart which color was closest to what was worn in part 3, you just made the costume out of the same blue fabric the chart was made on. I see no difference between them. That being said, its a nice blue color and I'm overall happy with it. I think if you are going to offer different shades of blue, make up about 5 to 10 samples of blue colors to send out on 4x4 inch pieces of fabric. It would be MUCH easier to differentiate between them.
Well, you think this could not be personal but you are criticizing badly the work we love, just cause we took a little bit more of time to send you your order.

Work that´s really hard to be made, that we made it with a lot of passion and need really professionals behind to solve it and make it in the best result we reach after more than 20 years of experience in making these great costumes.

I have to tell you that for speaking about the construction of costumes like these ones in the way you have been making it you should at least have some talent to difference between similar colors, thing that you obviously don´t have. Thing that we can easily realized just watching the picture you posted here of the turquoise blue sublimated fabric between the one that isn´t sublimated.

I´m the one that personally choose the colors of the fabrics and here I´m posting two pictures of the same fabric we sent you where you will be able to see the difference between the color sublimated and the real color of the fabric.

Besides, in relation of the color chart we sent you, for free, I have to say, cause we made it for you and send it by mail without any extra charge.

A person that knows about this subject could easily appreciate the possibility of choosing the color you are looking for from all the ones we offered you to choose.

So please, stop speaking about things you don´t understand and erase this post like you promised us to do it before we sent you the New Superman Evil Tunic and Cape Golden Edition to replace the old ones.

Cause after all you got a Color Chart sublimated, the shipping of it, plus an Evil Tunic and Cape Golden edition and the international shipping of them for free!! Items that cost around u$d 1200 – Sir!

Like you know we didn’t ask you to send us back anything and we let you have the old items like a compensation!

Besides, everybody knows in this community that tailored made custom costumes some times takes longer to be made than standard sizes ones.

If you don´t have the patience to order an incredible work like we made for you just don´t make it and buy a cheap reproduction from China!

After all, we worked hard to reached you satisfaction with your order and everything we promised to you had been fulfill, so at least you should keep your word and erase this nonsense post!!


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For future reference, if you ever need to delete a thread, just go to your first post of the thread and click the “REPORT” link in the corner. Tell the mods in the message box, be it that your issue is resolved, or any other necessary message, then ask them to remove the thread. They will do so.
Many thanks for your help mate!! Regards
I don't think I bashed what you made overall. Just thought the yellow portion of the evil colors would have been closer to the film once received. Future buyers deserve to know this as well as they deserve to know a realistic time frame from order to delivery. You can't keep making promises and deadlines that you can't keep. I paid for the costumes on August 7th 2023 and did not receive anything until December 19th 2023. I was promised multiple dates along the way. I waited for each date to come and pass before I reached out again asking what the delay was. I understand things happen, but as I said, this is important information for others going forward. It doesn't detract from the work your team does on the suits. I have been honest about that. You and your team are great when it comes to communication, its just the way your team makes promises they cant keep that I have a problem with. Others might not care.

As for the image I sent being photoshopped, I think you're confused. Yes it was a screenshot from your competitor who I almost went with over you, but you offered a better deal for buying 2 costumes. Below is a photo lifted from YOUR Facebook page regarding the emblem colors. The one I first received was WAY off and you even told me it was MY fault because I kept asking for the costumes and you felt rushed. (You can find that in the screenshots below). Well I can't help that it took your company longer to make them and that it almost surpassed the PayPal protection timeframe. If you're having delays, just be up front about that and not force people to keep asking about the progress. I think this will be good for you going forward.

All in all I am happy with the costumes and I appreciate the effort taken to correct them, but you have an attitude about the whole thing and it looks bad on you. So I'll leave this post right where it is. Because transparency is always best. People can read the highlights from our conversation and make up their own minds about you, the costumes you offer, and the customer service provided. My opinion shouldn't even matter after that.


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I don't think I bashed what you made overall. Just thought the yellow portion of the evil colors would have been closer to the film once received. Future buyers deserve to know this as well as they deserve to know a realistic time frame from order to delivery. You can't keep making promises and deadlines that you can't keep. I paid for the costumes on August 7th 2023 and did not receive anything until December 19th 2023. I was promised multiple dates along the way. I waited for each date to come and pass before I reached out again asking what the delay was. I understand things happen, but as I said, this is important information for others going forward. It doesn't detract from the work your team does on the suits. I have been honest about that. You and your team are great when it comes to communication, its just the way your team makes promises they cant keep that I have a problem with. Others might not care.

As for the image I sent being photoshopped, I think you're confused. Yes it was a screenshot from your competitor who I almost went with over you, but you offered a better deal for buying 2 costumes. Below is a photo lifted from YOUR Facebook page regarding the emblem colors. The one I first received was WAY off and you even told me it was MY fault because I kept asking for the costumes and you felt rushed. (You can find that in the screenshots below). Well I can't help that it took your company longer to make them and that it almost surpassed the PayPal protection timeframe. If you're having delays, just be up front about that and not force people to keep asking about the progress. I think this will be good for you going forward.

All in all I am happy with the costumes and I appreciate the effort taken to correct them, but you have an attitude about the whole thing and it looks bad on you. So I'll leave this post right where it is. Because transparency is always best. People can read the highlights from our conversation and make up their own minds about you, the costumes you offer, and the customer service provided. My opinion shouldn't even matter after that.
So, after all you got a better deal than you can ever find with us, you got a Color Chart sublimated, the shipping of it, plus an Evil Tunic and Cape Golden edition and the international shipping of them for free!! Items that cost around u$d 1200

You seems to be happy at the end with the final costumes you got and the problem is that we took a little bit more of time to send your order?

And you even posted all these nonsense things about our work?? You are not buying a TV made in china, these are special custom items made to your size.

You have to know that this is the reason why other companies doesn´t made tailored made costumes anymore, cause people like you, that can´t understand the heavy work these items takes.

You should respect much more the posibility of getting these kind of costumes like these ones instead of trying to hurt a company like ours that give it all to reach the satisfaction of our clients!!

Besides, finally we kept our word, you got the items you wanted and now you are the one that doesn´t acomplished with your word, you told us that you was going to erase these nonsens post and you never did it.
Nope, not that you took "a little more time" but that you took "a lot more time" and kept stringing me along with new delivery dates that came and went and I had to keep reaching out to for answers. Just be up front with how long its going to take before you take peoples money. If its going to be 4 months to make one, just say that. Simple.

I'm not trying to hurt your company, you're doing all of that on your own. If by me speaking the truth about my experience with Action Costumes is hurtful to your company, that is entirely YOUR fault.

I WAS going to take it down, but couldn't figure out how. You asked that I update it instead, but you couldn't even wait for that and had to come on here with this terrible attitude that I've seen you take with other customers of yours. So at this point its going to stay until you learn your lesson. Deal with it Mol.
I'm not trying to hurt your company, you're doing all of that on your own. If by me speaking the truth about my experience with Action Costumes is hurtful to your company, that is entirely YOUR fault.

I WAS going to take it down, but couldn't figure out how. You asked that I update it instead, but you couldn't even wait for that and had to come on here with this terrible attitude that I've seen you take with other customers of yours. So at this point its going to stay until you learn your lesson. Deal with it Mol.

Come on… they rectified the situation and because they were a little too impatient for your liking by coming here and asking you to remove this thread, you are going to teach them a lesson? And your response is “Deal with it”?

WOW! This is not a way to score points here.
He has a nasty attitude about the entire situation. Future potential buyers deserve to see this.

They might have rectified the situation in the end, but they didn't deliver on what was promised originally when it comes to arrival time or end product, then had the nerve to blame me for it not having the correct colors. Also tried to tell me it wasn't what their website was showing.

I can't image how much longer it would have taken had I not opened a case through PayPal in the final hour. Quit defending his shortcomings. Like I said, if the quality of product takes months, just be up front about that before having people send you 3k of their hard earned money. It's really simple. There's no good reason to take this post down. It serves an important role for holding everyone accountable. You don't have to agree with it.
He has a nasty attitude about the entire situation. Future potential buyers deserve to see this.

They might have rectified the situation in the end, but they didn't deliver on what was promised originally when it comes to arrival time or end product, then had the nerve to blame me for it not having the correct colors. Also tried to tell me it wasn't what their website was showing.

I can't image how much longer it would have taken had I not opened a case through PayPal in the final hour. Quit defending his shortcomings. Like I said, if the quality of product takes months, just be up front about that before having people send you 3k of their hard earned money. It's really simple. There's no good reason to take this post down. It serves an important role for holding everyone accountable. You don't have to agree with it.
All of our clients knows that we are the best company of how we treat them and they come back to us because the amazing quality of our items and the nice way we deal with them.

The fact this post still here is the proof you didn't keep your word of erasing it.

We finally sent you all the items you ordered and much more for free, so at least we can keep our word and you don´t!
He has a nasty attitude about the entire situation. Future potential buyers deserve to see this.

They might have rectified the situation in the end, but they didn't deliver on what was promised originally when it comes to arrival time or end product, then had the nerve to blame me for it not having the correct colors. Also tried to tell me it wasn't what their website was showing.

I can't image how much longer it would have taken had I not opened a case through PayPal in the final hour. Quit defending his shortcomings. Like I said, if the quality of product takes months, just be up front about that before having people send you 3k of their hard earned money. It's really simple. There's no good reason to take this post down. It serves an important role for holding everyone accountable. You don't have to agree with it.
So to end this ridiculous and nonsense conversation with you I will like to share with all these respectful community the Feedback our clients left of us on eBay and on the Hall of Fame of our web site.

Where everybody can see that we have a 100 % of Positive Feedback on Ebay and a big list of really happy people of our work into our Hall of Fame. Plus the feedbacks of the most well known collectors of the world of the CR Superman era.

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