Borderlands Psycho Bandit Costume Update on Page 4

Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask

Kick ass job, on both versions! But where's the pose?! You GOTTA make your hand a pistol and point it at your chin! :p

Thanks, I'm still working on the rest of the costume. When I'm done and everything looks awesome then I'll do the pose!
Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask


I have come across this on the inter-webs.
And i am so happy that i have found it on here as well.
Looks incredible.
Borderlands 1 and 2 are my favourite games of all time. and would love to own something like this. =D
Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask

Hey great work man. Yeah the filter is big.. but truthfully your right they generally are that big. So again great work. I am planning on attempting a vacuum form one as an under piece and then sewing and attaching leather for the outer piece. Just don't have access to my leather right now. It's in another state. But again. Great work and keep on building. =)
Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask

Hey great work man. Yeah the filter is big.. but truthfully your right they generally are that big. So again great work. I am planning on attempting a vacuum form one as an under piece and then sewing and attaching leather for the outer piece. Just don't have access to my leather right now. It's in another state. But again. Great work and keep on building. =)

When you get around to making the form and leather one please send me a pic I would love to see it.
Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask


Here is version #3 I was never really happy with the resperator being on the outside of the mask. So I decided to do a little revision and presto a more accurate version to the game and now I have room to breath. I have also started carving the shin guards and am in the process of roughing out the "buzz axe".
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Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask

Well with the latest changes to version #3 I am pretty happy with the final version. I think it's pretty damn close to the game now. I'll update again when the shin guards are completed.


Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask New Version Page 2

Working on the shin guard. Base is an adult adidas soccer guard then I am using 3mm foam for the details. I used a dremel to smooth out the edges and make the battle scars.
Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask New Version Page 2

Here is the finished version. The 2nd image shows the foam detailed with the resin cast rivets. Primed black and dry brused metalic silver.

Re: Borderlands Psycho Bandit Mask New Version Page 2

got a quick pass of etching primer on my first resin cast tonight hope to get some paint on it this weekend

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