Blu-ray Casablanca Screencap needed


Master Member
This is technically paper prop related, but as it's still research and not a finished product, I didn't want to clutter up the paper prop forum.

Anyway, I want to replicate the letters of transit from Casablanca. I have DVD images but I could do so much better with Blu-ray. I have a scan of the version of the letter of transit that came with the special edition. It's not accurate to the movie in the slightest, but I can harvest information from it.

So if anyone owns the Blu-ray and can get me caps of the scene in question I'd be most appreciative. If I'm happy with my end product, I'll probably do a run. I'd give a copy to whoever gets me screen-caps. There's shots both the letter and the front of the envelope in the scene where Rick looks at the letters. Thanks in advance.
Did you ever follow up on this? I'd like to get my hands on a couple of letters of transit myself. I've yet to see a screen-accurate replica. Also, note that the letters aren't signed by De Gaulle, as some mistakenly believe, but by Weygand. It sounds a bit like Ugarte is saying "General de Gaulle", but the script says "Marshal Weygand" and if you listen closely you can hear Lorre say "General Weygand" (he pronounces it "Vay-Gahn").
