Blade Runner magazine - free paper prop


Master Member
As I am apparently unable to ever finish anything, I started something else as I was finishing the OffWorld poster - this one actually got finished!



So here's a Police Officer-centric magazine for you guys in the Blade Runner vein. Just wrap it around a pre-existing magazine!

Low-res preview:


Hi Res file will return on Monday!
Last edited:
Thanks much moffeaton! Very COOL, great graphics!
Is it from a screen cap or is it an imaginary piece?
Later, Petseal
Total BS. Just made it up. I'm trying to set up a few parameters when I make this junk - keep my fonts to stuff found in Chartpak/Letraset catalogs circa 1982, try to sound vaguely fascist, and infuse humor without being all "wakka wakka" about it. The GEisha technically shouldn't be feathered - I tried her out as a half-tone, but it looked too skeevy.
I must say then that if this is "Total BS" I'm impressed!
From a commercial arts standpoint and being a big fan of the film it works quite nicely!
I would think a display with this as the base with a holstered Blaster, tossed badge case and a set of apartment key cards it might give the impression of items thrown on an end table by a very tired Bladerunner cop after a long day chasing "skin jobs"! A cool addition to add a touch of realism to the over all display!
Later, Petseal
Nice job, Jason.

Creative in the way the on-screen mags were, like "MONI" in "OMNI" font.