Blade Runner Ennis House Tile Replica

Perfect Tommy

New Member
Finally got around to start building my Blade Runner Ennis house tile. Always wanted to start, but it got delayed time and again. I am trying a simple and lightweight approach with architecture foam plates. I found some very helpful pictures of the tile but it was still hard to get the approximate measurements, since I want to cover a tile wall in my office I need the tile to be 46 cm x46 cm.
After the the construction of the tile I was trying to cover up all the holes and gaps with plaster bandages. The finished product looked ok-ish but not good enough so I added another thin layer of papermache to make is look more like stone.


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little update:
I tried to make a mold of the tile, but unfortunately (and not surprisingly) the finished tile is far to heavy to put on my wall. it works for the smaller ones of which I made the Ennis tile and the one from K's kitchen from 2049.


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little update:
I tried to make a mold of the tile, but unfortunately (and not surprisingly) the finished tile is far to heavy to put on my wall. it works for the smaller ones of which I made the Ennis tile and the one from K's kitchen from 2049.
I usually use a foam used to secure wooden poles in the ground. It works like a resin: catalyst + foam. It expends a lot (I put a piece of glass on top to keep it flat while it expends). Really light, easy to paint/cut excesses and fairly cheap. I don't know if they have that product in Germany:unsure:
yeah, I saw that stuff once on YouTube and was quite impressed by it, but I don't know if we have that here.

I chose the hard way and created every single tile with architect foam- paper boards, with which I also created the positives for the mold. it seems to work quite well. Today I'm going to apply the texture with papermache and later this week I'll paint them. fingers crossed that I'll not fudge it up.