Blade Runner Blaster Holster Help.


Well-Known Member
Hiya! I was wondering if anyone has experience in leather work here in the UK?

I have a Safariland holster that needs to be modded ie cut to size. LMK



For a little information about what you will find when you cut into that 8" holster you can check out what I found inside my 8" holster on this blog post. There's some interesting components inside all that leather...

For a little information about what you will find when you cut into that 8" holster you can check out what I found inside my 8" holster on this blog post. There's some interesting components inside all that leather...

For a little information about what you will find when you cut into that 8" holster you can check out what I found inside my 8" holster on this blog post. There's some interesting components inside all that leather...

Thanks! Love this blog. This will help a lot!
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Skin-Job got back to me. It’s a difficult task to mod this holster. I will just keep it as that, a shoulder holster. Now to find a hip holster for my blaster.

Thank you all. :)
wait, that is so weird... apparently dr_slurpee is not Karl, he signs John.
BUT, the deborah we need to pay to is the same person that I paid when I was dealing with Karl several years back and the box I received from the UK for the PR parts were sent by KarlD! so I don't know, I guess dr_slurpee was just a middle man this time and I assume he was the same person.

edit: I even addressed him as Karl in our PMs :lol:
Correct SkinJob and I aren’t the same. For the pulse rifle stuff I did the design work etc and production of the parts happened in the UK. I sadly cannot help with any leatherwork.
Correct SkinJob and I aren’t the same. For the pulse rifle stuff I did the design work etc and production of the parts happened in the UK. I sadly cannot help with any leatherwork.
understodd and sorry for the confusion. i really thought you were KarlD, it was a big surprise to receive a package with his name on it. I guess it's important to disclose who you are working with when doing a run :)
understodd and sorry for the confusion. i really thought you were KarlD, it was a big surprise to receive a package with his name on it. I guess it's important to disclose who you are working with when doing a run :)
While I can appreciate that people may want transparency in cases where there has been some sort of wrongdoing (not this case ha ha), I occasionally have projects with people who for personal or professional reasons want to remain behind the scenes.

Of course this is all tangential to the topic at hand. ;) From my knowledge of the BR holster it's likely a better bet to buy a really good replica, but if you're keen to find someone to mod yours I hope you're able to for sure!