Best Gun Design

In my opinion...classic Battlestar laser.
Well, the Samaritan is pretty damn mean as well.
I just like big guns.

Maybe I'm compensating. :lol
it's not a prop, but the desert eagle is the best looking gun i've ever seen...

...Agent Smith gun? :love
Prop - Lawgiver

IRL - Automag (Sudden Impact)
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All of the guns from The Fifth Element!



Korben Blaster
Mangalore Rifle
Mangalore Pistol
Police Blaster
Z-140 Alleviated titanium, Neurocharged assault model
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OP wasn't too specific, so I'm going to stay in the science-fiction genre:

Except for the first one, no particular order (off the top of my head):

Blade Runner - Deckard's blaster
Logan's Run - Sandman Deep Sleep gun
Equilibrium - Grammaton Cleric gun
Judge Dredd - Lawgiver II
The Fifth Element - Korbin's gun
The Fifth Element - ZF-1
The Fifth Element - Z-140
Aliens - M-41A Pulse Rifle
Firefly - Mal's pistol
All great guns to be sure!

I was a Blade Runner man till I laid eyes on HellBoy's Samaratin. No looking back for me!