Behemoth Build WIP (with pics)

There were a few areas I didn't like, that I am currently resculpting. Here's some progress.


If enough people need it, I think I can look into getting my webcam up again ... but I'm not sure what exactly to do ... I guess I'll try a Q&A while sculpting at some point? XD
If enough people need it, I think I can look into getting my webcam up again ... but I'm not sure what exactly to do ... I guess I'll try a Q&A while sculpting at some point? XD
Yep. also i think, we can ask few people to make video tutorials for us and load it to the forum. LunaticNic, Wreav, TRI LASER - for example. i am sure we can find masters of skills and ask them. i dont know - good idea\bad idea?
we can start the new topic about it, if it is realy good idea.
Got some more work done on the gauntlet. While I was doing so, my epoxacoat red, and free form air arrived ... of course my personal professional box-inspector quickly came to my aid to ensure the box met quality standards.


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