Behemoth Build WIP (with pics)

Tiger Claw, Behemoths Head "technically" took me 3 months to sculpt since I started in November XD however I had the issue of running out of clay a few times :p then I took some extra time while sculpting to make sure I really liked the over all design. Also I had some issues with the mandibles while molding, so I ended up making a new pair.
I hope to have Behemoth done by the end of the year, but I'm fine with it not being done until 03/02/18 ;P
Hey Nic, IIRC, your 1st head sculpt was a bad blood hunter, is Berserker a Bad blood this time? Cause you've got a Yautja skull as your shoulder armour :)

The scales are insane.. :D
Thanks! ;)
Here's also the foot and shin armor for Behemoth ... unfortunately I messed up the proportion to the leg and ran off the page XD
However it's mostly to have my imagination down on paper ;)

well the old tooth mold broke, and I'm having all sorts of trouble with making the mandibles out of latex, so I will be making them out of resin instead. already have the new tooth molded and cast, and here is what the new vs the old looks like

I didn't stop Isobumo, I just decided not to share the immense amount of issues I had XD
anyway, here is the work in progress mandible 3.0
I will be making these out of resin instead of latex.

Indeed Vrystolf, the build is labeled "Behemoth" after all :D

Just got this in, including a tri laser from Casey. Very happy with the quality, and it may just fit Behemoth if I tuck in the mandibles once it's a latex mask.

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