Assassin's Creed series costume projects (AC3 tomahawk on 6-1-12 -page 6)

Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-20-11 -page 4)

Haven't checked this thread for a while. Wow! Love all new updates since last time :D you're so awesome! ^-^
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-20-11 -page 4)

man i gotta subscribe to this thread. some really amazing work here.
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-20-11 -page 4)

man thats good,ive always fancied one of these oufits.
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-20-11 -page 4)

Hi again guys! Was hoping to update sooner, but had slogged about a bit, a GL symbol commish, and more handsewing (which means lots of slow progress bleh)

Thanks for subbing JackAce (and everyone else who has! hope it could be of use to ya on either this or other projects :) )

So, I really liked the doublet/vest to wear it as day-to-day hoodie when done, so didn't want to directly attach tails to it. Here's a couple pics of the hood, and i'm 95% happy with it! The middle panels are a more rigid interfacing, which is helping it keep its shape. the rest is interfaced with a softer form of interfacing.


Last night i took out the whole ACR skirt/tails thing. I decided in the end that I'll be making a separate "skirt" that has all of the tails and sashes on them. he tails and such were pinned to the inner tunic of my dummy, put the outer doublet on it and used a chalk marker thinger to lay where the doublet ends.

After taking everything off the dummy, I put it on my fiance to make sure it all sat straight, and safety pinned a fabric sash to it. After unpinning (the straight pins) I seed the tails & dangly bits sash to the sash.

It all got sewn down, turned over and sewn to a tube like- shape there. I used an old raggedy belt to put it all on.

It buckles in the back, and though the sash turned out a bit short, it should work fine for the costume, since that are will be hidden under the doublet.
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Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-24-11 -page 4)

You're doing an amazing job, This is by far my favorite project to see unfold.
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-24-11 -page 4)

And again you raise the bar above the rest... Great work as always :)

Some day I really have to takle down a Brotherhood Ezio... I till think it's my favourite costume so far ;)
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-24-11 -page 4)

Thanks Art!

Ramiel- Don't think i can really pick a favorite to be honest :3

A friend of mine has been using mirrachrome for his swords, and I've been considering getting the system.. he chromed up an insignia, and I got it back yesterday! VERY VERY happy with this. if i can get the funds to get this rolling (its about half a grand ouch), I'm on this <3

click for larger image

I know i don't have even remotely enough time to get the embroidery done (or even started) before Dragon*con, but I went and laid it out with a silver sharpie. The bleprints done way back were transferred using a technique I posted previously .

With the exception of the lower skirt design, there's been at least 2 variations of all of the embroidered parts (between preview walkthroughs, the cgi trailer, promo art etc), so I'm picking the ones I personally like the most vs. sticking to one variant)

As I have time, I'll embroider right over the sharpie, but in the meantime, it's an okay placeholder.


Again with the faux fur from Mary Jo's.. I didn't want it to me all floppy, so I made a base out of craft foam.

The top got a nice thick coat of Super 77 spray adhesive, and the fur was laid over that. The underside was covered with adhesive backed felt, and i trimmed it so the felt is stuck to the fur backing around the edges. Its pretty dang stubborn stuff, so that'll keep the fabric from fraying around the edges.

I may wind up doing this over, cuz it was rushed and doesn't sit just how i want it, but at least it was quick and easy to do!
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-24-11 -page 4)

Absolutely top notch work as always :)
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-27-11 -page 4)

Unreal artistry... thanks for sharing ...
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-27-11 -page 4)

Man this is looking amazing! Can not wait to see it completed... I myself have to start work on an ezio costume for November... But first I need a job :cry
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Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 8-27-11 -page 4)

Whoo, okay, The last week was Dragon*con, and it was a ton of panicking and overnighters and the like.. apologies for the abbreviated wips here, as the camera again kept getting misplaced in the chaos.

Did the straps for the straps for the pauldrons and such, though I never found where the 3rd mystery strap goes. It wound up getting pinned to the tunic for the convention, and I'll figure it out now that the con is over.

Sculpted the metal bits for the pauldron flat, then molded it, and cast it in smoothcast 325

The rerebrace was made with a sintra brace, with leather formed over it. The straps were bolted on, and the cast bits are glued on.

The hook for the blade and the disk for the belt and back of the pauldron rigging were sculpted while on the pre registration line, as well as partial bits of a couple other bits. These were complete by the time I got home, so they were baked, sanded, dropped in silicone, and cast before I went to bed.

The hook got a little spring on the inside, which is design to help it pop up, and the sides will come into contact with the sides of the casing when retracted, which will return it to its locked position. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to finish it off.

Wound up staying home on Friday, because too much needed to be done. Amongst the work was the boots, which were a bit of a speedbuild. I got the greaves partially done at least.
rubbed the boots down with some acetone to strip the finish, and dyed it darker

Sketched out the plans, and tooled them as fast as possible.

They were dyed, and the trim painted silver. These will most likely be redone though, in a similar fashion to the rerebraces. I'll probably use vitaflex or some other urethane rubber, since that's easier to glue down than silicones.

After sewing I wet the seams and used a block as an anvil of sorts to flatten the inside

This was photographed out of order, but here's a couple photos of the progress.

The outfit was VERY hot, and between that, being hella tired, terribly sore feet, and needing to offer it up to the laundry gods (made everything machine washable yay! ) i spruced up my ac2 gear and wore that on Sunday instead. If i can find some convention photos of the ACR outfit (its current state) I'll post them.

Wound up meeting up with old con friends who were used to looking for a white hood lol. Fun times were had before we had to get home..

The evening ended with finding out that my van got booted :p
The problem got fixed, but we call templar shenanigans
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 9-6-11 -page 4)

Damn them templars!!! :D

Everytime i look at your work i'm stunned at the level of craftsmanship in all the details...leather work, sculpting and molding, embroidery...amazing.
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 9-6-11 -page 4)

love love love the leatherwork.
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 9-6-11 -page 4)

Oh man, I wish I could figure this costume out as well as you've managed. Amazing work.
Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 9-6-11 -page 4)

Inspiring!!! My wife is about to start on an Ezio from AC2. Thank you so much for posting your work!
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