Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (Update 29/01/2017)

Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

I'd totally be willing to buy a wooden blank if you decided to sell them.
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

If someone wanted to vac form a Pepsi Perfect bottle from the wooden blank, what material would be need so you can drink out of it and how thick would it need to be? I don't have a vac former, so this is all hypothetical.

And how is that interest thread coming along?
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Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

You might be better off using the process they have for regular pepsi bottles. You have a negative mold and a plastic blank that looks like a test tube.

Heat that up, stick it inside the mold and expand it with compressed air. The screw top would be wrong but im not sure how you would make that.
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

Heck of a project ! Love these bottles, and love what you are doing :)
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

If you wanted to vacform from the wooden blank, you would have great difficulty forming a seal along the longitudinal join. You may be better as skint says, blow moulding in a negative made of plaster or similar, the top of the pepsi perfect is resin so the screw cap wont matter, it may actually help with attachment.
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

I think the best way for these is the simplest - mold & resin
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

Thanks for the advice guys, I'm gonna try and get hold of some bondo if I can find any in this country

Missed this post earlier.

The equivalent available in the UK is called "Milliput". Tons on-line & in hobby shops
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

Missed this post earlier.

The equivalent available in the UK is called "Milliput". Tons on-line & in hobby shops

dont wanna sound picky but miliput is epoxy putty where as bondo is car body filler but it wont help much as he's in the Philippines
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

dont wanna sound picky but miliput is epoxy putty where as bondo is car body filler but it wont help much as he's in the Philippines

Well, I learn something new every day then.

Whatever it is, in my experience using it, it has served the exact same purpose and has had the same result as bondo would.

Didn't notice the Phillipines bit though
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

The problem with making it out of the plastic tube would be that it would be way too flimsy like a normal soda bottle. The Pepsi Perfect bottle in my opinion should be hard plastic that has little to no flex. I think I'll go with Alan Castillo's idea if I ever get the time.
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Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

Heck of a project ! Love these bottles, and love what you are doing :)

Thanks Alan that means a lot considering I have seen pics of your awesome collection in another thread.

I have had to lathe another bottle as the first one started to develop a split in the wood, I'm guessing due to the humid weather here recently. I have also decided that I can offer blanks at $25 a pop, the only down side is shipping from the Philippines is crazy expensive which may put most people off :(
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

Thanks Alan that means a lot considering I have seen pics of your awesome collection in another thread.

I have had to lathe another bottle as the first one started to develop a split in the wood, I'm guessing due to the humid weather here recently. I have also decided that I can offer blanks at $25 a pop, the only down side is shipping from the Philippines is crazy expensive which may put most people off :(

Maybe people would be more interested to buy them if you decided to cast clear resin blanks for people to finish themselves. And possibly colored ones for the other sodas if the interest is there. I think this way people would be more inclined to buy. Maybe even offer stickers for sale. I can see this becoming a good little business.
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

I wonder if ordering a big batch of custom bottles from a manufacturer would be possible. Blank bottles of course with no logo.

For instance, I found this company:

SKS Bottle & Packaging - Custom Molds

or what about Shapeways???

Something the size of a Pepsi Perfect bottle would cost way too much. Just one ankle buckle from cloneprops for the Nike MAGs is almost $24.
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (NEW PIC PAGE 3)

Does anyone know the dimensions of the fliptop straw? I am going to be creating these pieces this week and would like to get as accurate as possible.

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