Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread. (Update 29/01/2017)

Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

I would love to get an aluminum set (Slice, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Perfect).
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

oooooh, that would look pretty neat. Perhaps red (slice) and blue (pp) anodized where appropriate? the Diet Pepsi could be white powdercoated as well.

Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

Yup, the aluminium can will be used for a slice and diet pepsi, the pepsi perfrct will be cast in resin.
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

Yup, the aluminium can will be used for a slice and diet pepsi, the pepsi perfrct will be cast in resin.

Could you make an aluminum Pepsi Perfect? It would be cool to have it...
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

Hi Gary,

Thanks so much for this, they will be a big help. I'll post some update pictures this afternoon.
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

I have reworked the bottle model using the template Gary supplied of the Pepsi Perfect bottle. Firstly it was great to see that my own measurements were not that far off, but it's great to get the model to a point that's its close to screen accurate.


I'll be working on the logos this afternoon so hopefully I should have some progress pictures by tonight of those.

Once again a big thanks goes out to Gary for his help on this.

Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

Nitrox. Looks great. You did get really close with your first pass - that's too cool.
Regarding the labels. The rubbings were taken directly off the bottles, but they are not perfect by any means. A case in point is the L on the Slice logo. Near the top the rubbing and your graphic have a notch cut out. That really shouldn't be there. The bottle was a tad beaten over the years and there was a small dent on the bottle/graphics in that spot. The letter should be solid as shown below.

View attachment 143565

I have more pics of the originals and will try to get them converted and uploaded after the DFW Prop Party this weekend.
Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

Hey Gary,

I see what you mean with the slice logo, I've also noticed the orange is off as well. It should be a full circle as instead of the orange shape I made.

It's all part of the learning curve though so its fine, i'm just glad I have you new photo to use as a reference. That makes a big difference.

I owe you a couple of beers Gary!

Re: Another BTTF Pepsi Perfect Build Thread.

If I'm pleased with the results then for sure I'll do a small run.

This looks liking it is shaping up really well! You were pretty darn close on the model before used the tracing. Good eye!

I'd definitely be in for one or two if you end up doing a run.
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