Hmmm... The more I think about it, the more I'm beginning to doubt the possibility. But it did make for some interesting conversation.
Unlike the Obi ANH, the Luke ANH from Icons supposedly met the full run of 10,000, plus all the varied editions from MR (including FX?), would put you at right about 25,000, right? Then add in Larbel, Parks, et al, and MAYBE you could double that.
For the original, that would be an average of 1000 pieces per year of production, which seems a bit low. Initially, 10,000 a year may have been likely, though that number would have diminished through it's run as demand waned. So a low number of 250,000 to a high of 500,000 is possible. Even in that case, the originals only outnumber the replicas by 10-to-1.
Given that they have reportedly been thrown out "by the box full", it is possible that there are now more replicas in existence than originals.